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Author Topic: Post menopause bleeding for past year  (Read 2026 times)


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Post menopause bleeding for past year
« on: April 17, 2018, 04:58:55 PM »

Hi I am new to the forum and was wondering if anybody has had similar problems to myself. I am coming up for 47 years and have been post menopause for last three years. Concerned about my future heart and bone health along with extreme tiredness, low mood and joint pain ( I did have hot flushes and night sweats but these were not the major symptoms for me) I started oral hrt which caused bad migraines so GP stopped after three months. Three months after that I had a bleed which lasted approx two weeks varying flow. I was referred to gynaecologist at local hospital where I had biopsy vaginal scan and hysteroscopy with D&C and nothing was found. This was around May 2017. Then I continued to have random bleeds lasting a day or two with varying flow. Gynaecologist put me on patch hrt July of last year ( Evorel Conti) I started to feel great mood lifted, joint pain disappeared and had slightly more energy (still no libido but that is another story!). Three months in I started heavy bleeding approx 1-2 weeks out of the month moderate flow this has become worse and since November I have been heavy bleeding for three weeks out of four. Last week Gynaecologist took me off the patches and now I have to go through the same investigations as before. I have asked for a hysterectomy which was not met with enthusiasm. Has anyone had similar experiences? Sorry for long post. ::) Rhian


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2018, 07:22:49 PM »

Hello Rhiannon and welcome :)

I'm quite new myself and there are marvellous people who will give you lots of support/advice, but I think you need to post this on the New Members section so everyone will see it.

Hopefully one of the more experienced bods will be along in a moment to tell you how..

Good luck :)


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2018, 07:33:08 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM Rhian
Why not ask if you can have a Mirena fitted as this will control the problematic bleeding and you can simply add in some oestrogen as gel or patch alongside. Look under TREATMENTS on this site to find out more. DG x


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2018, 09:16:06 PM »

Thanks for the reply , yes Mirena was mentioned but am a little afraid due to bad experience with a coil in the past, but am willing to try anything to stop the bleeding.


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2018, 09:22:46 PM »

The Mirena is different - the old coils were much more problematic.
The Mirena delivers a low level amount of progesterone more directly to where it is needed and will usually solve problematic bleeding and shrink fibroids etc and this is why it is so popular.
An ablation may be another option. Keep us posted. DG x


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2018, 09:26:01 PM »

Will do thanks have a vaginal uss on 26 th then seeing gynaecologist on 2nd of May for biopsies, hopefully nothing has appeared in the last year! Rhi


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2018, 08:06:06 AM »

So I had the vaginal uss on 26th April, nothing obvious seen and was told womb lining was 5 ( last year was 8). I am thinking to decline more biopsies and hysteroscopy on the 2nd May when I see the consultant. My reasoning is that since stopping hrt the bleeding has stopped. I just feel that I will have investigations for nothing???? Am I thinking correctly, also I am considering not going back on hrt and to try natural supplements, also my symptoms are not too bad I am just worried about my future heart and bone health. Any advice really appreciated........Rhi


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2018, 08:12:25 AM »

That was supposed to be a number eight not a smilie!!


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2018, 09:24:18 AM »

HI Rhian

Problematic bleeding on any conti HRT can be an issue.  You are still young and quality of life is very important as well as protecting your heart and bones.  If the erratic bleeding was your only side effect with HRT and in other ways the HRT was improving things, then it might well be worth continuing HRT but as I suggested, try the Mirena if you want a non bleed HRT regime or stick to a sequential HRT which gives a predictable monthly bleed - many women stick with a sequi HRT, well into post meno, as it gives fewer problems and side effects.
I had an early menopause and tried being without HRT for 3 years from the age of 49 - I now refer to these years as my lost years as I did feel awful most of the time.  When I went back on HRT I tried all types of conti HRTs but got too many side effects but the Mirena with Oestrogel proved a good option at that time.  Now 62, I have been without HRT for 2 years due to awful cramps and erratic bleeding with any HRT (my uterus simply didn't want to play ball any longer) and now my low energy, headaches and joint issues have to be managed - I do miss the energy oestrogen gives.

If you can really get your diet in peek condition and do a lot of weight baring exercise, do lots of relaxation techniques and pull back on as much stress as possibly in your life, then you may well be fine for the longer term.
Why not take a break for 3 months, keep a diary and see how you feel about what you want to do?   Perhaps ask for a bone scan to see if your density is OK? DG x


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2018, 10:15:32 AM »

Thank you so much for the advice , I've had a bone density scan and all is fine, will update you following appointment tomorrow and good discussion with Consultant. Thank you Rhi


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Re: Post menopause bleeding for past year
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2018, 06:29:50 PM »

Hi Rhian1971


I would definitely try a seqeuntial HRT as Dancinggirl has suggested. The problem with the continuous combined HRT types is you cannot alter one hormone without the other, so as she said you should get a predictable bleed on Evorel sequi - if this suits you otherwise.

Is there a possibility that ovulation resumed spontaneously - especially as you went through an early menopause? Had you had a Mirena leading up to your last period (when you were 43) or maybe  the mini pill or the combined oral CP? As you are still young maybe this could have happened and could explain your prolonged bleeding?  However as you say your womb lining is of normal thickness so perhaps this is unlikely. Maybe no need for a biopsy again - although consultant may advise you to go ahead just to be on the safe side?

Personally I would try to find an HRT that suits you due to your age and ongoing symptoms. The other alternative to  Evorel sequi (or Femseven sequi - also fixed amounts of oestrogen and prog) is a patch or gel oestrogen and separate progesterone like Utrogestan (taken orally or vaginally). I am almost 65 and I'm still on cyclical HRT - have been for 11 years apart from a few months in 2011 when I tried conti HRT.

Good luck with your appt and let us know how you get on :)

Hurdity x