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Author Topic: Hello!  (Read 1367 times)


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« on: March 19, 2018, 11:53:32 PM »

Hello ladies, I found this forum a while ago and have been wanting to join to have a place to go to share experiences during this wonderful {sarcasm} time in our lives!  I've been perimenopausal since 2015 and it's been a horrific 3 years.  It's been hard to find any doctor that will agree that most of my medical problems are related to perimenopause.  They have tested me for everything else under the sun, I've been scoped inside and out, I've had multiple MRIs and have been scanned from head to toe with every kind of scanning device you can name.  They have found nothing else medically wrong with me; yet they still won't believe me when I tell them I think all of this sickness is related to perimenopause - they say perimenopause cannot cause all the sickness I've been having.  I still believe it's all related to hormones and perimenopause since I started getting sick the same year I started missing periods.  Ugh!  It's good to find people online who have had similar medical issues that I have read on this forum, helps me to believe I'm not crazy!  Thanks for being here, and I'm looking forward to exploring more on this site now that I'm registered. 


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2018, 12:26:01 AM »

Welcome periwinkle I hope you have fun chatting on the forum there's so many lovely ladies on here to help you.There are 34 menopause symptoms and gps would have us believe most of those are in our heads,we know different I've ticked the majority of those boxes in my time and probably discovered a few new ones I could add to it lol.Im 60 and recently restarted hrt after a fiv3 year absence,I've had hysterectomy so it's a bit more straight forward for me,one squirt of Oestrogel daily and a vagifem pessaries every couple of days for the VA has pretty much put the world to rights for me in a short space of time,I've been very lucky but had to battle like hell to achieve this.good luck and fire away with any questions there's always help here xx


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2018, 10:30:43 AM »

periwinkle68 - have they bothered to do blood tests to look at your oestrogen and FHS levels?  If you are missing periods then this would indicate you are in peri menopause.  How old are you? What symptoms are you getting?
Here is a link to an interesting article that may help you - look under Perils of Perimenopause :

DG x


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2018, 01:29:15 PM »

Dancinggirl, one nurse practitioner that is more on the holistic side did do blood work, she said my hormone levels looked fine.  I am 49 years old. She said the testosterone was a little low but that was it.  But my understanding is that at this stage, one blood test is not going to give the full picture, correct?  I mean, aren't my hormone levels going up and down all the time?  Other than her, no other doctors (gyno or primary) have done any blood work. I just moved to a new state, and while I have established care with a new primary, I have not done so yet with a new gyno.  I went to see the nurse practitioner because I found her listed under menopause specialists with my insurance company.  She wasn't very helpful and she wanted to focus on all sorts of other illnesses instead of menopause.  I kept telling her that I have had all the medical doctors check me from head to toe for any other illness and there is nothing else.  There were other issues with this lady too, like over charging and lying to me about what things would cost, so I stopped seeing her and now I'm not even sure I trust what she told me about my blood work and hormone levels. 

As far as symptoms go, well, I think I've had every one and more than the 34 on the list that I've seen on here!  Everything from the hot flashes, night sweats, nausea, stomach cramping, headaches, fatigue, aches and pains all over, sore/heavy breasts, phantom pelvic cramps, agitation, mood swings, loss of appetite on some days to the point where I can't even eat anything, and then some days I'm so hungry I feel like I can't stop eating!  There are so many more symptoms I have had, but basically these things come and go.  Sometimes they will last a month and then I can go 2 months feeling fine.  It seems very cyclical to me, yet it doesn't always match up to when I do have a period, which is usually every 2-3 months now.  Although, I haven't had one since December, so this is probably the longest I have gone without one so far. 

In addition to my primary care doctor, I now have a GI doctor and a Cancer doctor following my status as well.  The GI doctor for all the stomach issues and the Cancer doctor because in all the testing they did, they did see 2 enlarged lymph nodes in my abdomen area, but after all the tests they have done, there is nothing that says "cancer" - so for now they are just watching them.  They haven't changed size in 2 years and most likely I just have a couple of lymph nodes that are larger than normal. They clearly aren't very large because they said there is no way to do a biopsy on them because they are small enough that they would be hard to find in the difficult location they are in behind my intestines.  But because of the hot flashing and night sweats which are also symptoms of cancer, I have had to go through the past year being scared to death I had cancer because the cancer doctor keeps sending me for all sorts of tests, even though his own General Surgeon evaluated me and he thinks it's perimenopause!  He is the only doctor that I have seen between my old state and moving to my new state that has actually said this is probably hormones and perimenopause!  Unfortunately, he is a general surgeon and can't do much to help me. 

So, I just continue on with all the other doctors telling me there is nothing really wrong with me. I am still in search of a new gyno doctor in my new state, hoping that I find someone that might take my symptoms seriously for a change.  It's so frustrating to have doctor after doctor tell you, "No, perimenopause wouldn't cause all these symptoms you are having."  But yet they can find no other medical explanation! 


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2018, 01:45:46 PM »

Oh periwinkle68 - what a mess!!!!!  You are clearly not in the UK??? Are you in the USA?

You need to read up all the info on this site and find a good gynaecologist that is recommended for menopause problems and see him/her to get yourself sorted. Print stuff off stuff from this site to help with discussing your problems. Write down all you symptoms and questions as well.

To scare you about cancer seems very extreme and unnecessary!!!  I have never heard of hot flushes and nights sweats being a typical symptom of cancer!!???  I have had many friends and family members with various cancers and they haven't complained of flushes and night sweats!!! 

Considering your age, I am staggered they have not considered the menopause as a cause for many of your symptoms, especially as these symptoms seem to come and go which is typical in the peri menopause phase. Did you find that article about the peri meno stage interesting?
Ask around about good gynaecologists you could see - there must be someone who can help you.  let us know how you get on. Dg x


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2018, 04:33:44 PM »

Well I had blood tests when I was about 48 and they came back normal but my Dr said they don't always show up at this stage and she would just go by my symptoms and agreed I was peri menopausal and offered me HRT (which I didn't take her upon yet).

I have all the same symptoms as you (apart from I don't have a lack of appetite, I have gained so much weight!) and mine come and go as well. I believe you're in the USA? Don't worry, UK Dr's are just as ignorant of peri menopause which you will find out when you read up on here. I'm lucky I had a lovely female GP who was fantastic.



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Re: Hello!
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2018, 04:59:55 PM »

Well I had blood tests when I was about 48 and they came back normal but my Dr said they don't always show up at this stage and she would just go by my symptoms and agreed I was peri menopausal and offered me HRT (which I didn't take her upon yet).

I have all the same symptoms as you (apart from I don't have a lack of appetite, I have gained so much weight!) and mine come and go as well. I believe you're in the USA? Don't worry, UK Dr's are just as ignorant of peri menopause which you will find out when you read up on here. I'm lucky I had a lovely female GP who was fantastic.

Yes, I'm in the USA.  Lucky for you that you have a good general doctor that is great.  I like my general doctor here, but she says she wouldn't even consider HRT until I was past menopause (12 months without my period).  I am still going to search for a new Gyno doctor and schedule an appointment to discuss.  I guess if I keep trying, maybe one day I'll get lucky and someone will believe me and try to help me.  I don't know for certain if I'd want to try HRT, but I know other women who had the same symptoms as me and when they went on HRT all those symptoms disappeared.  I'm just so tired of being sick so much. 