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Author Topic: Why has my dr fast tracked me  (Read 9176 times)


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #45 on: April 29, 2018, 08:32:52 AM »

If the doctor checked to see if you were imbalanced (in the sense of perimenopausal changes) then oestrogen and progesterone levels should have been included, I believe. However, I think I might have said this to you on NMP (but I'm losing track a bit lol) often those hormone levels can come back as normal, or 'unremarkable' even for perimeno women. Mine came back as normal, but my GP explained that it depends when bloods where taken, from which cycle they were taken - as everything is so erratic often a blood test won't be terribly helpful as it might not show the fluctuations. I believe I have low progesterone from my own reading and my GP agrees based on symptoms.

I also found out that high levels of stress and anxiety can cause the progesterone to be even lower - in times of anxiety your body (in basic terms) makes cortisol rather than progesterone and hence your periods can be even more erratic than normal erratic. Stress and anxiety can affect your period in just about every possible way.

I am trying hard myself on this front - to be less anxious about period changes - as also have been incredibly upset about hormone changes this year and how crappy they've made me feel. I have been getting very worked up about the heaviness of them. Its tough, but i have noticed that periods where I am more stressed and anxious are worse in terms of heavy bleeding than usual.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 08:35:39 AM by Charys »


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #46 on: April 29, 2018, 08:59:20 AM »

Hi charys, the hormone test I had was LH, TSH, and FS, that's all that was on the blood test, nothing else so I'm not sure is that the progesterone and esterogen, quite confused by these test, my night sweats are awful at the moment waking about 5 times a night really sweating, no heating on, also I've read that fibroids can be due to perimenopause, I'm trying to reason with myself that this is my issue and not some terrible illness, I'm sorry that I have gone on lately but I really have got myself in a state, feel slightly carmer today, trying to stay rational. Thanks Herbie xxx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #47 on: April 29, 2018, 10:07:49 AM »

OK, I don't know then about the test done - anyway - the same still applies apparently they are not that helpful for many in perimeno. Mine was also normal (I also have fibroids by the way) and I have no doubt I've been slowly erratically being erratic for 4 years lol. Your doctor has said quite clearly that they don't believe it to be anything to worry about - but you know what - even if it was , you can be treated (Just like many women on here have been) and move on with your life. You need to work on your fear of illness, no matter what wednesday shows/doesn't show. At some point in all our lives, luckily later rather than sooner for most, you will need to face an illness that needs treating.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 10:09:58 AM by Charys »


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #48 on: April 29, 2018, 10:21:08 AM »

You are probably going through The Change so nothing will be normal again.  Hormones rise and fall at this time of Life and it can make ladies feel dreadful. 

What do you think that menopause will be Herbie, surely night/day sweats or flushes are 'normal' at this time associated with a drop of oestrogen?

What's NMP Charys?


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2018, 10:29:29 AM »

Sorry CLKD, yes that was remiss of me to not explain more fully, it was mentioned earlier in the thread also - Herbie also posts on a site called 'No more Panic'.


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #50 on: April 29, 2018, 10:48:48 AM »

I do have lots of symptoms of perimenopause, thinning hair omg just fulls out in handfuls( luckily my hair was thick to start with now normal thickness), night sweats on and off, really foggy thinking, bruising really easy, anxiety, sleep disturbance, lack of pmt(no sore boobs, acne, moodiness, mouth ulcers, bloating, anymore) boobs used to go up a size the week before, obviously the fibroids which I have read can be linked to perimenopause, so I have loads of symptoms, also as I have mentioned before my mum had early perimenopause, menopause at 50, she also had really erratic bleeding weeks at a time, but she left hers. It's weird how some ladies on here have severe bleeding but the don't seem to get referred, I only had light bleeding, anyway I'm really sorry for being such a pain, it helps to hear over ladies have had these problem and have got through it xxxx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #51 on: April 29, 2018, 03:02:08 PM »

So having read the responses here: having spoken to your husband: how are you going to face the week?  Stop GOOGLING?  Listen to your GP/husband .........

I found relaxation therapy helped for a while.  Acceptance was difficult but acceptance cleared my head about many health issues I have suffered with since 1988.  Still here!



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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #52 on: April 29, 2018, 05:27:37 PM »

Ladies, why do I feel I can help others with there health anxiety, but not myself, I can see others worries are irrational, but not my own,  Herbie xx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #53 on: April 29, 2018, 08:27:11 PM »

Because fear hasn't any logic to it.  What ever your sensible side tells you, fear if physical.  Fight or flee is a natural response to danger which diverts blood from the gut into the legs ........ enabling us.  So if someone has constant anxiety then that can be self-feeding.



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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #54 on: May 02, 2018, 01:53:24 PM »

Was it today that you were going to your appointment? Hope that it went well and that you are less stressed.


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #55 on: May 02, 2018, 06:19:01 PM »

Hi cassie, yes I had the appointment this morning, thank you for remembering, went to gynocologist, almost walked out but my daughter and auntie made sure I didn't, when I went in I had a total melt down in front of the gynocologist, he was lovely reassured me there was nothing to worry about said my dr had been overly cautious as my scan results were pretty normal, had the Hysteroscopy didn't hurt at all, he said my uterus looked nice and healthy and lovely and pink and there wasn't anything concerning at all, took a biopsies to reinforce that, after he said everything looked fine and shouldn't see me again , and to book the holiday I had been talking about, I realised I started a new thread and I shouldn't have, anyway I've sent my referral off for my cbt, so hopefully if any thing like this happens in the future I will react differently, anyway thanks once again for asking.

Herbie xxxxx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #56 on: May 02, 2018, 07:20:25 PM »

So happy to heat that and you were very brave to have had a hysteroscopy there and then, I can barely  handle a papsmear, well done, hope you can relax now.


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #57 on: May 02, 2018, 08:01:02 PM »

Thank you so much, believe me it took everything I have to go, I'm the same I hate getting smears done, but I do go, because it would probably cause me more anxiety if I didn't, but believe me I am the worst person when it comes to anything medical. Thank you though you are really sweet thinking of me xxxxx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #58 on: May 02, 2018, 11:27:32 PM »

Now you have to try to learn from this experience.

You worked yourself up into a frenzy about nothing.  Everyone around you said it was nothing.  But you still were determined to believe it was terrible. 

Next time something goes a bit off-kilter, remember back to this and how everything was fine. 

I'm glad it went OK for you and now you need to move on and do something interesting and/or exciting.


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #59 on: May 03, 2018, 05:42:09 AM »

Thank you sue, yes I will learn from this plus I'm going to get cbt therapy, I'm still a little nervous waiting for the results, but I'm like this when I'm waiting for my smear results, most people probably think I over reacted, but in my head I could only think it was bad, it's so hard when you are wired that way, hopefully therapy will help me greatly.

Thanks Herbie xxxx
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