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Author Topic: Think its just me !!!!!!!  (Read 2807 times)


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Think its just me !!!!!!!
« on: March 04, 2018, 08:34:49 AM »

Serious anger issues for the slightest wee thing ???
Hi Im new to posting but have been reading with interest in the hope I would find comfort or sanity
13 years ago I had the delight of becoming premature menopausal >:(... age 37
Not allowed on HRT (Family History) so given fluoxetine and got on with it
somehow made it for about 11/12 years struggled really hard at times and avoided docs at all costs
Until fairly recently when mood levels got soooooo bad  So i went to doctors and was given Gabapentin  ??? ???
The night sweats and horrendous flushes continued so went back to doctor again was told to up the dose of gabapentin
the anger issues got worse the flushes got worse and so on!!
I am now on HRT have been for a few weeks so i came off the gabapentin  :'( :'( :'(  and i think this could be the problem
Severe mood swing and explosive anger that lasts for quite a time Deeply unpleasant for me and my poor long suffering family  Even the dogs avoid me  :(  ..  there are other issues but would be most grateful if anyone can through me a nugget of hope....  TIA  x


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2018, 09:05:03 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM

Why were you told you couldn't have HRT when you were in your 30s? If you are using hrt now then there can't have been good reasons and the doctors at that time are negligent!!! You need HRT as oestrogen  deficiency so young is likely to give long term health problems for your heart and bones.
Withdrawal from  The Gabepenton withdrawal does give nasty side effects and can take some time to subside - were you told to withdraw from this AD really slowly over several weeks?
Pmt type symptoms are also common on some HRTs but there are different HRT types to try. As you are starting from a very low oestrogen base, it is going to take time for your body to welcome and adjust to the HRT as well. What HRT have you been given and is it a conti (non bleed) orca sequi hrt( monthly bleeds)?
If you are on something like Elleste conti HRT then this is more likely to give PMT symptoms.
Tell us more so we can help you better. DG x


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2018, 09:23:17 AM »

Hi DG  Its elleste conti i have been given now in the third week  and was just told to lower dose then stop the gabapentin  but these symptoms are far worse than any pmt  quite scary its not just a bad mood if you know what I mean  as I wasn't on the gaba for that long (8 weeks) i thought it couldn't be that causing the personality change ??
The doctor way back in 2005 told me as my mother had died of breast cancer there was no way she would be prescribing it and I shouldn't ever take it ?? but the doc I'm seeing now says benefits can outweigh the risks of hrt ....hope that's a bit clearer sorry I didn't supply that info x


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2018, 10:31:14 AM »

If you can find out whether your mother's breast was an Oestrogen receptive BC, then that would be helpful.  I assume you have regular mammograms?
I was given a very low dose Amitriptyline for pain relief, took this for just 3 weeks before side effects made me stop but my mood and feeling of aggression lasted quite some time after stopping!!!
The progesterone in Elleste is known to give bad PMT for some women and because you are taking the conti version you are taking progesterone all the time which is often not good. Even in post memo, many women choose to stick with sequential HRT regime as it involves fewer days on progesterone which reduces the negative effects. A sequi hrt does mean you have a bleed/period every month but for many women this is preferable to the progesterone effects.
It is early days for you with this HRT and you are being hit with withdrawal from the AD but I would be tempted to go back to your GP and ask for the more ‘breast freindly' HRT combination of:
Oestrogen as patch or gel used everyday and seperate a progesterone called Utrogestan and only take this progesterone for 10-12 days each month.
Both these hormones are bio identical and are considered safer. Look under TREATMENTS on this site, print off the oestrogen and Progesterone sections and show them to your GP. Utrogestan is under ‘micronised progesterone' in their drug book. GPs rarely know about this type of regime so you need to explain about it being safer, particularly for you.
I think it's going to take time for things to settle for you. Try and work on your diet, exercise and relaxation/meditation on he mean time. HRT alone won't solve everything- HRT is just part of all the strategies we need to deploy when meno hits. DG x


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2018, 10:46:33 AM »


Is your GP the same who treated your Mum?


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2018, 11:06:57 AM »

hi CLKD   no my mum died quite some time ago when i was 11  (1978)  im not even sure if i can even find out what type of breast cancer she had
Plus never had a mamogram !!!!!  x


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2018, 11:23:22 AM »

nothappychappy - I wouldn't worry about the BC risk at this stage. The small increased risk from HRT, kicks in if using HRT beyond 60.   Your current GP seems more informed but you may wish to ask to have a mammogram if you are concerned.  I presume you check yourself regularly anyway?  I believe it is now thought, by many professionals, that HRT does't necessarily trigger BC, I think in our 50s we have a 1 in 8 chance of developing BC with or without HRT. The issue can be that if we do develop BC, then HRT may encourage faster growth, so early detection is vital for all women whether they are using HRT or not. 

I would still ask if you can try the Oestrogel or the Oestrogen patch(Estrodot) with Utrogestan, as this may suit you better.  You can even use the Utrogestan vaginally (like a vaginal pessary) instead of taking it orally, as this can reduce any side effects.  Though vaginal use is not licensed here in the UK, most other countries actually encourage vaginal use!!!!
DG x


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2018, 11:49:26 AM »

Thank you for all that info  its great to have people to ask these questions and definitely sure that gabapentin causing the really awful anger explosions
You just hear "HRT" and immediately think cancer... but recent studies show different

great job you are doing Thanks x


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2018, 12:08:48 PM »

The other reason I have recommended you try Utrogestan, is because it can have a more calming effect and is tolerated well by many women.  Maybe see if the Elleste settles over the next couple of months and then change if necessary. The first few weeks on anything can be tricky and Elleste still has bio identical oestrogen so you may find in 4-6 weeks you start to feel good once the oestrogen has worked it's magic.  Do expect some break through bleeding or spotting, in the early weeks, which is normal on any conti HRT.   If you want to stick with pills, another alternative would be the Femeston range of HRTs that might work well for you - it has a kinder progesterone. DG x


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2018, 12:21:06 PM »

Let us know how you get on.

Also, try eating every 3 hours as it helps keep blood sugar levels even; that is, every 3 hours 24/7!


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2018, 05:52:40 PM »

Thanks, ladies  I have 3 months supply of the elleste  so will see how it goes and take all this info back to doctors
Wow  eat every 3 hours !!  i do need to look at diet and exercise because not be out in such a long time even Christmas was a disaster  Fingers crossed the "gabapentin cloud" lifts real soon and hrt does its thing :) :)  cheers girls  will report back x

Abba Fan

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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2018, 06:26:33 PM »

Hi, were you on a high dose of Gabapentin? How slowly did you stop using it? I hope you didn't do it cold turkey.


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2018, 09:08:57 AM »

Hi nothappychappy

:welcomemm: from me too.

That must have been tough for you losing your mum at such a young age. Regarding the breast cancer link - if you have a first degree relative who has had breast cancer at a young age like your mother, then this could put you at an increased risk of breast cancer - although as has been said this is not necessarily a contra-indication to HRT, but personal choice.

There is some information here on criteria for referral - so maybe you are entitled for a referral to a cancer specialist to discuss your risk or be monitored or eg have genetic testing, and start your mammograms (which you should do at 50 anyway) irrespective of whether or not you take HRT?

Re the eating - I do agree that diet and exercise are very important to your general help but you should not need to eat every 3 hours (this was the advice given to women suffering extreme pms - not sure if it still holds?) - it is the stabilising of blood sugar that is important as CLKD says. You just need to make sure you eat plenty of low fat protein, fruit and vegetables and slow release carbs, and reduce your intake of sugar (and sugar containing foods) refined carbs, processed foods. Also going long periods wthout food isn't good for blood sugar regulation! Your body does not need food in the night although if you get up frequently in the night this can set off the hunger pangs (I find this sometimes although of course it disappears when I go back to sleep). I did read the other days that blood sugar is highest during the early hours but not sure how universal that is and how it varies in women/menopause!

Hopefully if you settle OK on HRT and are able to take it longer term then you can permanently come off the various AD and other medication - if they were prescribed just for symptoms of anxiety and low mood associated with the hormonal changes of menopause - and see how you feel on the HRT alone.

If you are able to take it for a little while you will hopefully gain protection to your bones and heart which will be especially beneficial due to your premature menopause. I agree with Dancinggirl re the HRT type - see how you go but do not lose hope if this one doesn't work as there are plemty of others!

Hurdity x



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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2018, 05:26:35 AM »

Thank you so much Hurdity...the breast soreness a real problem  hope this passes x


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Re: Think its just me !!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2018, 05:42:13 AM »

Hi, were you on a high dose of Gabapentin? How slowly did you stop using it? I hope you didn't do it cold turkey.
Hello AbbaFan....
i was on 3x 300 of gabapentin  wasn't for long (8 weeks in total and had started at 3 x100 for 4 weeks)  I  can't believe the withdrawal pains with that drug I'm not sure but I am blaming that for the outrageous aggressive rages
the doctor just said to come off the gabapentin when she gave me the hrt  so i dropped the gaba pretty quick few days at 200 and the rest of week on 100 stopped after a week  had no idea how dangerous that drug was.. Scary how extreme the rages are surprised husband hasnt left me.. marriage cant take anymore of this ....  feels as though i won't be happy ever again    :'(
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