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Author Topic: STOP PRESS - NEWS ALERT!!  (Read 3584 times)


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« on: April 15, 2018, 09:33:21 AM »

Hi all,  sorry for the dramatic title but I want to get as many of you as possible to watch this video.  If you have any health condition or take medication, or are just concerned about your weight, diet and health in general PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take a look.  It is a long video but if you give just the first 15 mins a go I am almost certain you will watch the rest.  If you are impressed by what you see pass the link on the friends and family.

Last week, Dr Aseem Malhotra addressed the European Parliament to talk about the complete nonsense of the current dietary guidelines. Also, the power of the Nutritional and pharmaceutical industries to distort those guidelines and drive the use of more and more medications. I recommend that everyone has a look.

Thank you for your indulgence



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« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2018, 11:14:50 AM »

Thank you Shadyglade - very interesting.

Common sense should prevail.  Sadly one of the negative effects of the NHS has been patients expectations when they see their GP that they will be given a drug to solve their problems.

I have had cameras up and down every orifice over the last 2 years, nothing significant found, however, I was also not given any truly practical advice about how I can deal with my symptoms. Leaflets were given to me, drugs were offered ( e.g. PPIs) but I have had to find my own way forward.

While there are financial gains, then studies will be flawed (I have always thought that) - studies will always be very limited and set up to look for something specific. We only have to look at the study done 17 years ago on HRT  to see the horrible consequences (it was very flawed) - this resulted in so many women either denied HRT or they were too frighten to use HRT and as a result suffered unnecessarily. Maybe this study was backed by companies selling antidepressants??? No real financial gains with HRT treatments - after all, HRT is basically a supplement, not a true drug.  I lost 3 years of my life due to these scares as I was one of those that stopped taking HRT.   

If lifestyle was a real focus in schools and people took more responsibility for their health then maybe GPs would have more time for each patient enabling them to listen and treat them in a more holistic way.

There does need to be a big rethink.  DG x 


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« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2018, 01:03:08 PM »

Many thanks Shadyglade, this was excellent. I was particularly interested in the financial scandal of statin prescription by the NHS. They are obviously getting more out of this practice than the patients. The money would be better spent elsewhere.

DG, you make an interesting point about the flawed millennial studies on HRT and companies selling ADs. Perhaps the latter are more profitable. I was denied HRT back in 2004 and have only recently got it back. If I knew then what I know now (mainly thanks to MM) things might have been different.

Just as an aside DG, having listened to this video, do you think you will be altering your advice to members to follow a diet low in fat? It has been known for some time that sugar and refined carbohydrates are the main culprits in a poor diet. A diet high in fat (though presumably not trans-fats) increases satiety, thus making people eat less and perhaps preventing the craving for those high sugar/refined carb products. I have never in my life worried about dietary fats and am quite thin, but then I don't have a sweet tooth either!

JP x


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« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2018, 01:44:00 PM »

Hi Joaniepat - This site has taught me so much.  I have had such mixed advice from a wide variety of doctors, including specialist gynaecologists, about HRT treatment that my faith in doctors is seriously dented.  I have doctors and nurses in the family, one of whom is a top gastroenterologist - watched him tuck into his ginger sponge pudding with cream yesterday after the roast beef main course !!! 
I usually mention reducing fat but you are right I should probably be more specific and say one should reduce animal fats and replace with Olive & rapeseed oil. What I do find is that any fat is rich and if you have digestive issues, as I do, then reducing fat can help prevent heart burn and reflux.  The Italian diet is rich in vegetable fats with vegetables, salad and fruit but they do also love their pasta and bread - so as with most things it's about balance.   When he talked about that village in Italy, that they studied, I also wondered about their general lifestyle and how much all that sunshine had an influence on their general health - so not just their diet.  I always mention reducing sugar. I have managed to really reduce my cravings for sugar - I now don't even like honey that much! I'm afraid I love bread and potatoes but I have reduced these dramatically - in fact I eat roughly a third less food each day than I did 10 years ago.

I also think many of us get too ‘hung up' about what we eat - why feel guilty if we have the ‘odd' biscuit or bar of chocolate???? DG x


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« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2018, 05:50:02 AM »

I don't know if you watched all the speakers but the last ones criticism of the 'eatwell' plate was very interesting.  The trouble is it takes years for NHS advice to catch up.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 06:07:38 AM by Shadyglade »


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« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2018, 06:15:39 AM »

Shadyglade, that's so true about the NHS taking years to catch up. Doing my own research last night, I decided to ditch the statins. These were prescribed with no discussion on the pros and cons, just told that they would reduce blood cholesterol levels, which I now think is unnecessary and could be downright dangerous.

DG is right to be sceptical about having too much faith in doctors. After my experience with HRT years ago, you'd think I would have learnt that by now!

JP x


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« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2018, 06:38:45 AM »

Joaniepat I hope you do not have too much of a fight with your doctor over your choice.  Good luck  :great:


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« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2018, 08:06:59 AM »

Morning half way through watching this so thank you for posting.i was put on statins 20 years ago after being admitted to coronary care unit with chest pains.(knowing what I now know it was probably at the start of my menopause journey) they wanted me to go to John Radcliffe to discuss the possibility of having had an exercise test done at the hospital where they were physically holding me from behind on the treadmill as I couldn't do any longer on the exercise setting so really it wasn't an accurate test reading which I questioned at the time but was hushed up,who was I to question!.anyway I declined the John radclliffe appointment and was put on statins,within a matter of weeks I was in a terrible state I couldn't even lift a brush to my hair due to muscle weakness,I was told by my gp no it must be my M.E causing it the statins wouldn't do that I also suffered nose bleeds which I asked if the aspirin they'd put me on could do this and again it was don't be silly none of these drugs could cause any of these symptoms it must be something else.I then decided I wasn't going to drag through my life like this and stopped all the meds they'd given me,I refused anymore hospital interventions and drastically altered my diet,my bad cholesterol was 7 according to docs at the time,I bought a juicer and had pomegranate juice and any of the blue fruit family for breakfast,a healthy lunch and healthy dinner and carried on with this for months with no meds next cholesterol test showed a reading of 3.5 the docs asked me what I'd done to achieve this and didn't comment much at all when I told him.i had a private scan done it cost nearly £1000 then and it came back I had zero furring in my arteries and my heart was in very good shape.where would I be now with invasive surgery and stents that were completly uneccesary I wonder.Next thing they should overhaul in my opinion is the urologists,completely uneccesary invasive procedures again as far as I'm concerned,it's one of the more barbaric departments in medicine to me and from what I've seen the usual end results is a pain management clinic after they've fannied around with people then dumped them,or worse still telling them their bladder pain is psycological.the stories I've read from people on bladder forums is pitiful and I refused to be bullied into going down that route and really clashed with gps and urology dept over this.i was told in a couple of weeks when they discovered I'd bladder cancer I'd go back to my gp and say thank you for saving my life,I told her where to shove it.its a rarity to come across a good gp who doesn't live by financial incentives so treasure them when you do,xx
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 09:12:05 AM by Daisydot »


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« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2018, 08:12:48 AM »

What a story Daisydot.

I have to agree about GPs.  We are so lucky with ours that I dread moving.  I don't really want to have go into into battle mode for a doctors appointment. ::)


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« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2018, 09:17:31 AM »

I know what you mean there I've got a potential battle looming in the afternoon lol,I'm hoping not. ive not been to this gp before,I'm having discussion on brain scan results and dxa and I'm hoping she'll not be confrontational with me today it's something we all dread isn't it.where are all the gps we grew up with and loved and respected it's a horrible world now I want a time machine for Christmas this year then I can go back to my childhood gp with his big furry moustache 😂
Thank you again great article x


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« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2018, 12:28:19 AM »

I’m sure you get good, bad and ok GPs, like in anything, but the drug companies and the government’s reliance on them is the more frightening thing. Wealthy companies with millions of staff can test anything enough to get significant trial results. Unfortunately, millions of people seem to be very brainwashed by it all.

In the U.K., it’s great we have free healthcare but it does often seem to be at the cost of quality, where because it’s free it has to be budgeted for. I’d much prefer it if doctors and their patients were free to choose their meds and options and then have it subsidised by the government, rather than it being from a bulk buying (cheap at half the price!) menu which then gets sneakily fed into NICE guidelines and government health warnings.

Spain seems to do public healthcare well.


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« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2018, 06:14:31 AM »

Absolutely right.  I've also heard, but can't confirm this myself, that several of the NICE committee have financial connections to pharmaceutical companies.  That's not good.


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« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2018, 06:28:20 AM »

That's shocking if true.


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« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2018, 09:32:30 AM »

As a hypnotherapist, I was taught to treat the client in as few sessions as possible. As a CBT psychotherapist I was taught a 12 session model, which I found unnecessary and frustrating for the client to plod along, so aim to complete the same content in 3 sessions. I often wonder if NHS CBT use the dragged out model and that's why so many seem to find it unhelpful and give up which gives CBT a perceived high failure rate.