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Author Topic: New to forum and looking for some advice please  (Read 3919 times)


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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2018, 08:52:03 AM »

Hi Rosie63

We tend to use shorthand on here to save writing it all out in full so no wonder you are puzzled.

Conti = continuous combined HRT where you take oestrogen and progesterone all the time and is designed to be a "no-bleed" HRT ( although often women do bleed at the start of this regime for a few weeks or months until settled). This is normally prescribed for post-menopausal women otherwise bleeding might occur unpredictably.

Sequi = sequential or cyclical HRT which means you take oestrogen only for half the month and the other half ( or a few days less) you add in progesterone and take them both together for the rest of the month. This is designed to give a monthly bleed to mimic the natural menstural cycle and is prescribed for women who have not yet reached menopause. Some women ( like me for example) choose to continue with a cyclical HRT even when long post-menopausal, to avoid the sdie effects of continuous progestogens.

Hope this explains it! :)

Hurdity x



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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2018, 09:09:28 AM »

 :thankyou: Hurdity.

Sorry Rosie63 that I wasn't more clear.  DG x


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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2018, 01:30:31 PM »

Thank you for clarifying Hurdity and your help DG.  I think I'd prefer to do the Sequi regime as it does seem the prog is causing some stomach issues for me and perhaps that's why Prempak suited me better. So bearing this in mind, and I've only been prescribed to take 100mg of prog. is this something I could still do or would I need to take 200mg really? Sorry for all the questions but want to try to get it right :)

Thank you.

Rosie63 x



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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2018, 04:23:51 PM »

How to take Utrogestan is in the Progesterone section under TREATMENTS on this site. Many women use Utrogestan  vaginally  when using it sequentially and this can reduce side effects. The dose can be 100mg per day for 10-12 days each month when using it vaginally as it goes more directly to where it is needed. It's 200mg per for 10-12 days if used orally. DG x


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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2018, 05:34:50 PM »

Thanks very much DG.  I'll leave you in peace now ;) x


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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2018, 05:51:25 PM »

We are all here to help each other. Good luck. DG x


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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2018, 02:12:55 PM »

Hi again !  Sorry,  but I have another question.  I've been taking 2 pumps of oestrogel on my inner thighs for about a week now and planning to add the Utrogestan in for the last 12 days of a 28 day cycle so that I can gauge how I'm doing on the oestrogel. I'm still a bit up and down on how I'm feeling but appreciate this might settle down with time. 

My question at the moment is that I'm getting a kind of ache underneath, I have a bit of a discharge too, and I'm still getting some discomfort in my stomach and back which I thought might be caused by progesterone in the past but as I'm not taking that yet, I'm not so sure now.  It does feel a bit like wind but having this ‘feeling' around the vaginal area too.

Has anyone else experienced these feelings and do you think they are likely to pass once I'm more settled on this regime?




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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2018, 02:26:05 PM »

Rosie - your body is starting to ‘wake up' again as the oestrogen slowly absorbs and does it's magic - you might get tender breasts, tingling and aching around your ‘lady bits' and this is all normal when starting with HRT after being without oestrogen for some time. You will get discharge - the natural vaginal fluids are returning and the ache in the stomach and back will be the uterus coming to life. It will take at least 3 months for things to settle.  BE patient, it's early days.  Be prepared for the Utrogestan to make you feel a little relaxed and sedated.  Dg x


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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2018, 02:41:08 PM »

Thanks DG that's reassuring to know  :)

Rosie x



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Re: New to forum and looking for some advice please
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2018, 12:23:59 PM »

Hi, oh my goodness, the ache down below I'm experiencing is really getting me down.  I've been on my Estrogel/Utrogestan regime for just over 2 weeks now and was hoping it would have started to ease. It's keeping me awake at night too so no getting away from it at all.  I'm starting to wonder if there might be another reason for it !  I'm going to start my 100mg Utrogestan vaginally tonight and not sure whether that's likely to make it better or worse or will make difference.  I'm also still getting a discharge along with the ache.  I've increased from 2 pumps of Estrogel to 3 on consultant's advice because 2 wasn't dealing with other meno symptoms.  I didn't get any of this when I was on Prempak C, although I do understand that Estrogel is a totally different kettle of fish.

I guess my questions are - from your experiences - is the discomfort down below likely to improve with time (in other words I need to be more patient) and is the Utrogestan likely to have any affect, good or bad?  Or should I think about getting my ‘under-carriage' investigated.

Thanks ever so for your continued advice and support.

Rosie63 x
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