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Author Topic: So many things I just can’t handle anymore  (Read 4429 times)


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Re: So many things I just can’t handle anymore
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2018, 11:28:56 AM »

 :thankyou: Mary G


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Re: So many things I just can’t handle anymore
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2018, 01:05:23 PM »

Lalb1, good luck with your appointment tomorrow and let us know how you get on.

Periwinkle68, why don't you consider seeing a menopause specialist like Professor Studd?   You clearly are not getting any joy from your doctor.  I can virtually guarantee he will recognise your symptoms and prescribe HRT.   He works with two other specialists now, namely Dr Mike Savvas and Mr Neale Watson both of whom are very nice with a good bedside manner.   You may be able to arrange a telephone consultation if that helps - you could email all your test results in advance.   Why not ring his secretary to get an idea of cost?

I'm assuming this is someone in the UK, correct?  I am in the USA.  Not sure how that would work even over the phone.  Plus, my insurance most likely wouldn't cover anything from overseas.   :'(


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Re: So many things I just can’t handle anymore
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2018, 01:50:16 PM »

Yep Prof Studd is in the UK.  You could send an e-mail to his office perhaps and ask if there is an associate of his in your area?  Don't ask, won't get  ;)


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Re: So many things I just can’t handle anymore
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2018, 02:19:04 PM »

Periwinkle, it might sound stupid but have you asked them to try you on HRT?  I know sometimes when I go to the doctors I have just gone with what they say and then been frustrated about it afterwards.  I actually asked them to test my FSH and LH levels after a passing comment made by one of them about some of my symptoms 'you aren't menopausal are you'.  I went away and thought about it and did some reading then went back and asked them for the blood test and if I could try HRT just to see if it helped.  Even if it's only for a month to start off with they should really give you the opportunity to try it if you think it would help.  After all they don't know everything.



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Re: So many things I just can’t handle anymore
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2018, 12:32:06 AM »

Periwinkle, it might sound stupid but have you asked them to try you on HRT?  I know sometimes when I go to the doctors I have just gone with what they say and then been frustrated about it afterwards.  I actually asked them to test my FSH and LH levels after a passing comment made by one of them about some of my symptoms 'you aren't menopausal are you'.  I went away and thought about it and did some reading then went back and asked them for the blood test and if I could try HRT just to see if it helped.  Even if it's only for a month to start off with they should really give you the opportunity to try it if you think it would help.  After all they don't know everything.


Yes, I have talked to my doctor about it before and asked for HRT.  I talked to her again today.  She is hesitant to put me on HRT because she says it's not a good idea to put a woman on HRT who is still having periods. I told her there are a lot of women that I know of that are on HRT even though they are still perimenopausal and still having irregular periods.  She didn't explain why she feels the way she does.  They did test my hormone levels one time a couple months ago and they said they are fine - only my testosterone was a little low.  But I know that the hormones are always fluctuating so it just may be when they tested me on that day at that time, my levels were okay.  BUT, I did get a bit of good news today - she sees how much I'm suffering and she said if I go a full 6 months without a period she will let me try some form of HRT.  My last period was in December, and I have my yearly exam with her at the end of May this year.  She said when I come in for my annual exam, if I still haven't had a period and if I'm still miserable, she will try some form of HRT.  But, I also told her we have to find something that is priced reasonably.  I was looking up prices with my insurance yesterday and it could be very expensive depending on what she chooses to put me on and I won't be able to afford staying on it month after month.  She said there are some she thinks are cheaper that she can prescribe for me.  At the very least, now she is finally starting to be open to the idea of trying HRT on me.


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Re: So many things I just can’t handle anymore
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2018, 06:39:31 AM »

If you go to Dr Louise Newson's web page , there is lots of info and videos .

She is a NHS GP and private HRT specialist, she has just obtained her advanced certificate in menopause.

She will tell you it's best to start HRT whilst having your periods as your going along with it more so to speak , than waiting for a crash.

I started HRT whilst still having periods at 47 and still have them now at 51 ( I had a Progesterone break under gynae supervision , and still a 28 day cycle as when I was young .

These GPs who don't nonwhat they are on out about , she opt out of dealing with menopause and pass over to one who does have interest .


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Re: So many things I just can’t handle anymore
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2018, 07:46:56 PM »

I too could have checked off many of your symptoms and it is driving me mad. I have been given some HRT patches but told I cannot use them until I have a period and so far I am still waiting for one to arrive! I think that even if you are someone really in control and very rational this menopause thing can really turn you into an emotional wreck. I have a pain in my right ovary for the last 2 months and have had blood tests (normal apart from low iron) a quick ultrasound (normal) and am waiting for the results of some more tests this Tuesday. Like you I am super anxious and feel like I am going to die immediately. It's making me feel like what's the point in anything?
 I don't know how much of this is meno, or stress at work and the fact that this week I have been with my mother in law who finally died late on Thursday, so now we are in the midst of death, but I am hoping that the GP will have something concrete for me.
This forum is a lifeline I feel as I don't have many folks around me to talk to and I feel like a crazy cracked record!
Keep being positive, reading all the advice and let me know how you get on with your tests etc..
This too will pass.
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