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Author Topic: New to this - 42- Adenomyosis & HRT not working  (Read 2264 times)


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New to this - 42- Adenomyosis & HRT not working
« on: April 11, 2018, 12:20:53 PM »

Hello everyone!

I finally plucked up courage to say something after reading so many interesting things.

For the past 9 years, I have had severe uterine pain. I have seen many Gynaecologists- some patronising me about having kids soon or I'll regret it & others not really sure what to do!

Finally 4 years ago got diagnosed with Adenomyosis. Then followed with a range of different ways to put me in temporary menopause so that my uterus would settle down. I had birth control, Prostap injections, Synarel nasal spray... but nothing worked. So much pain all of the time & menopausal symptoms.

Finally enough was enough and I decided to have my ovaries removed. I didn't want to have more pain - couldn't face having children as I just saw it as pain. My husband has struggled but we are strong.

But then I had continued pain and was told that it was 'spiritual' and dismissed. I was on Evorel Conti patches and they made me bleed and pain came back. I had the worse atrophy that never got treated or mentioned. Started Vagifem pessaries with some relief.

Then after bad flushes, loss in bone density and thin hair, I started the patches again by cutting them in half. All was well for 6 months but now for the last two months, I have been bleeding every 2 weeks. So heavy - I didn't want to see more docs but I had to give in as the bleeding has been horrendous - last one lasting 12 days. I took the patch off on Sat and hav an appt today with a 4th gynaecologist.

Has anyone experienced this? Advice abt Evorel? Thanks


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Re: New to this - 42- Adenomyosis & HRT not working
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2018, 01:10:30 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM Sukhi42 - what a tough time you have had. It's dreadful that so many of these gynaecologists don't seem to understand what you are going through and are unable to help.

I am surprised that they removed your ovaries and did not offer a full hysterectomy!!!  Surely if you have uterine pain then removing the uterus would have solved the problem!!! 
I found this link that may be useful for you to read:

I think the normal combined HRTs may well be aggravating your problem and if you had a hysterectomy you would only  need oestrogen - while you have you uterus you need combined HRT which involves progesterone and possible bleeds - oestrogen alone will protect your bones and heart for the long term. 

Are you in your early 40s? If so, you do need HRT, especially if your bones are in trouble.  Have any of the gynaecologists suggested you have a Mirena? A Mirena could control and will usually stop any bleeding and you can then use oestrogen as gel or patch alongside. AS you haven't had children you may need an anaesthetic to have it fitted but it could be worth considering. 

When you see this new gynaecologist: Write down all the your symptoms, outline the treatment you've had so far, your experience with HRT and your questions and show this to the specialist as this may help to make the appointment less stressful.  Ask if a Mirnea is an option or whether a hysterectomy would be advisable?  Tell them you are concerned about your bones and that urogenital atrophy has been a real problem.  The Vagifem may be helping the urogenital atrophy but you may need systemic oestrogen alongside to truly control with the urogenital atrophy. 
Let us know how you get on.  DG x