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Author Topic: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...  (Read 10897 times)


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2018, 08:36:08 AM »

Nick Drake calms me too.  We bought a beautiful book about him when we were in Much Wenlock and its signed by his sister.  Very special.


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2018, 09:19:38 AM »

When distracted my symptoms go, and then settle into discomfort in my left back.   But am conscious of a constant sense of doom.  Feel I am deep into anxiety cycle now.  Last time this happened I tried sertraline but found it brutal so stopped after three days and swore never again.    Now perhaps I need to try another AD.


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2018, 11:45:29 AM »

So sorry Rebel to hear your feeling so down, i really think you should try ads again, I know from experience they can take quite a while to work but believe me they can be a life saver. Ask doc for an emergency pill, I.e Xanax to take the edge off the initial few weeks, I know when I started citalopram I felt sooo much worse but I'm so glad I stuck with them. I'm not 'cured' but I can do normal everyday things like shopping and socializing I'm even going to Majorca with hubby on Sunday for a short break, three months ago I didn't want to leave the house. I'm only on 10mg and for now that's enough for me. Sending you  :bighug:


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2018, 05:55:27 PM »

Hi Rebel

I hope you had a nice birthday, and  you are feeling better.

I know exactly how you feel, it feels like the cycle of anxiety is pulling you down ever further.  I had a really bad anxiety attack a coule of weeks ago, which resulted in some horrendous physical symptoms, which someone suggested was gastitis.  Which I think it was, but of course the anxiety makes you think its something much much worse.

I second listening to Nick Drake to try to relax (knowman, i am so jealous, I have been a Nick Drake fan since the age of 20), and my other go to music is Norah Jones.  so soothing.  I lie down in a darkened room with a lavendar candle and just let the music wash over me.  It does help with the impending doom sensations.




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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #34 on: April 06, 2018, 07:53:12 AM »

Yep, Norah jones is one of mine too.  I'd always imagined a deserted Californian beach when I listened to her and a few years back we went on a US road trip.....and I found my beach. Drakes beach, we took a little video, so now I am able to play it back, those waves are very restful.
We've finally had our bathroom refitted and I am looking forward to winter evenings in the bath doing exactly as you described!

I saw a maxillofacial surgeon recently with regard to dry, sore mouth and although I know this, he explained again how the anxiety is able to make the brain produce the weirdest sensations and symptoms.  He was very kind and he could see how bad the anxiety is.  He also talked about the good angel and the bad devil on our shoulders, one trying to help, the other trying to sabotage our good intentions and our more rational thoughts (when we have them)!  He saw right into my head. rebel2 you have proved this to yourself and like you I try to keep myself distracted.  Not so easy with the rotten weather we have been having, but keep at it.


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #35 on: April 06, 2018, 08:02:33 AM »

Knorman, he sounds like a lovely man!  When I had my first panic attack four years ago, my GP was very curt and harsh.   She never told me it was a panic attack, just dismissed me and made me feel very silly.   I think that started off a horrible mental cycle that means I am essentially embarrassed and ashamed of my anxiety which means I fight it, which makes it worse.

I'm going to find a good therapist as I think talking it through with someone who doesn't treat me with scorn will help get to the bottom of my lack of self-esteem. 

Feeling better every day, so whilst this has been a very long bout of anxiety induced stomach issues, I might be on the way back up.


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #36 on: April 06, 2018, 08:52:16 AM »

My other half had been telling me all the same things regarding the anxiety as the consultant, but sometimes it does take an 'outsider' to help, plus of course he had the medical expertise.  If I could afford to, I would see him for a weekly, just for a therapy session!  As he was a surgeon, I was extremely anxious that he may have been curt and harsh and he was the exact opposite, so if you find the right person, I think they will really help you.  It does sound like you are on the way up so start looking for that therapist today, whilst you are feeling more positive. That in itself you help you feel better.  My therapy and goal for today is tackling a raised bed full of weeds and hoping.....hoping....that the sun comes out a bit more! Let is know how you get on.


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #37 on: April 06, 2018, 07:29:27 PM »

Years ago when. I had psychotherapy Himself used to say "I told you all that" .......... but it did take a stranger to whom I was able to unload to help my brain - discuss, decide, ditch  ;)



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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #38 on: April 15, 2018, 06:00:07 PM »

Hi Rebel

How are things going?  Hopefully, you are still on the way up.  Have you had any luck finding a therapist or psychologist yet?

Jeepers x


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #39 on: April 16, 2018, 08:08:56 PM »

Still on the up thanks Jeepers.  Still considering therapist as I can't seem to stop irrational thoughts crowding my mind.   When I'm working or with people and distracted all my physical symptoms disappear or cease to bother me, but the minute i'm Quiet they're back.   I can't seem to stop myself scanning for symptoms.

But I am better than I was!!


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2018, 09:47:49 PM »

It is a real trial, isn't it?  When we we arrived on holiday the other week, I was in a very anxious state at first, to the point where it kept me awake at night and Hubby too, who had to calm me down.   I'd left things like my little lavender bag and my magnesium spray at home, both of which help so much at night.  BUT.........we were so wowed by the place and did so much walking everywhere, all day every day for five days, that my anxiety fizzled out and my head hit the pillow into Zzzz land straight away each night.  There was one blip when the power shower (which was like Niagara Falls  ::) !), gave me such a jump when I switched it on that it slightly put me back to square one, but even this didn't win out over my knackered muscles and ton-weight eyelids.  Now I'm home, my little friend the Anx Monster comes back again whenever I've got time to sit and/or think.   It's definitely confirmed for me, though, that it can be beaten if I have a focus outside of myself and/or the house. 


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2018, 09:54:56 AM »

I'm glad I'm not alone in this. My anxiety has been awful, I've always been a bit of a worrier but this hit me like a ton of bricks. Hrt has made it easier although I have had a couple of panic attacks in the middle of the night. For some odd reason I've also become quite claustrophobic, it came from nowhere as it's not somethings that's bothered me before. Hormones eh ;D


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2018, 11:20:21 AM »

Dulciana -I know what you mean about being outside of yourself.  I want to switch off my head!   When I am working/busy with others, it all goes.  But I miss my relaxed downtime - as soon as it gets an opportunity, my anxiety monster pounces, bringing with it a myriad of physical symptoms that then become real as my stomach gets anxious and then acts up.

I feel like a total nutter.


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2018, 11:34:54 AM »

You are not though, otherwise we all are ;-)


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Re: Vicious anxiety cycle is off again...
« Reply #44 on: April 21, 2018, 09:58:32 AM »

Quick update.  Have had trapped wind/stomach bloating issues for around four weeks now.  Last week they went away to be replaced with bladder pain - like I need to go all the time but don't really.  I've had this a couple of times before but never related to the IBS type symptoms.  I'm also very bloated.  I've now discovered that this type of bladder is often related to IBS... :(
It is irritating as I am now longer anxious in my head [if you know what I mean] but think the anxious months have just wrecked my digestive system.

I've also found out via the lovely Hurdity's posts elsewhere that the different oestrogen I took for the last three months because my progynova was out of stock [eleste solo] is a completely different type and gives more oestrogen.  So at last I have confirmation that oestrogen perhaps fuels, rather than eases, my anxiety.  So I'm going to taper off the HRT gradually over the next six months and see how that is.  Can't be any worse!!!
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