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Author Topic: Hrt too high?  (Read 3952 times)


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Hrt too high?
« on: April 04, 2018, 12:47:19 PM »

I came on here just before Christmas, after my Doctor insisted I came off my hrt.  To cut a long story short, this was done over nine months, I was originally on Angeliqu 1mg/2mg.   I also had my Gallbladder removed on the 8th December.  I felt absolutely dreadful after coming off the Angeliqu and thanks to the wonderful Consultant Gynaecologist on here, I managed to persuade my GP to put me back on it.  I felt fine the first three months, but it seemed as soon as I hit the three month mark have had bad dizziness, trembling feeling inside, anxiety and early waking etc.  I did not have this before when I was on it.  My husband suggested I halve the dose, but don't know what to do?  Could it be too high or is it still adjusting itself?  I have had a lorazepam [I use them very infrequently for anxiety} and that did'nt even seem to work, which is unusual.  Any suggestions? Sorry omitted to say I had a hysterectomy in 2011 but kept my ovaries.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 12:51:09 PM by Jasnan »


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2018, 12:52:11 PM »

Hi Jasnan
I think, as time goes on, we often have to try something different. It may not be that the dose is too high but this type of HRT may not be suiting you so well now and possibly transdermal HRT might be better.  Look under TREATMENTS to see your options.  I would also have your thyroid function checked as this can start playing up around menopause. DG x


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2018, 12:59:43 PM »

Thank you. I did try a progesterone cream when my GP took me off the Angeliqu and quite frankly I felt no difference at all.  Yes, I did think about my thyroid, as apparently it can play up after gallbladder removal?  Worried about going to my GP as she is totally unapproachable and I am worried she will just take me off the Angeliqu again!


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2018, 01:38:07 PM »

Go to the GP well prepared.  Write down your symptoms and questions.
Perhaps mention that HRT had previously controlled all your menopause symptoms but you are getting new symptoms, that you do not believe are menopause related and wondered if your thyroid might be the problem?

I also wonder if you are now getting some post operative fatigue - your body is telling you to take it easy???

Why are you on Anglique? If you had a hysterectomy, you should only need oestrogen?!! Why did you have the hysterectomy and how old are you now?
Technically, women who have had a hysterectomy are less likely to develop breast cancer if they have oestrogen only, than women with a uterus who have combined HRT! You should be able to continue with oestrogen only indefinitely after a hysterectomy provided there are no other health issues e.g. over weight, a smoker, stroke risk etc.  DG x


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2018, 02:07:15 PM »

Think I am going to have to attempt to see my GP then.  Really don't think she will take me seriously though!  Probably put it all down to anxiety, though I really feel it's not that. Felt good after got rid of my gallbladder which was inflammed and had cholestarosis {think I've spelt that right!}  This all started with extreme tiredness, nausea, anxiety symptoms and poor sleep three months after the op.  I am wondering whether removing my gallbladder has perhaps caused an overactive thyroid? 
I had a hysterectomy for a very large fibroid causing extreme pain and persistent infections.
I was put on Angeliqu as I really felt I needed the progesterone as well even though I have no uterus.  I took progesterone some years ago for what they suspected at the time was endo, it was'nt.  Found it calming so my GP did'nt mind giving me a a dual one.
I am 62 years old
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 02:11:16 PM by Jasnan »


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2018, 02:34:03 PM »

You REALLY don't need progesterone.  The progesterone could well be causing many of your problems now!!!! I am 62 and stopped HRT two years ago because the progesterone was giving me more problems as I aged!  I still have my uterus unfortunately.

I'd ask for some Oestrogel or oestrogen patches (transdermal is better as we age) as this may well make you feel better.  Progesterone gives fatigue, PMT, low mood and sleep problems !!!!!

Go prepared to the GP: ask to have your thyroid checked and tell them you want to change to transdermal oestrogen only as it is safer and you don't need progesterone anyway.  You may find just one pump of Oestrogel per day or the 50mcg Estrodot patch(attached twice weekly) would make you feel mush better. DG x


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2018, 02:47:09 PM »

So wary of being on just oestrogen!  Whilst off my prescribed HRT I obtained a private prescription for oestrogen patches and felt terrible on them.
Thanks so much for your advice DancingGirl it is much appreciated.  I honestly think whatever this is, seems to come out of my op.  I have heard that the body can change physiologically after removal of an organ.  Can I ask what problems you had with the progesterone part of your hrt? 


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2018, 03:57:09 PM »

With continuous progesterone I had fatigue, poor sleep, period cramps, erratic bleeding and generally felt ‘out of it'. If you felt bad on oestrogen only before, then it may not have been a high enough dose.  DG x


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2018, 08:38:27 PM »

Oh that's not good!  How are you now?


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2018, 08:57:36 PM »

I had premature meno so had HRT for 25 years and tried just about every HRT going. I did quite well with Oestrogel with seperate progesterone on a sequential regime and put up with monthly bleeds but never tolerate a conti HRT because of progesterone all the time. Through my late 50s I found any type of progesterone became more and more of a problem so at 60 I decided I would give up on HRT. I just use vagifem local oestrogen to help my urogenital atrophy. I miss the benefits of oestrogen but as I still have a uterus it's simply to much hassle coping with the progesterone side effects. My energy is low, I don't sleep well and I've developed nasty digestive issues over the last couple of years - getting older is a pain - but I don't think HRT would help that much now. DG x


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2018, 09:28:36 PM »

Did read an interesting article about a nursing home in the U.S where they started hrt on the female residents and they went from apathy to enjoying life again.  I agree getting older is a pain, literally.  My previously well husband, has developed type 2 diabetes [age related} on lots of meds and he says he feels worse on the meds than he did before.  Could you not have oestrogel? Or will they not consider this as you still have a uterus?


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2018, 10:30:10 PM »

Hi there

It maybe a bit of fall out after the gb op. I cut down my hrt around the time of the op, didn't want to come off it but once I was clear of the op I went back up to full patch. About 6 weeks after my op I got vertigo and some anxiety, I don't know whether the op itself knocked my hormones out of kilter or messing around with dosage but I do wonder that the healing after the op made me get low and then all this other crap kicked in!

Then of course it become a vicious circle of feeling weird which then sets off anxiety which then makes you feel weird! My doc was reluctant to give me anything but to ride it out so in the end I saw a naturopath who gave me herbal supplements and after a couple of months I started to feel much better.

The gb can affect quite a lot of your functions and it takes time to heal. As my doc said, although it's keyhole and a relatively quick healing process you've still had a major op and lost an organ!

Hope everything settles down soon but give it some time.


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2018, 06:46:41 AM »

Jasnan - if you still have a uterus you must have progesterone alongside systemic oestrogen to protect the lining or erratic bleeding occurs and increases chance of womb cancer. DG x


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2018, 03:39:59 PM »

Jasnan - did you also have endometriosis? Progesterone is often given after a hysterectomy if the op was done due to extensive endo. Otherwise as Dancinggirl says - you don't need it (your body still produces a small amount anyway). I also agree that transdermal HRT may well suit you better - perhaps the patches were too high a dose? I would start even lower at 25 mcg and gradually increase to 50 mcg and hopefully that will do the trick :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hrt too high?
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2018, 12:40:25 PM »

Thank you everyone!  Yes, I think the op has a lot to do with it.  Had a false sense of security I think, when I have felt well for the first three months.  Felt very nauseous yesterday, which I know will settle in time.  Sleep is awful which definately excerbates the anxiety just . Think I will have to take a sleeping tablet tonight [prescribed them and lorazepam to take very occasionally.  Have a history of agitated depression}  Also had quite a lot of stress lately.  Just hope this settles soon, as other ladies on here have said anxiety is awful. 