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Author Topic: Blood Pressure High since came off HRT  (Read 2955 times)


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Blood Pressure High since came off HRT
« on: May 02, 2018, 07:34:03 AM »

I posted recently about how after coming off hrt slowly since last August, my hot sweats, poor sleep, fatigue, painful knees (not had that before) and poor memory has hit me so hard can hardly operate. Work is really stressful -too many vacancies so working long hours, boss adding to stress - but not sure I can blame all my bad focus on that, and anyway some of the stress is because making so many mistakes and getting complaints.  So have been trying to see gp to go back on hrt - had tests for diabetes and thyroid which were fine, went back for blood pressure and was really shocked - I have always been around 110/70 but am now 155/80 - I was always low whilst on hrt. This is very annoying as they wont let me go back on hrt if blood pressure is high, and thought of feeling like this for much longer is making me stressed.  I really want to feel well before I go on my first holiday away on my own for years in just a few weeks time.

Has anyone else had bp problems after coming off hrt? I went on hrt (Angelique) at 47 and am now 58 -hence thought I should come off -ha ha. Was concerned about increase risk of stroke and narrow arteries (which is what my mum had) However recently read article that talks about protective effect of hrt -even beyond 60. Wish I had stayed on.

I do have some hrt and am very tempted to try going back on slowly to see if blood pressure comes down. Janouska


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Re: Blood Pressure High since came off HRT
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2018, 01:50:45 PM »

Hi Janouska

Sorry I can't help re the BP and the effect of taking HRT - but was this a one-off reading? It could be white coat syndrome. I would recommend getting a home monitor eg Omron (they are not expensive) and measure it regularly yourself. In fact the surgery should have sent you home with a monitor with a reading like this I would have thought ( my husband was when he had a high reading at docs - it's fine now - he measures it at home!).

There are plenty of ways to reduce BP naturally anyway - losing weight if necessary and taking more exercise are two. Also cutting out/down salt. I'll find a link for you - here you go:

If you have raised BP then transdermal HRT is recommended so once it's under control no reason not to restart if you are struggling - especially as you have only stopped HRT recently and are still under 60. Here is what it says on this website about hypertension and HRT:

Blood pressure should be measured and, if high, should be controlled prior to starting HRT. Blood pressure measurement should be repeated 3 months after starting HRT and is then usually checked at annual review. There is a very small risk of conjugated equine estrogens causing a rise in blood pressure which resolves on cessation of treatment. In the presence of controlled hypertension, HRT is unlikely to worsen control; some recommend using transdermal (patch or gel) HRT.
Sage should be used with caution if hypertensive and St.John's Wort should be used with caution if taking antihypertensive therapy.

Hurdity x

Mary G

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Re: Blood Pressure High since came off HRT
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2018, 02:51:38 PM »

Janouska, what a pity you stopped taking HRT. 

I can tell you that the lower my oestrogen levels, the higher my blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  I would definitely start taking the Angeliq again immediately and would put money on your blood pressure coming down.  You are not going to harm yourself by taking it again so I would just do it otherwise you will find yourself trapped by a doctor who won't let you take HRT again until your blood pressure reduces and struggling to reduce your blood pressure because your oestrogen levels are too low.  My mother and aunt both developed high blood pressure post menopause and sadly my aunt died of a stroke aged 57.

Are you in the UK?  If so, you are lucky to get Angeliq because it is expensive.  I used to buy it at the pharmacy in Spain and it cost about €23.00 per pack. 

By the way, it's the other way around, you are more at risk of a stroke and clogged arteries through having low oestrogen.


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Re: Blood Pressure High since came off HRT
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2018, 06:01:26 PM »


I seem to have recently been hit with some more severe late peri menopause symptoms and my blood pressure went up at times. It fluctuates and goes up each time I have some symptoms and before that (even 6 months ago or so it was fine). I am taking some BP reducing tablets but this is tricky as BP is not consistently high and does not help with any of the other symptoms which have got quite bad now especially insomnia. I asked about HRT and GP also mentioned that BP needs to be lower for me. This is understandable but like a vicious circle and BP fluctuates.

Are you currently taking some BP lowering medication? Your GP should not judge your BP from one reading alone. 


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Re: Blood Pressure High since came off HRT
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2018, 08:14:45 PM »

Thank you all for your advice. I do have a home monitor. Had it for some years - used it for my mum who did have high bp (was never on hrt) and who died of narrowed arteries/stroke (only found out after her death).  I have very low blood pressure usually, so used to get dizzy, cold and migraines. It used to drop to below 90/60 when having a migraine. I was on hrt 12 years, had very few migraines - natural decrease I think cos of menopause - and used to get bp checked every few months and was always low, certainly not higher than 120/70 so am in shock.  I went to the nurse very confident it would be low and I was going to be allowed back on hrt.

She was not my normal nurse though - new system means I could not see her (grrr) but this nurse could not prescribe anyway so got to go back after I have done some monitoring to my original nurse (hurrah - she was sympathetic before and admitted that hrt saved her!)  I am monitoring for a week - but of course am stressed because don't want to be denied going back on hrt! My brain is so unfocused and foggy I am scared I am going to lose my job if something not done soon.  I went to gym yesterday and when came back bp had dropped (hurrah I thought!)

Woke at 4.30 this morning so thought a good time to do some readings for my form. Sadly was 164/85 so disappointed. Went back to bed with a cuppa and waiting and took it again at 8 and was much lower. So seem to be swinging about and I know that it does throughout the day - and not getting the cuff right and at right level can make a difference too. (when the nurse took it in the surgery my arm was on my lap which may have made it higher I guess).  So will see what nurse says next week when she sees my readings. I don't suppose worrying about it is helping. And of course I have been getting loads of flushes now - and not sure how much is hormone and how much bp.  I look as white as a sheet though so not your typical look of someone with bp.

Sorry am rambling...sadly got to go to work now (council election count) - hope I keep awake until midnight!

The good thing is we can speak about this now - my poor mum suffered badly with menopause, but in the 70s women were just thought hysterical or it was just amusing. I am making people speak about it at work - we have a forum set up. All manager were invited to it - not many men came sadly - but those that did were pretty shocked to hear the experiences and just what some go through.

Thank goodness for this forum!   