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Author Topic: Why has my dr fast tracked me  (Read 9171 times)


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Why has my dr fast tracked me
« on: April 26, 2018, 05:50:04 AM »

Ladies I know I keep going on, but I'm really am in a state, I can't sleep, I have panic attacks as I fall asleep, I'm not functioning, I'm so scared that my dr has fast tracked me to a gynocologist, in my head this means only one thing and that's all I can focus on, I think iam seriously heading for a break down, I know to most people this may be extreme, but my mental status isn't good at the moment, I've suffered with health anxiety most of my life, now it's as if my worst fears are coming true, please if anyone has been through a similar experience, please let me know. Xxxxx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2018, 06:19:20 AM »

Hi Herbie. 

How knowledgble was your GP about menopause?  I ask this because my GP fast tracked me for all sorts of tests when I went with what I was certain were menopausal symptoms and in hind sight I realise it was simply because menopause as a cause for the symptoms just wasn't part of his consciousness due to lack of knowledge.  He said my symptoms could be caused by any number of gynae issues and wanted to eliminate all of those possibilities first. I said all I wanted was HRT but he said he would be failing in his duty as a doctor if he didn't refer me for a barrage of tests first.  Because some of the POSSIBILITIES (and that's all they were!) were serious I was fast tracked and NOT because he was convinced I had something nasty, just because that's what they have to do.

Once I had gone through all the tests which took about 3 months, he agreed to consider menopause and HRT which has now been prescibed and many of the sympoms (including extreme anxiety) have subsided.

In all probability your worst fears are NOT coming true - your doctor is just following protocols.  Go with it.  It's good to get a thorough check over every now and then anyway. Please try not to panic - your body is no different today than it was the day before you saw the GP.  Having taken action to see your GP you are simply now on the path to feeling better.  I wish you good health and peace of mind in the near future x


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2018, 06:53:50 AM »

Thank you for your reply, how did you cope going through all the test xxx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2018, 07:16:07 AM »

The tests included blood tests, 2 kinds of ultrasound, a smear and a womb biopsy.  They just kept going and going with them until they were 100% satisfied they had followed the protocol for investigating my symptoms.  Nothing was found during any of them that indicated a need for another test but they did them all anyway because that's their job and their process.

The waiting for results so I could get on to the next test was annoying.  I kept wishing they could do it all in one day rather than having to have one thing done, wait for results, go to a review meeting with the consultant, wait for the appointment for the next test and on and on. I just tried to remain patient with it all by keeping in mind that the process was getting me to where I wanted to be - feeling better.  I lost my temper once with the GP because I felt so awful and just wanted to feel like my old self, fast.  I wanted him to put me on HRT straightaway while they were doing all these tests but he wouldn't until they were all done and the results were in.  Later, when all the tests had been done and I was on HRT and feeling better, calmer, happier etc I apologised to him and I now realise he was looking after me all along :-) x


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2018, 07:31:44 AM »

So so far I have had pelvic exam, cervix checked, blood test, pelvic ultrasound and now I am waiting for ahysteroscopy, on the scan they found adyomosis,fibroids and slight endometrial thickening that was 14 mm on day 18 of my cycle, I have read that this is still in the range of normal for menstruating women, it's just unnerved me that the go fast tracked me to a gynocologist xxxx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2018, 08:34:00 AM »

Turn things around in your mind Herbie if you can.  Your Dr is being very thorough, which in the current climate of the NHS is very reassuring.
There are some very knowledgeable ladies on this forum and I'm sure you will find the support you need :)
Good luck x


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2018, 08:36:18 AM »

Aw Herbie it's their job to fast track if any symptoms were to potentially be a nasty cause.  I've been fast tracked a few times that I can think of off the top of my head and I'm here proving that it's just to be on the safe side

I was rushed through for a brain scan (twice)
Breast scan
Pelvic scan with blood test to check for ovarian cancer

Try to Take comfort from our experiences, and I hope you manage to relax until you get your results xxx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2018, 09:16:57 AM »

It is quite normal to be under the two week fast track rule, although mine was breast related my gp fast tracked even though she was certain it was after effects of an infection which it was....I know it's hard but it is NHS practice to do that.
Will be thinking of you, it's not a nice place to be, hopefully on the day of the tests they may be able to give you some reassurance.


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2018, 09:43:26 AM »

As you have been reassured in several other posts, you are fortunate that your Dr is being thorough and there should be no cause for hysteria. I think it was CLKD who wisely said, whats the worst thing that can happen. Even in the highly unlikely event of it being endometrial cancer, its highly treatable, your lining was not that thickened and you also have a fibroid and the adenomysis (spelling) all these can cause spotting, I know its difficult but try not to harp on the worst case scenario or you will crack.What date is your appointment? Your anxiety is typical of peri meno I was exactly the same, a rub on gel with some progesterone or a patch would really make a big difference.

Mary G

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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2018, 10:29:00 AM »

Herbie, part of the problem is the NHS don't routinely offer uterine scans like other countries do, they are the exception in the UK, not the rule.   Places like Germany, France and Spain scan women routinely so these type of conditions are picked up all the time and seen as routine.  My German gynaecologist is shocked that the NHS scan women so infrequently.


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2018, 10:48:26 AM »

I suffer with Health Anxiety so I understand how you feel but for me, if someone gives me reassurance, it tends to help with the anxiety. I have a good friend who is a very positive person and does not suffer from anxiety yet she too got fast tracked for same reason as you and it did worry her (naturally). She had to wait a few weeks for her results and in that time, she had convinced herself it was bad news which is very unlike her but thankfully, all was well.

It's natural to worry but with Health Anxiety, the mind takes over and I understand that but you need to distract yourself or you are going to make it worse. Make sure you keep busy during the day. Try not to be on your own overthinking. Also, as Cassie says even if it were to be bad news (which I don't think it will be) it is very treatable.



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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2018, 08:23:21 PM »

You don't need to begin another thread as you may become 'lost' as the pages roll down  ::)

I have a phobia.  I understand constant anxiety.  I was often asked what the worst was that could happen ....... well for me it was  :beaurk:.  It infiltrated my dreams in the form of nightmares and still does when I am stressed.  No one could offer treatment.  No one could offer a way out.  I have been through many forms of counselling.

Your GP is acting correctly.  You are lucky that your Health Authority is able to 'fast track' patients.  Many areas are so under-funded that it is no longer possible, despite what the Government of the Day insists upon.  Maybe make a list to take to your appt., ask and note down the answers.  Professionals get au fait with giving information and often only part of what is required to put a person's mind at rest [I've worked with some of those too  >:(]. 

Let us know how you get on and do stick to one thread  ::)


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2018, 08:10:08 AM »

Morning ladies,

So I went to see my gp again yesterday, my gp from when I was a child, really weird because I haven't seen him for ages, he has reassured my mum in the past about her bleeding issues, anyway I went in there like an emotional wreak and told him my fears, anyway he sat there and explained everything went through my scan results and showed me them, only conclusion on the scan was  about a7 mm fibroid, no referral or anything, anyway he explained how's a fibroid can cause a thickened endometrium and cause heavy bleeding, he said there was nothing on the scan that alarmed him, it just precautionary to send for extra test, he said as for fast track, if they didn't I would be waiting for Christmas and with my anxiety isn't a good idea, anyway I told him I thought I had cancer and he said there nothing on the scan no mass etc, and he's words were, I don't think you have cancer, he also went on to say he thinks I dont have a problem down there, but the problem is in my head, he was really funny and reassuring, anyway I came out the crying with relief and feeling loads better, obviously I'm still a it anxious but not like I was, I've also read that endometrial thickness can still be classed as normal up to16 mm in the second half of your cycle, and mine was 14 mm on day 18 of my cycle, so that reassuring as well, also in perimenopause it's very common for women to have a thickened endometrium, the other thing that reassuring is I do not have any risk factors of ec, so hopefully I will be ok, anyway I so sorry for being so annoying,
But it make me feel better when I chat to others who have or have been through a similar situation.

Herbie xxxx


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2018, 08:18:16 AM »

You R not annoying.  MM is the place where others have experienced Health Anxiety, worries about menopause etc..   Well done on your GP 4 being so understanding  :medal:  hang on to him, he sounds like he knows what he is talking about.

How do you feel this morning?


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Re: Why has my dr fast tracked me
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2018, 08:38:30 AM »

Was ok , now convicted the fibroid is a leiomyosarcoma, and I received my appointment this morning for next Friday, now I feel crap again, but thank you for asking xxxx
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