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Author Topic: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim  (Read 51958 times)


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #90 on: December 01, 2019, 01:50:38 AM »

hi dotty

that's good to know !

i guess i'll see how things go would you agree take testosterone first then add progesterone as last resort as i don't have a womb or should i take progesterone first before testosterone !


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #91 on: December 02, 2019, 11:00:16 AM »

morning ladies

please help i'm having a complete freak out ! has anyone been on estrogen only and had hair shedding , then incorporated testosterone and it stopped and hair improved .

i'm due to start testosterone today and am so scared !

my dermatology want me to stop estrogel for 4 months as they believe it's what is causing my hair to shed and thin , ie not necessarily the medication but estradiol itself . menopause want to add testosterone as my levels are low but will this make my hairloss worse or improve it ! i want to turn the clock back can't cope anymore i started hrt to relieve the symtoms i was having mainly vaginally but it hasn't changed that at all and now i have moods up and down which may coincide with my estrogen levels being 368 on minite and then only 113 the next ! i don't know if i'm coming or going , dermatology have confirmed hairloss got worse in last 3 months and i can see and feel it but i'm scared to stop and scared to add in anything else i just wish i had been given all 3 hormones from the start like some women and then maybe my hairloss wouldn't of happened , i had some thinning around my face only minor in the 4 years i wasn't on hrt following hysterectomy and hair was lovely and thick and didn't have a widening parting but now hundred times worse !

hurdity are you out there need you advise right now


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #92 on: December 02, 2019, 02:13:31 PM »

Estrogen prolongs the anagen (growing) phase of hair so that shedding is reduced on estrogen.


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #93 on: December 02, 2019, 09:17:27 PM »


not for me my shedding has been triggered by starting estrogen and is getting worse i'm starting to think it is the estrogel would swapping to a different estrogen like sandrena gel or patch stop it shedding ?


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #94 on: December 02, 2019, 11:49:16 PM »

Sammiejane, I understand you're scared, especially if you've been on a hormonal rollercoaster. You could start with a very tiny amount of testosterone and see how it goes.

Don't bite my head off but I strongly believe you need more estrogen. In my opinion; if you're still haven't found relief of symptoms but menopause consultant or specialist told you your estrogen is sufficient because it's high enough to protect your bones than I would find another ''expert' on the double. Some women just need estrogen in higher doses, especially because you're still young.

If you felt better on patches then Estrogel then patches would be a better choice.

You've tried progesterone but you've experienced hot flashes, so if estrogen is already low then progesterone won't make it better.



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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #95 on: December 03, 2019, 12:12:47 AM »

hi alicess

my estrogen isn't classed as low any more hence why they have given me testosterone .

i've been under a dermatologist for hair loss and they have said it's telegen effluvium or chronic telegenic Eff which has been triggered by hormones the same as when women are pregnant they can shed hair . i understand that other issues can play a part but bloods all normal no autoimmune issues been tested the only thing that's changed is added in hormones and so many women seem to be loosing hair on the estrogel ! my hair was fine before i started hrt so it's either and imbalance in my opinion or medication i do have low T though x
all my symptoms are relieved ie hot flushes etc vaginal dampness still an issue but not as bad since i reduced ovestin i think my vagina was becoming to wet !
i will try a blob of testosterone and see it says every other day but i'll start just twice a week i think !


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #96 on: December 03, 2019, 10:04:27 AM »

hi lola50

i feel exhausted by going round in circles my menopause wasn't bothered by the fluctuating levels and yes i'm surgical menopause at 35 yrs no hrt for 4 yrs felt great no symtoms started hrt at 40 and felt awful last year on it and now have more issues then when i started.

menopause said i have enough estrogen to protect my bones which seems to be there only concern sod everything else my flushes have gone so when it dips to the low level it must still be enough my mood is more stable but vaginal and hair loss still an issue.

dermatology want me to stop estrogen to see if shedding stops then they will no for certain it is medication induced ! as i had no hairloss prior to starting hrt !

menopause disagree and think maybe a hormone imbalance as i have low T and this may help but then could make it worse .

i did a brief 5 weeks on the patch estradot 50 and upped to 75 to combat flushes but then they went out of stock and i chose estradot as it listed hairloss as a rare side effect whereby estrogel states post marketing results since estrogel came on the market have reported hairloss / alopecia but frequency is unknown ?

estradot suited me but then went out of stock so had to go back on the gel and i only swapped to the patch because the last two blood test i had showed my estrogen level drop from 195 to 104 and then recently it was 368 and then 10 days later 113 x testosterone has remained around 0.7, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9

so the plan menopause have said is not to change the estrogen as swapping to sandrena gel or a patch will make no difference , i disagree ? can't have tablets due to smoking and GI issues !

so the plan is add testosterone see what happens if dosent improve libido hair energy go up to 3 pumps estrogel and the. if still no improvement add in progesterone and if continues then to stop hrt as it won't be benefiting me in terms of the reasons i started taking it in the first place , i know my flushes will come back but to be honest they had pretty much gone with being 5  years post meno x i would still continue vaginal estrogen though


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #97 on: December 03, 2019, 10:07:52 AM »

morning ladies

please i need advice !

i have started my first pump of tostran today and applied to my abdomen ! i put it in this morning as i rub estrogel on at night to inner thighs,
it states in the leaflet to apply same time each day and alternate between inner thighs and abdomen . can i apply to inner thighs if i put estrogel there the night before ?

when is best to apply the testosterone and to what area !

how long till i notice it's effects ?

and anyone had side effects i could expect !

to be honest reading the leaflet didn't help as totally freaked me out. it says to apply one pump every other day but is this to much ?


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #98 on: December 03, 2019, 10:31:37 AM »

Hi I put the testosterone on my inner, lower arm and rub in with the other arm. I think it’s Professor Studd who advises this method.

I believe it can take 6 months for testosterone to reach full effect. You need to be patient .

I think I’ve explained in a previous post how the dosing of testosterone works. The latest guidance is to use 1 pump every other day. But everyone is different. I’ve used testosterone for nearly 2 years now and have had no side effects. X


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #100 on: December 07, 2019, 08:38:45 PM »

hi dotty hurdity

sorry forgot to add that i'm worried as it's been shedding on estrogen only it will continue regardless of the testosterone being added !

before hrt my hair got thicker through menopause and grew quicker and yes i lost hair when i washed it but not when i brushed now i get both hairs on the floor stuck to clothes on other people we find a random hair in cuboards lol it's upsetting me a great deal and if it doesn't improve then i have to stop it as i'm not willing to loose all my hair i already feel 80 when i'm 40 !

thanks ladies so nice having you all to talk to when one is so alone


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #101 on: December 07, 2019, 08:41:21 PM »


Hurdity x


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #102 on: December 07, 2019, 08:55:12 PM »

Hi. I have been using tostran gel for few months while HRT gel and utrogestan.   I'm bit confused when my specialist said one pump of tostran gel three times a week she did say every other day.  Doe s it mean use it on mon wed and Friday two days off then mon wed Friday. ?  Is that right. Let me know thanks


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #103 on: December 07, 2019, 08:59:26 PM »

Hi. I have been using tostran gel for few months while HRT gel and utrogestan.   I'm bit confused when my specialist said one pump of tostran gel three times a week she did say every other day.  Doe s it mean use it on mon wed and Friday two days off then mon wed Friday. ?  Is that right. Let me know thanks

I keep to the same days each week, Mon, Wed and Fri x


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Re: Testosterone gel products and doses - Testogel, Tostran, Testim
« Reply #104 on: December 08, 2019, 08:01:49 AM »

Hi hope you can help me out. I'm on Tostran gel along with HRT gel and utrigestan.   I was told to take on pump of tostran gel three times a week. Is that mean mon wed Friday two day off over the weekend then mon wed Friday?  Is that right ?   Let me know thanks
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