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Author Topic: hyperparathyroidism - help!  (Read 2705 times)


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hyperparathyroidism - help!
« on: May 04, 2018, 09:14:31 AM »

Hi ladies
It has been a long time since I needed your help, but here we are again.
I am having tests for hyperparathyroidism and my consultant has said surgery is highly likely to remove one of the parathyroid glands.
Has anyone had this operation and can give me advice please. I am terrified!
I have appointments for scans on my thyroid, kidneys and bone density and I need to do a 24hr urine collection and have loads of blood test! I do not like the sound of the thyroid one as they inject something into your veins . I am needle phobic, which doesn't help!
Hopefully someone can help me.
PN x


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Re: hyperparathyroidism - help!
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2018, 10:39:56 PM »

Sorry to hear you are worried about your calcium issues.
I have the opposite to you i don't have enough calcium in my blood due to my parathyroids not working.

Please try not to worry you will feel so much better when they locate your naughty parathyroid ...they will remove it and all will be well again.
I have had thyroid scans with the dye, it was no problem no worse than a blood test the worst part was keeping still whilst they did the scan...they need to do this to locate the right gland out of 4.

Blood tests are needed to check your PTH and calcium levels and kidney function, urine tests to see how much calcium you are weeing out and also calcium will be leaking out of your bones that's why you need the bone density scan.

All this is reversible and you will feel so much better must be having some horrible symptoms?... Calcium issues are not nice whether too much or not enough .

My calcium is low tonight so I am feeling shivery tingly and it causes anxiety with crazy heart palps, also cramps.

Sometimes my calcium will go high if I need a medication adjustment then I feel bone pain ,headaches constipation and nausea, and depression.

Good luck and I know how you feel ..try not to worry xx


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Re: hyperparathyroidism - help!
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2018, 07:32:06 PM »

Thank you crazydaisy, for replying with such re-assurance. Especially as you really understand from personal experience. I am sorry you also suffer - is an op on the cards for you?
Yes I have all those rotten feelings but never knew why it was. I have had annual blood and urine tests for a few years now due to a 'slight problem' with my kidneys not functioning properly.
The consultant explained they have also been checking my thyroid levels and I never knew!! Further action was not taken as apparently my levels were up and down each time. Now they are consistent which is why they are investigating further. He seems pretty sure the op is on the cards
It would be really great if this takes away all these symptoms, albeit really scary for me. I do try to work through and ignore them but sometimes it is very hard to do so.
All the best to you and many thanks
PN x


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Re: hyperparathyroidism - help!
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2018, 01:07:22 PM »

Hello Purplenanny
I have been where you are will be better!
I had a parathyroidectomy in October of last year...after being diagnosed whilst seeking HRT including Testosterone for my symptoms...The nuclear medicine scan is calledd a Sestimibi scan and I found it not a problem... ...please have a look st a site Hyperparathyroidism Action for Change  and f2f group absolutely hugely helpful and was invaluable to me..i am sorry I am rushing this..i will be back later..


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Re: hyperparathyroidism - help!
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2018, 07:08:53 PM »

Thanks very much Bridget, I will take a look.
PN x


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Re: hyperparathyroidism - help!
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2018, 07:46:06 PM »

Tell your medical staff that you are needle phobic NOW!  I have held the hand of many a man who didn't like needles ........... deciding a subject for discussion prior to the appt..  Whilst the Doctor did the needle work I discussed with the patient at the top end - job done.  If I lived near you I would come along and hold you hand.  You really are not unique.  Maybe a relaxant could be given? 


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Re: hyperparathyroidism - help!
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2018, 08:24:37 AM »

I wish you could too! The nearer it gets the more nervous I'm getting. I can't tell them before the appt I don't think. ...I'll re look at the letter
Thanks CLKD x