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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Gastritis?  (Read 28331 times)


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« on: April 08, 2018, 09:47:40 AM »

Hi all

I don't even know how to start this, just looking for anyone who can relate and offer some advice?

Two weeks ago, I had an acute anxiety attack.. so much so that I was trembling for an hour afterwards.  The next day I felt fine, but towards the end of the day I had a  pain under my left lower ribs, as if I had been kicked.  I also had pain and burning across my upper abdo, and behind my sternum.

After a few days I started taking some Omeprazole for 6 days, and the symptoms did ease a lot.  My appetite was reduced though.  Feeling better I stopped the tablets, and for a few days I felt okay, but now the symptoms are starting up again.  Not the rib pain, but nausea, bloating, burning and general pain in the stomach area.
I am trying hard to stay calm, but I just feel worried that the symptoms have come back, and that means there is a more sinister reason for my stomach being this way, other than Gastritis.

If anyone has any thoughts or experience I would be sooo grateful to hear it?

Thank you

Jeepers xx
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 09:49:40 AM by Jeepers »


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2018, 10:16:40 AM »

OK - gastric issues are common when meno hits, particularly excess acid,  so you need to manage this with dietary changes. This type of discomfort is often as a result of taking NSAIDs e.g.  Ibuprofen or aspirin so you mustn't ever take these again. 

I have to avoid PPIs as they have given me so many problems. PPIs like Omeprazole stops the stomach acid that digests your food.  If you have got an ulcer then PPIs will allow it to heal but taking any PPI for too long will lead to long term health issues.  The problem is, when you stop taking the PPIs, the body will often over compensate and produce more acid, so symptoms return and it takes time for the balance to return.
I have now been diagnosed with IBS because the PPIs mucked up my whole digestive system and IBS is of course one of those terms for something the doctors don't know what to do about but is very common.  Excess acid and Acid reflux, which gives the dull ache across the upper abdomen, usually result in GPs dishing out the PPIs without warning that they can have long term consequences. You can now even buy PPIs at the supermarket which I think is crazy!!!!!!

To reduce the acid and abdominal burning, I now take digestive enzymes before eating (you can get good ones online but BEANO is the best).  I take probiotics when I feel my digestive system is out of balance (PPIs like Omeprazole will unbalance things).  Eat very small meals often to reduce the acid. Eat slowly and chew everything well.  Eat a banana everyday between meals and drink lots of water.  Avoid caffeine, alcohol and fruit juices. Try peppermint capsules and take a couple of gaviscon about 20 mins after a meal. 

If you do get ongoing and difficult pain then you do need to go to the GP and a short course of PPIs may be necessary.
DG x


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2018, 10:34:27 AM »

Hi Dancinggirl

thank you for replying, its a relief to know that this is probably a meno & anxiety thing (my sister in law died of stomach cancer, so that's a big fear for me).

sorry to hear that omeprazole has caused you problems -- IBS is horrible my daughter has it.  How long did you tale the PPIs for?  I stopped after  days, but I have to admit to taking one today, as I was feeling so rubbish.  Maybe I overloaded my recovering stomach too much yesterday.  I met a friend for tea and cake, and the cake was really, really sweet and massive! I felt sick after eating it.  Then I went out for dinner and had fish pie with vegetables and a diet coke. Maybe too much too soon.

Today I have had an egg on seeded toast, a small glass of keffir (does this count as probiotic?)and , after reading your post, a banana .  I have had some tea and coffee, but I only drink decaff.  I also have some peppermint tea, so maybe I'll try that too?

I do admit to being a very fast eater too... I need to work on that.

Thank you again, its so  nice to be able to talk to people who understand


Jeepers xx


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2018, 10:42:06 AM »

You making some good choices but just cut the amount you eat at once. I'm aftaid even decaffienated drinks will be acidic and fizzy drinks with artificial sugar are also not good. Cake has a lot of fat and fatty foods will increase acid in the stomach.

Kaffir is very good.
Take it easy. DG x


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2018, 12:21:09 PM »

Eat little and often.
Keep a mood/food/symptom diary.
Stop the Omeprazole and try Rennies as necessary.  Gentler on the gut.  I find when reflux begins if I chew 2 then symptoms ease, sometimes I need 3.  If I'm laying down in bed it is worse.  As it's usually at the same time of early morning I know it's not a heart condition.

Omeprazole is OK for 2-3 weeks but shouldn't be taken long term as it brings it's own problems.  Read Dr James le Fanu in the Monday Telegraph pages  ;)

I by-pass decaff  ;D and don't drink coffee as it makes me feel sick quite quickly.



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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2018, 04:36:40 PM »


Thanks for your advice, it all makes sense.  I will try the Rennies.  I have mostly stuck to drinking water today, but I did have a cup of tea at my Mums (I don't want to worry her with my problems).

I will just stick to the Rennies then, and see how that goes. I did read that article, and it is a bit worrying.  I have only taken 7 so hopefully I haven;t done any damage.  I will keep up with the Kaffir too (oddly, I actually like the taste of it).

It would be really hard for me to give up tea and coffee completely, but I will cut down, and try to have peppermint tea more.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so we will see what he says. 


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2018, 05:08:19 PM »

I'll be interested to know how you get on with GP as I am suffering my third bout of symptoms you describe.   Always starts with a trapped wind feeling under my left lower ribs then goes around my back at same level, then I get intermittent gurgling/burning through abdomen.  I suffer from awful anxiety and feel sure that is the cause, but it can last months before i'm Right again.   I need something to distract me from it and break the cycle, but am really struggling this time and considering an AD.

Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2018, 06:01:46 PM »

Hi rebel

Yes, of course I will.  I followed your thread, how are you feeling now?  I think it is linked to the anxiety too.  I had a bit of a meltdown  a couple of weeks ago, and it all started the next day.  I have been feeling much calmer, but I think the damage was already done.  What is an AD? 

This anxiety thing is the worst aspect of meno by a long way.  I am divorced, and have no-one to talk to mostly, so I feel really isolated.  I also feel ashamed to admit to anyone how I am.

On the plus side, this site is an absolute god send, with lots of lovely ladies gicving advice and support.  TBH its the only thing keeping me going right now (apart from the thought ogf my lovely kids)

Take care

Jeepers xxx


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2018, 07:46:03 PM »

I'm struggling at the moment to be honest.   I have had external stress that built up and probably caused this attack, but it's gone now so I'm frustrated that I can't overcome it now.

I find if I go out, relax and don't think about it, it goes away, but I tend to obsess about any symptoms and ‘scan' for them incessantly.   I'm fairly sure nothing is seriously wrong with me, but i've obviously really upset my stomach now.

ADs are anti-depressants - i've taken them before but don't really like them but am now desperate for an end to this miserable and constant anxious state.


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2018, 08:38:06 PM »

Where's the stomach situated? 

Taking omeprazole won't do any harm but in the long term, may cause the gut to forget how to produce the acid it requires for digestion.  I can feel reflex background now ...... if I feel it prior to eating I chew a Rennie B4 the meal.



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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2018, 04:42:37 PM »

Hi all

CKLD, I'm not sure what you are asking?  I mean we all know where our stomachs are, so is it something else?

Anyway, I went to the doctors yesterday, he had a feel of my tummy asked some questions and said that he agrees that it is likely to be gastritis, but arranged for me to have some blood tests too.  One of the tests was for the h.pylori, but I didn't think that was a blood test?  It was on a separate sheet too, so I am wondering if it was just missed by the nurse? Anyway, he has given me some more Omeprazole, but it is 20mg rather than the 10mg you buy over the counter.  I will take them for 28 days, and hopefully that will allow my stomach to heal. I still need to be careful about what I eat, as it feels "delicate", and I do get nausea at times. The blood tests will take a week, and I am just hoping they all come back clear and there is nothing more serious going on. 

The doctor was very nice, and we talked a little bit about my anxiety.  He asked if I had tried medication for it, and when I told him that I was scared of medicines, he gor me a referral to a counselor in a couple of weeks.  so, I will try that first.  I cant go on like this in a constant state of dread, thats for sure.

Lastly (and not related to this thread), I plucked up the courage to ask him for some Vagifem, and he agreed straight away, and was sooo kind.  He said straight away that the amount of hormones in it is very very small about the same as taking 2 pills a year, and he also prescribed my some replens as well, as he thought it would be good.  I felt really lifted coming out of the surgery with that script in my hand!

rebel, I know exactly how you feel, I am the same.  And with all of the aches and pains it makes it a scary time.  I really hope that the counseling can help me to break the cycle.  As soon as I am reassured about one thing, something comes along to take its place.  It is exhausting isn't it?  I do find it helpful to talk on here though,


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2018, 05:28:55 PM »

Very positive but not sure if you will get counselling in a couple of weeks, unless you went Private? It can take 6-9 months to wait for counselling. A family member of mine waited nearly a year!


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2018, 06:09:02 PM »

I have no idea where my stomach is  :-\ - when I have what is known as 'stomach' upsets, I don't feel ill there but further down, around my belly button .......

I think that the stomach is below the left rib so if someone has a feeling of heaviness in that region could it be attributed to the stomach?


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2018, 08:08:44 AM »

Poor girl.   No uterus, bladder or vagina  ::)

Tnx.   How do you feel now?
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