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Author Topic: New member - query re Prempak C and cycloprogynova 2mg  (Read 1404 times)


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New member - query re Prempak C and cycloprogynova 2mg
« on: April 15, 2018, 06:13:53 PM »

Hi, I'm new to this forum but not new to menopause having gone through it surgically at 31 and had both ovaries removed due to endometriosis.  I'm now 47.
I've been on hrt since my surgery and was quite happy on Prempak C 0.625/0.15 up until October 2017 when I was told by GP it had been discontinued  :'( .  This is when all my troubles started.  The GP in her ignorance started me on Premique low dose continous combined.  I took it and within a couple of weeks started with light headed dizziness and crushing fatigue.  I went back to GP She changed me to another hrt Kliovance 1mg continous change to side effects but added was headaches to the point of being sick.  Third time back to GP and yet another hrt, this time Elleste duet 2mg which made me unwell also.  I then asked GP to refer me to specialist who I saw last week and I've been started on Cyclo Progynova 2mg cyclical my old favourite Prempak C..which will give me a period. 6 days into taking Cyclo Progynova and the fatigue and brain fog has disappeared but not the light headed spinning sensation when I sit up/lie down/tip head back/forward to quickly.  I've been plaqued with this sensation for months and I've never experienced anything like it before with any other hrt.  Specialist thinks and I agree I'm progesterone intolerant..medoxyprogesterone and therefore intolerant of the combined/continuous hrts.
I guess my questions for this forum is
1.  can anyone advise if dizziness will pass in time? 
2.  Can anyone advise if Prempak C has definitely been discontinued and why?  I was so happy and content on it and never experienced any problems.
3.  Why are the so called health professionals finding it hard to prescribe me an alternative?

I'm also suffering for the first time ever anxiety/nervousness but it's no wonder with the dizziness/light headed feeling.

I'm currently on sick leave from work and have been for a month and can't see me going back anytime soon!  I work for the NHS as well.  The specialist I'm seeing also advised me to look at this website.

I'm sorry about the long post.  I'm really fed up with this dizzy feeling and want my life back!  My daughter needs all sorts doing to get her ready for prom and I'm unable to do it at the moment.  Frustrated and upsetting.  Feel very let down by the GP..They need educating!

Thanks in advance for any advice 😊
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 08:06:13 AM by cazjen44 »


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Re: New member - query re Prempak C and cycloprogynova 2mg
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2018, 02:48:41 PM »

Hi and welcome to MMcazjen44

Your questions are difficult to answer as we are all different so responses to HRT will be very varied.  Dizziness may be nothing to do with the HRT - it could well be an inner ear or sinus infection or a blood pressure issue??? Many women blame HRT for all kinds of things they are experiencing. It's been a long cold winter and many of us will be Vitamin D deficient and our sinuses will play up because of cold winds and high humidity outdoors and then extreme heat and dryness indoors - all very bad for the sinuses - mine are really giving me trouble right now.

Many women cannot tolerate progesterone on a continuous basis so stick with a sequential HRT regime well into post menopause.   If you wanted a non bleed option, I did find the Mirena, with separate oestrogen as Oestrrogel, worked very well for me in post menopause and resulted in no bleeding at all - so this might be worth considering.

Prempac has been discontinued because it was made using equine oestrogen which is not considered as safe as the bio identical oestrogens now used.  You are clearly doing OK on the bio identical oestrogen and I personally wouldn't have chosen Cyclo Progynova for you as it has one of the more harsh and powerful progesterones.  See if things settle over the next couple of months with the Progynova and if you want to try a different HRT with a kinder progesterone then I would try Femoston 2/10.

GPs are not specialists and I'm afraid few gynaes are clued up about HRT either!!! 
Here is the link to TREATMENTS on this site - it's just the peri meno section that has the sequential regimes that might be best for you.  There are other options to try including separate transdermal options but pills will always be the easiest to manage.

Let us know how you get on.  DG x


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Re: New member - query re Prempak C and cycloprogynova 2mg
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2018, 06:32:34 PM »

Thanks for replying.  I will certainly bear in mind the other hrt suggestions should cyclo progynova not work :) is it a bio identical hrt?  I wasn't sure and don't really understand the difference to be honest.

The specialist has mentioned the mirena coil so I'm giving that some thought.

Interesting about prempak c..I was curious more than anything but do wish it was still in production.

My dizziness I'm convinced as is the specialist has been caused by the messing around with different hrts and then going cold turkey for a month before I actually saw her.  I've read a lot of info about progesterone intolerance and how it can cause dizziness.  I've never had it before and its too obvious the way it all started as soon as my hrt changed.  Apparently the fluid in your ears is very susceptible to hormone levels  :'(
it's driving me insane..The dizziness and tinnitus!   

Thanks again for information.  Very much appreciated X I'll keep you updated ☺
