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Author Topic: Secondary hypothyroidism  (Read 2962 times)


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Secondary hypothyroidism
« on: February 16, 2018, 11:32:41 AM »

Hello does anyone else have secondary hypothyroidism and do you find similar health issues to meno likeep brain fog heart palpitations anxiety weight gain etc. 5 family members suffer from hypothyroidism and when I got nowhere with my gp last year I had private thyroid blood tests done but although 3 levels were very low and one off the scale because my tsh although low was within their perimeters they refused to refer me to anot endocrinologist.
So my next thought because I believed the doctors who said my thyroid was fine I blamed my health issues on perimenopause.  Now I'm wondering if it is thyroud as my family have pushed for me to get it checked because when I joined a thyroid group and posted my blood results they immediately said hypothyroidism but with pituitary issue and demanded I get back to the doctors.
I am seeing her this week but she blames everything on the menopause or my age in general so has anyone here had thyroid problems and menopause combined and what was your outcome thank you and sorry for the long post


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2018, 11:13:54 AM »

Guess no one can help or has any advice no problem


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2018, 11:35:36 AM »

Sorry I don't have experience but hopefully in the next few days someone might.  I don't think there's many thyroid patients here so you may need to wait for a reply x


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2018, 11:45:28 AM »

Sorry Peroxideblader can't help with your query as no experience at all. I'm sure someone will come along eventually who can help but it does sometimes get quieter on here at the weekend.


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2018, 01:29:50 PM »

You could put it into the search box on here - there have been several ladies with different thyroid problems who are no longer here.


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2018, 11:27:59 PM »

Hi have you had your vit b12 checked as the symptoms you mentioned are similar to some of mine and I  was thinking perimenopause . I asked the doc for iron , thyroid and vit b12 so I could rule them out and know they were peri symptoms.  Vit b12 came back low , just above lower limits and doc started me on injections. Brain fog, fatigue , anxiety all improved. Worth looking into.


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2018, 04:19:28 PM »

Thank you sorry if was a nag .
Paupau I had my thyroid done privately and vit d I'm on vit d now and I asked for vit b12 at my blood test 2 weeks ago as I read about the lack of b12 being similar.  They've come back as normal but until Thursday I won't know their actual reading.  Last year it was 263 nhs class that as normal but on the vit b12 support group and in USA Netherlands in fact everywhere but the UK anything under 500 and you won't function correctly and will feel poorly. So if my reading is still around that mark I'm going to start sublingual b12 as nhs won't give me injections and I can't face self injecting.
What were your levels and symptoms


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2018, 06:46:09 PM »

Hello ladies.

 The normal range for B12 is 211 - 911ng/L according to the lab that tested my blood recently.  My reading was 416 ng/L  which I achieve solely by oral supplementation because I am effectively vegan. All I do is take a good quality vitamin B complex that includes 50 ug of B12 per capsule.  I would think therefore that you should be able to improve your measurements by taking any good otc preparation.

Hope this is helpful ladies.

Take care.



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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2018, 07:15:44 PM »

Thank you..I've just started b12 sublingually if that's the word it's the best way to absorb it apparently but friends who suffer from b12 deficiency say that they won't raise it enough and I need to self inject. Have you felt better since you raised your b12 levels ?


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2018, 07:48:40 PM »

If the deficiency is because of diet, b12 tablets are ok, if through malabsorption you ideally need jabs but sublingual is next best.

Each regions ranges differ, mine is 211-911, but some are as low as 120!

Mine was tested at 197 and they refused point blank to treat it

There's a fab Facebook group for b12 deficiency.  The admin are very knowledgeable and would help you.  It's the largest members group you need to join x


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2018, 11:14:07 AM »

Thank you I'm on that fb page my friend added me as she suffers from the same issues as me but I feel a bit of a fraud joining it as my levels are not low for UK ranges but on their forum anything under 500 your body will struggle.
I carry on with the sublingual b12 and wait to hopefully be referred to an endocrinologist or try thyroxine thank you


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2018, 02:16:14 PM »

I have an under active thyroid plus Iv been going through quiet a bad meno since I was 45, Im now 52. I keep on top of my health now as its been very stressful gor me to cope with all of the symptoms of both of them!

I can become anaemic too so now I buy ferrous sulphate periodically over the counter myself. I also take high strength Vitamin C and Omega 3. Was on 100mcg of thyroxine for 11 years but once post meno kicked in my blood readings were going wonky. Doc lowered thyroxine to 50mcg and I felt so ill, so back I went and demanded a bit more....I now take 75mcg on alternate days but still dont feel right. Im on HRT too.

Dont think I will ever go back to the way I used to feel. I had a great job etc but had to give it up so I know how it feels to get up every day just dragging yourself to do things with sore joints, fatigue, insomnia etc etc etc.

Good luck with trying to get to the bottom of this and keep on top of every blood test, dont hesitate to ask for help. X


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2018, 04:52:27 PM »

I think Thyroid is an utter nightmare and I am in a similar boat.
I have just had my levels checked privately again, and although all in the normal range they are only just. I also have antibodies but again in the "normal" range. However if you research it The Mayo Clinic gives a much lower figure for antibodies which makes mine a red flag. Similarly my T3 though "normal" is under the lower limit according to references given on Thyroid UK.
I have CFS/ME and in general folks with this illness test low in thyroid levels so I am not surprised.
I am now testing B12 Ferritin and Vitamin D again and will then retest thyroid in a year to keep a check on things.
Hope you get some answers.x


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Re: Secondary hypothyroidism
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2018, 05:11:07 PM »

Hi reading all of the above I feel the same diagnosed with under active thyroid when I was 50 I'm now 53 I take 50mg of levothyroxine I was told my tsh levels were OK when checked a month ago but with low white cells but my gp said he's not concerned I did ask if I could have more testing done regarding my tsh levels but was told that there was no need if tsh was OK x