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Author Topic: Help please merina coil fears  (Read 1575 times)


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Help please merina coil fears
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:49:15 PM »

Hi I wonder if anyone else has experienced this, I am 53 and 4 years post menopause. Due to having bowel trouble i went to GP with left sided pain and he referred me for a colonoscopy. I was cleared of bowel problems but a dye cat scan highlighted I had a blood flow round left ovary and possible PID scarring. I was referred to the gynaecologist.
He offered a myomectomy (removal of fibroid) and to fit merina coil. I queried this as I felt 4 years post menopause was late especially as I have not bleed.
He reassured me and I under went the surgery end of January.
Well my original left sided pain symptoms have returned and every day the spotting has increased I'm now wearing a pad daily and the discharge is red brown  :( >:( and about 2 teaspoons a day.
The pain in my back and side is constant but manageable but the period like pains are getting worse. I have arrange to have a smear and the coils removed Monday.
I just wonder if anyone else had a merina so long after last period? I'm feeling pretty scared that it has caused abnormal changes in my cervix?
Any advice would be appreciated
Thank you


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Re: Help please merina coil fears
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2018, 01:31:47 PM »

Have a look-see at the various threads re Mirena - put it into the search box .  Are you having to take pain relief and does it help?

Browse round.   :welcomemm:


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Re: Help please merina coil fears
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2018, 01:41:28 PM »

Thanks for your reply, I have looked at lots of merina post's but cannot find anyone else having it fitted so long after menopause.
I have had to take pain relief a few times this week, today I feel out of salts with back pain. I don't like this bleeding as I have in the past had boarderline abnormal smears.
Also I read somewhere that merina not good for PID suffer's. I am keen to see if anyone else has been offered a merina so long after last period? X


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Re: Help please merina coil fears
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2018, 03:53:02 PM »

What did the gynaecologist say the Mirena would do?


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Re: Help please merina coil fears
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2018, 04:06:37 PM »

He said it would give me more energy combined with estrogel lotion, I do in some ways feel better less flushes, however as a previous sufferer on PID And abnormal smears I am concerned about the heavy spotting, as merina is usually used for heavy periods which I didn't have as I hadn't bled for years but did have a 7cm fibroid which he took away?
So bleeding now doesn't really make sense to me?


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Re: Help please merina coil fears
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2018, 04:21:58 PM »

It does take about 6 months to settle.

I think Annie Evans did a you tube video on mirena - she said that if you had bleeding you needed more oestrogen.


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Re: Help please merina coil fears
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2018, 04:52:13 PM »

Wooska - what are you using oestrogen wise? If you haven't been using oestrogen, then you probably have over thinning of the uterus and this would cause bleeding and pain. If you are using oestrogen then some bleeding and spotting is quite normal in the first few weeks or even months after having the Mirena fitted and this should settle.   Please don't panic, the Mirena won't have done any damage. I had the Mirena with Oestrogel for 4 years in post meno and it was he best HRT combination I every had.

When they did the colonoscopy, did they find any diverticuli? These can cause pain in the left side of your stomach and around the hip, so I'm wondering if that could be the problem.  Some cramping can occur with the Mirena as well but the Mirena is generally popular because it is very safe, good at protecting the womb lining and will prevent or shrink fibroids etc. 

If you using Oestrogel, then perhaps up the dose to 2 pumps per day to see if that helps. DG x


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Re: Help please merina coil fears
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2018, 04:31:57 PM »

Hi Wooska
I have had the Mirena for 6 weeks. I have had historical PID and was worried about having a Mirena but so far it's okay. However I have had daily spotting like yours and especially after intercourse (sorry for details). I'm seeing my gp hopefully Monday for my 6 week review. It is normal to have spotting for up to 3-6 months apparently post Mirena fitting. I also have currently 3 pumps daily of oestrogel, not sure its enough and would like to go to 4 but I get really low and irritable when I try to increase. Pain in joints backache hip etc is a side effect and should settle. However bad pain in pelvic region could indicate an infection which is extremely common post Mirena and usually manifests in the first 3 weeks.
I would have a check up and if you had this fitted for menopause symptoms persevere alongside the oestrogen and maybe a course of antibiotics are needed if you do have an infection.
So like you I had one fitted in menopause after periods had stopped mostly, not sure I was 1 year post though.
I'm hoping my spotting will settle and I'm asking for blood tests to measure my oestrogen levels to see if I'm absorbing enough to control the spotting.
Good luck, let us know how you get on. X