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Author Topic: Low tolerance for mess  (Read 4101 times)


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Low tolerance for mess
« on: April 06, 2018, 05:16:22 PM »

I have such a low tolerance for mess and I am sure it is worse since going thru menopause! Made worse by living in an old house which is very dusty, even when it has just been cleaned, specially with the open fire in use.

My man ( the kindest guy ever) is a person who isn't  bothered about the home environment, who just says “ just chill!” when I get upset about the mess.

The more I try to explain that I cannot relax when the place is a mess, the more he seems to get irate or refuse to engage with the conversation, but also refuse to keep things up to what he calls my unrealistic standards.

I am not sure if the meno has made my need for an orderly environment increase. Anyone else have experience of this?


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2018, 05:34:07 PM »

Yep! One of the reasons I moved I couldn't stand cleaning the log burner out every day along with cleaning all the dust and muck in our old cottage we had all the dark exposed beams and white walls and a huge inglenook fireplace and I detested the work it all created every winter.especially when I wasn't feeling good and all achy,he was at work all day and loved coming in to a big roaster every night with not the foggiest idea of the effort involved in it all.stuff that I'm naturally lazy now and prefer my clean central heating and yes I know each to their own. :rofl:


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2018, 05:39:48 PM »

Growing up my mother had OCD and our home had to be spotless. We were not allowed mess anywhere. To me, our home did not looked lived in and it never felt relaxing as if you sat down with a cup of tea, as soon as you were finished, it wasn't allowed to sit on the coffee table, it had to be taken out to the kitchen, washed and put away! My mother is still like this so it's not pleasant to visit her house, I always feel on edge.

Once I got my own home, yes I liked it to be tidy but I also like it to look lived in. However, once my children came along, it was hard to keep it tidy and nowadays I do get annoyed with the mess but I've sort of given up on never been able to keep it tidy plus my husband is not a tidy person.

Not sure it's a menopause symptom but in defence of your husband, it is quite hard to live with someone who wants everything 'just so'. Most people like to relax in their home environment. But, I can understand you like it just so but I see what he means by 'just chill'.


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2018, 05:47:59 PM »

My mother was the sweetest lady ever but turned into a demon if any of my pals stood on her bleached white wooden doorstep in our tenement flat,she,d go ballistic at them so no one would ever knock for me lol.x


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2018, 06:14:38 PM »

Great answers! I definitely don't have OCD, our home is definitely ‘lived in'...but I think moving to an older house at the time of meno has led me to a lot of stress and a more clinical, modern place might suit me better, like Daisydot!

 You can't just do a good clean once a week then leave it, it is a constant battle. Each room takes hours to clean,  due to nooks and crannies  Yes, my man has a point, saying ‘chill'...trouble is, I can't if I am looking at a load of dust, ash or mess.

When I say he's laid back, I am talking can't be bothered to put things in the bin, so I find sweet packets in vases, in the wood basket etc...etc... thinks it's okay to walk mud all over the house because there are hard floors, doing washing up involves a half-hearted smear around, followed by leaving the dishcloth floating in the cold greasy water....just a few examples...At least he tries, which is more than a lot of guys .

I can't really talk about this to anyone out here, as don't want to be disloyal, but thanks for listening, here  :)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 06:17:08 PM by Hezzalady67! »


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2018, 07:40:50 PM »

That's a Man Thing ...... would happen where ever you lived  ::).  The time he will clean is when you have in-laws visiting? that happened here.  Sadly, in-laws no longer alive so ...... we have a log burner, fitted 12 months ago.  Love it!  We have stuff standing around, hence dust.  I miss my cat, she would leave footprints and I knew it was time to dust  ;D.

Is your low tolerance related to your 'cycle'?   I can cope until I get hormonal  ::).  I look at our home and really do need to have a clean through but we do stuff away from the home ...... and I much prefer to be in our garden.

We lived in a Georgian house for years, with flag stones.  I would NEVER have those again, they were like living with a young child  :D

No help at all am I  ::)


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2018, 08:53:57 PM »

My mother was the sweetest lady ever but turned into a demon if any of my pals stood on her bleached white wooden doorstep in our tenement flat,she,d go ballistic at them so no one would ever knock for me lol.x

We weren't allowed any of our friends in the house...they might make it untidy!


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2018, 08:57:48 PM »

Are you happy in your house or do you regret moving there? Maybe that's more the issue? Just a thought...


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2018, 11:20:10 PM »

Are you happy in your house or do you regret moving there? Maybe that's more the issue? Just a thought...

Generally happy. Just wasn't prepared for how dirty older properties get.

 CLKD asks if it relates to my cycle...I have been post meno for some years, but the anxiety about home mess tends to be worse when I feel too tired and low ( or am too busy) to do much about it myself. If I can roll up my sleeves and get the marigolds on, I am happy here.


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2018, 08:21:23 PM »

So that's your answer.  Tiredness.

Maybe then the 'clutter' is causing your head to feel full.  Also you may have a little resentment that 'he does nothing' ........ because he doesn't see it as a problem?   I have looked at our lounge this weekend and decided that items that I no longer look at, i.e. the collection of ducks from Lochgilped have to go.  I love them but they are dusty.  So they will be sold during the year for someone else to enjoy.

The less clutter the clearer my head would be as I could wipe surfaces in one sweep  ::). Fortunately we both have the same level of tolerance, he has taken over the hooverg-thingy and chopping of wood, lighting the burner; my corner is laundry, dishwasher, hanging out and bringing in of washing .... we both feed the birds, enjoy our garden, ignore the dust ...... but I do feel that I can't invite even my Bestest friend as there is no where to sit  :-\  :kick:  but I don't like visitors, much  :whist:


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2018, 04:23:34 AM »

Hi Hezzalady!

I know exactly how you feel! On top of that, my partner thought it was funny to rearrange the cutlery drawer almost daily when we first moved in together, load the dishwasher how HE thought it should go (despite never having used one).....this is the second marriage for us both btw.....

My first husband was like it too, so I clearly have a type. The lazy slob. This time round, I have managed it differently...

1. His sister commented, when she came to stay, on how the cutlery drawer changed around so often. He laughed and boasted about it. I laughed too, and told my sister and mother in law that I've learned to ignore it after 20 of living with that behaviour with the first idiot for 20 years 😂  The behaviour stopped that minute.

2. If he starts to load the dishwasher like a halfwit (I spent quite a few weeks going through it with him, and getting very angry in the process) and stops half way, I remind him to finish. Then when finished, I ask him to empty it. Any dirty dishes go back in. I only had to do it twice, now the dishwasher gets loaded properly, every time 😂

3. Ive got a spot in the kitchen (plastic container) where I put his crap. He keeps his medications there and his tobacco. Any sweet wrappers, empty pill packs, whatever, I put in there too....much more stuff is going in the bin these days 😂

4. When we moved in together, I noticed he became a lazy urinator (sorry if tmi), in that there were dribbles and drips on the front of the loo and on the tiled floor. I thought it strange, as he hadn't been like that before we'd moved in, and could only surmise that it was because now I was doing all the cleaning. So, I got him to clean the bathroom for a month, and remindedhim to remember to clean all the urine from the outside as well as the puddle on the floor. That behaviour has now stopped too 😂

Is he a lot of work? Yes he is. Have I told him that clearly his first wife neglected her wifely duty to train him 😂? Yes I have. And I also suggested that maybe she gave up because he wouldn't be trained, I know I did with my first husband 😂😂. And does he know I could manage very well without him? Yes he does. So those things are getting easier.

But they do drive you crazy.........most husbands are not like that. We happen to have ones that are, sadly. And they go out of their way to behave like that, like naughty children. I find that handing responsibility for his own crap back to him works, and I rarely need to get angry about it. Also too, I occasionally find if I take a patronising tone with him like, 'Oh dear, that naughty lawnmower fairy has left it out again, what am I to do? works wonders too.......

Thinking of you x



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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2018, 08:19:24 AM »

Your scary NorthArm I'd never mess with your cutlery  :rofl:x


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2018, 08:19:48 AM »

May I giggle ........... I made sure that men sit down in this house  ;) everywhere.


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2018, 12:47:20 PM »

Lol CKLD, my first husband was already well trained by his mother that way, never left a mess in the bathroom....but the rest of the house, and his wardrobe 😱😱😱.....not to mention everything else 😂😂😂😂

And Daisydot.....You'd probably order my drawers better than me, I'm talking about man organising 😂😂😂


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Re: Low tolerance for mess
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2018, 02:26:44 PM »

So he puts things away in his wardrobe? Mine used to hang his clothes up on the floor!
JP x
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