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Author Topic: Burning Mouth  (Read 4128 times)


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Burning Mouth
« on: November 12, 2017, 12:25:35 AM »

Hi Everyone,

I am really sorry to be a massive nuisance but really need some more of your wise words.

Today my mouth started to go numb, my lips tingling, my gums...I had two massive panic attacks thinking I couldn't breath or swallow.

Left mehighly anxious and shivvery for hours. I honestly hate this, my mouth is burning and feels so so tongue sore.

I know I must sound  so ridiculous but I don't think I can do this.....i really can't cope with wave after wave of these symptoms.

I read on here about Burning Mouth Syndrome? I think that is probably it but tonight I just feel so devastated by all this menopause stuff.

Thank you so much for all of the lovely replies from my last post. That has helped and then along comes this  next set of weird symptoms.

It really frightened me. I just want it all to stop.

I am really sorry to be such a pain.




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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2017, 07:36:18 AM »

Hi Primrose.  Dry mouth can give you a sore mouth.  I buy a product off amazon where the tablet sticks to your gum and slowly releases a saliva stimulant.  Or chewing sugar free gum helps x

I'll look the product up later, sure it starts with a Z


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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2017, 09:20:42 AM »

It's so ghastly how the meno messes with the brain. It's something that is not properly acknowledged by the medical profession generally - they just dish out ADs and tell us we are depressed. 

Primrose you are not alone - very strong women find themselves in a dreadful state when meno hits - add in a variety of simply life stresses and the meno can have a devastating effect.  Write out what you are feeling, keep a diary about it all as this will help you to rationalise things better.
I actually think modern life doesn't help - we are expected to work till our late 60s now, our children often need more support well into their twenties and beyond - I'm even anxious about the future politically, as things are so unstable now and the future of the UK and Europe, with a 'nutter' in the White House, everything is so uncertain - I believe at this time in our lives, as we need more support, there simply isn't the structure in place to give any quality of life.
I picked up my prescription for Vagifem on Friday - looked at the BIG notice board at the surgery and there was no mention of menopause giving advice and support.  Women are simply left to do their own research. DG x



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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2017, 12:08:27 PM »

XyliMelts are the lozenges from Amazon that release saliva stimulants x


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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2017, 03:09:11 PM »

Thank you so much for replying. I have found a journal I never really used. I will start recording in it today, that is a really good idea.

I think I am struggling to believe it is Menopause because i had no idea it could be so devasting.

I keep having waves of health  anxiety as so many of my symptoms are neurological  and I just don't know enough so am struggling with some horrendous thoughts.

I can see from all your posts I have nothing out of the ordinary but  just cannot grasp how one minute I am ok and the next I have a numb foot, pins and needles in my vagina and my mouth is is utterly bl""dy awful.

I don't mean to sound at all patronising but you are all amazing women, many with so much knowledge and so kind.

I am going to keep researching and clue myself up, keep the journal....go on Amazon for the lozenges and try my very hardest to stay calm.

Primrose xx


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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2017, 03:48:05 PM »

Maybe read the 'advice for men' too?  You may glean lots from that.

Most symptoms can be attributed to The Change but keeping a diary is useful.  Make sure that your toothpaste is free of SLS - and don't brush too hard, I find that my gums get really sore if I over do that!  Also, when I have SLS in products my mouth burns within seconds of eating: chocolate, bananas, marmalade, Marmite, jams, honey ............

Try not to worry that the next new symptom is 'life threatening'.  Put it into the search box here and you will probably find you are not alone!


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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2017, 04:23:35 PM »

THe early days are horrendous, it seems like one symptom occurs straight after another starts.  You get your head round one and bam!, another strikes

So health anxiety is a natural feeling I'd say, but that usually improves as you educate yourself.  But always ask dr or nurse if something seems wrong and not a typical symptom.

I find it so strange how some sail through and others are hit with horrible symptoms x


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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2018, 10:49:02 AM »

Hello Primrose

I wondered how you are getting along now? I very much hope you are feeling better about everything.  We sound extremely similar, I have had to work really hard this week to stave off the panic attacks, with the same symptoms and exact same thoughts. So if you are still feeling anxious, remember you are not alone and that there is another very menopausal woman out there experiencing exactly the same! I almost came on here last night in desperation about 3 am as I didn't want to wake other half as he is so tired from a long shift.

I don't know if you ever purchased the XyliMelts?  Annie* recommended them to me also (*you have kept me sane this week!) and tried first one last night, (whilst fighting off the anxiety to actually use it) and it did help. I even managed a little sleep. I have one working away right now. Annie is right about educating ourselves, that is what I have been trying to do, as I know that once I have a few answers to the questions (hopefully from referral to facial maxilla) that are whirling round in my head, I will be much calmer and better able to cope. And yes, our anxiety does make it worse, so a bit of a vicious circle!

I am rugging up and getting myself out into the garden and the sunshine and having a little potter. Having a few ideas ready for Spring helps tremendously. Although, it seems Spring may be suspended due to the extreme cold. Damn! Take care Primrose x


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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2018, 10:54:14 AM »

Aw bless you knorman that's so sweet of you

I was a complete panicky mess when I joined here so have total empathy with newbies.  I feel much better but still have to deal with the aftermath of what's been damaged by menopause, so if I can stick around and even help one lady, it's been worth it

You've really made me feel good, thank you xxxx


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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2018, 12:55:00 PM »

So the complete panicky mess does become better?! It feels a long way off at the moment, but I will take heart. I think you will find that you have probably helped more than one lady! xxx


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Re: Burning Mouth
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2018, 02:03:58 PM »

I still have my moments, I won't lie but am much better than I was, I feel like I'm back on that merry-go-round of life again, sometimes struggling to hold on but doing it

Peri left me well and truly fallen off it and no energy to even try to get back on it

Hope it makes sense, it really is the best way I can explain xx