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Author Topic: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious  (Read 5231 times)


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Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« on: March 27, 2018, 03:52:51 PM »

I had to have an emergency HRT review yesterday after being told that my prescription would not be issued without one. The GP that I saw was not my usual one and I have to say she had all the people skills of a cabbage. She basically said that as I had been on HRT for 2 and a half years that I needed to come off ( said in a very authoritarian way). I told her that I was going through a bad time mental health wise and that coming off HRT would be the worst thing that I could do at the moment. Sadly, I didn't get a compassionate response. I listened politely to her going through the risks, told her that as my mum has severe osteoporosis, it could be a good thing for me and finally, she issued a new prescription. Does everyone else have these reviews and how can I be more prepared for making an argument about being on HRT long term. She actually said 'you can't stay on it for life you know'. Obviously, I will try to ensure that I don't see this GP again.  I left the surgery almost shaking.


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2018, 04:11:11 PM »

The GP is obviously not up to date with the Nice guidelines!


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2018, 05:23:02 PM »

Pfft !!!!
These attitudes make my blood boil

I recently had to change surgeries due to house move and once they'd got my notes and saw my medication they called me in.  The gp didn't ask about my asthma pumps, epipens or amitriptyline for my back but the whole hour was taken up with why I need oestrogen and testosterone and ON TOP of ALL that why do I then need vagifem.  He was quite obviously anti hrt and said I'll be off it by 60, and I told him I won't ! He prescribed one testosterone script and said no more until I see a gynae and hear what they think.  I was fuming ! I've put myself on a private consultants waiting list to get it.  I went in expecting a fight and got one alright.  I think my arguments gave him something to think but he did keep repeating “NICE guidelines are JUST guidelines, they're not instructions”

It's a shame because I think I'd quite like him if I needed to see him about something else


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2018, 06:30:14 PM »

Does it actually say in the Nice guidelines that there is no time limit? Isn't it such a pity that we have to battle with people who are supposed to be helping us. I understand that the risks have to be pointed out but it was the way she handled the whole appointment that really upset me and made me angry.


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2018, 06:32:53 PM »

Guidelines are that though and if GPs don't want to prescribe they won't.  Maybe send his details to Dr Currie so that she can have a quiet word in his shell-like ............

Until she gets to know exactly how many GPs are ignorant or refusing to listen to ladies, this problem will continue.  It's obvious that the Menopause whatever they R are simply not getting through!!!!

Mary G

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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2018, 07:26:24 PM »

I would have been furious too.  So many GPs just aren't up to prescribing HRT and seem to know very little about it or the new guidelines.  My personal view is that all things menopause and HRT should be taken out of GPs' hands and women should attend menopause clinics where they can get proper, meaningful advice.  As CLKD so rightly points out, the message is not getting through and too many women are getting poor menopause treatment from their GPs, it comes up on here all the time. 

It's easy to advise women to wave the NICE guidelines in front of these individuals but they are guidelines, not gospel and they don't have to prescribe HRT if they don't want to.

You can stay on HRT for life if you want to, that is what I am going to do and there is only one person who will make that decision and that is me. 

Going forward, if she cuts up rough again, you could find another doctor in that practice if you have the time and/or inclination but if you can afford it, I wouldn't bother, I would seek help privately and get some advice from someone who actually knows what they are talking about.  In most cases, menopause specialists will write to your doctor with their recommended prescription and you should be able to get your prescription on the NHS thereafter.  She will struggle to argue with someone who is more knowledgeable than herself.  I know it means spending money but (as long as you can afford it) what else are you going to spend it on that is more important that your health?


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2018, 07:55:09 PM »

Unfortunately a GP does not have to listen to a private specialist either and can choose to ignore their advice . Daisydot is having that trouble at the moment....

Mary G

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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2018, 08:05:08 PM »

That is very true Dotty.  Daisydot has had the most appalling treatment and as we know, it is still ongoing.  I think it would be worth a try though because there are others on here who have managed to get their prescriptions via the NHS.  If all else fails, at least sidse could pay for private prescriptions which is better than not getting HRT at all. 

One thing's for sure, the system is broke and it does need fixing. 


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2018, 08:10:33 PM »

I was just about to say the same as Mary G about menopause clinics only to handle HRT.

It's clear that many GPs are too nervous to prescribe HRT, maybe because they're hormones rather than drugs and perhaps they feel at risk of being sued if the small risk of cancer arose. Some may also think women are taking them to look younger (an old fashioned view) and hence the ‘telling off' many women here seem to be getting as if they're naughty children!

If GPs are not happy prescribing then they should do an immediate referral to a meno clinic rather than saying no or causing so much distress to their patients due to their own ignorance.


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2018, 08:26:50 PM »

You are so right ladies the anguish that these gps put us through is uncalled for it's just down to their own predjudicies and beliefs,they think their doing the right thing I suppose but in my mind I do question if it's a cost cutting exercise when they will not co operate with meno consultants advice and recommendations,they should actually be applauding us for trying to take charge of our own health,my practice makes a big thing about advertising this very thing online.
I've no idea why, maybe it's if as a result of my persistence,they are prescribing me oestriogel and vagifem now when I ask for it online,it's a different gp who authorises it but not a name I've ever seen when making appointments.Im due to go in for a chat re my dxa scan and brain scan whenever these blooming results come back,so I'm quite sure then I'll get my ear chewed again about hrt.if I do then that's me done with gps I'll go via a private menopause as Mary says we can't put a price on our health.I can't take  the stress of confrontations every time I need some help bugger that.


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2018, 08:42:19 PM »

I agree, it can certainly be stressful going to the GP about HRT.  All luck of the draw depending who you get.


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2018, 09:33:34 PM »

I don't know really what's wrong with all these gyns!
Fortunately at my country I don't need a prescription for hrt! The majority of gyn don't want to advice for hrt and let women suffering alone and in silence...
My first gyn refused hrt for me and I was only 41!
I make my decision to stay on hrt for life if everything is ok! My body doesn't produce estrogen at all and without estrogen I CANNOT survive!
I'm with you! :)


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2018, 09:39:20 PM »

And I'm also wondering from where these conclusions come from regarding the duration of use!
 I think that the use or not of hrt is an individual decision and has to do with a lot of parameters a gyn and a patient have to account.


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2018, 08:50:58 AM »

Sadly, I don't think I would be able to go down the private route as money is really tight but having said that I have no idea how much it would cost. I am assuming that I am alright for another year and these reviews are annually.I will definitely see a different GP in the practice - the one that I think would be most sympathetic is very popular so is difficult to get to see. Better make the appointment now!


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Re: Had a HRT review and left feeling furious
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2018, 08:57:16 AM »

Sidse which hrt do you take?
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