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Author Topic: Hello  (Read 2005 times)


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« on: February 20, 2018, 06:24:32 PM »

Hello and thank you for adding me to this website.  I'm Dawn I'm 49 . Married with 4 children 3 grown up and one 15. I'm a grandmother to harry and molly . I had a hysterectomy 15 years ago but kept my ovaries. Had systoms of menopause for a few years now but just recently it's got worse. Had really bad headaches hot flushes  very snappy just felt very down in myself.  Had a lot of stress past few years up and down to the christie hospital with my son he has leukemia. Yesterday went for his check up and bloods and I felt dreadful heart was racing hot flushes and was shacking felt panicky.  Had to leave hubby with my son and go back to the car for fresh air.  Today I saw my doctor she told me HRT would not be a great idea as I have cancer in my family lost my mum to it 5 years ago and my cousin has just got over breast cancer.  So she has put me on anti depressants. Got to go back Monday for blood tests. I couldn't say what stage I'm at as I haven't had a period in 15 years . Really nice having a place to chat about this .
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 06:26:26 PM by dawnieuk »


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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2018, 06:32:47 PM »

Just wanted to say welcome dawnieuk some of our more experienced ladies will give you better advice than I could just be patient and they'll come along xx


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Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2018, 07:00:24 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM dawnieuk

You are going through a tough time and it's no wonder you are getting flushes and feeling panicky. Stress is the worst thing for bringing hot flushes.

ADs might help but they can take some time to take effect and sometimes make you feel worse before you feel better - I do hope the GP warned you about side effects. However, ADs, for a short time may well be a good option for you right now.
How old was your mother when she had breast cancer?  If she was over 65, then her BC may not have been related to oestrogen - she would have been very post menopause. A cousin having BC doesn't count as far as you are concerned.  If you can find out what type of BC your mother had and whether it was oestrogen receptive, then that makes a big difference.  If the BC wasn't oestrogen receptive, then you aren't at increased risk and in fact if your ovaries have packed up then some oestrogen now might actually protect you from bone loss, heart disease and could actually lower your risk of developing BC!!! IT's the combined HRT, for women who still have a uterus and therefore require progesterone, that have a very small increased risk of getting BC if still using HRT beyond the age of 60.
Research has shown that Women who have had a hysterectomy actually have a slightly reduced risk of developing BC  if they use some oestrogen !!!

Do read up all the info on this site. See posting - we're her to support you.  DG x


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Re: Hello
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2018, 07:16:47 PM »

Thank you for the welcome. My mother didn't have breast cancer she had a very rare cancer. My cousin had the breast cancer. I've just been so tired waking up 4 to 5 times a night hot sweats. Then work in the mornings exhausted.  I've cut down my hours at work due to this. I just feel it's definitely got worse.  I've coped so far God knows how with the past few years but I got the strength from somewhere.  I am going to read though this site I'm thinking of alternative like herbal. So far I've learnt a lot from reading the posts here it's a great help thank you


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Re: Hello
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2018, 07:28:05 PM »

Browse round.  Make notes.

Have a look at the treatment and alternative areas.  Some ladies find that herbals etc. help until their hormones go haywire! 

Quality of Life is important.  Therefore HRT should not be dismissed.  Your cousin's disease isn't likely to be taken into consideration.  Which side fo the family is she, Mum or Dad?  It may not be oestrogen dominant so will not be of relevance.

Your GP doesn't seem very clued up.  ADs are OK as some can ease hot flushes.  Some can ease anxiety. 

As oestrogen levels drop so the body may become dry: skin, nostrils, deep in the ears, eyes, vagina - atrophy can be treated with HRT without there being a problem, I had breast disease and it was never a consideration not to have treatment.  Muscles may become lax = aches and pains .......... it's not called The Change for nowt  ::)

What support are you getting with regards to your son's treatment?  Is there a group in the Hospital or local to you?  On-line Forum even? 


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Re: Hello
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2018, 07:45:26 PM »

Dawnieuk. As your mother didn't have breast cancer, then some oestrogen would be good for you - you are too young to be iestegn deficient and you need to protect your heart and bone health for the long term. The BC risk must be from a sister or mother - not a cousin.  When you go for your blood tests I would ask if you can try some Oestrogen or Estradot patches. You will be amazed how this can help. You probably also need local oestrogen as well ( Vagifem) to help with the bladder.
 My next door neighbour was suffering like you and I simply told her to pop to the GP for some oestrogen and she's now got her life back.
GPs are not clued up on treating menopause so we have to do research and ask for what we need.
DG x


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Re: Hello
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2018, 07:59:52 PM »

It was from my mum's  . I've been on websites and I talk  to other mother's with children with leukemia.  He's much better then what he was a year ago and he's back at college.  Will my doctor know what stage of the menopause I am ? To be totally honest I didn't even know there was stages . Knew some things about the menopause but this site has been a eye opener did feel alone.  Knew I the systoms were getting worse but didn't want to worry my husband after my son got poorly. Glad I finally said something . I am going to mention all this to my doctor . I do want my life back in fact I will have a good read and write some notes down so I know what I'm talking about when I get there thank you so much for your help .  :)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 08:04:57 PM by dawnieuk »


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Re: Hello
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2018, 09:49:23 AM »

dawnieuk - Your GP will hopefully have had you FSH and oestrogen levels checked with this blood test. Blood tests are not conclusive as HRT treatment should be based on symptoms, not blood results, but you are clearly getting menopause symptoms e.g. flushes, so a little oestrogen could work wonders for you. The Peri stage, where the ovaries are slowly packing up, can last some years and results in fluctuating hormones - so flushes etc will come and go.  If you are post menopause, then this will show in the blood tests as your FSH will be high and oestrogen levels very low.
Let us know how you get on - don't let the GP talk you out of trying oestrogen - it could do you more good than harm.
DG x


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Re: Hello
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2018, 12:04:55 PM »

Glad that you are getting some support regarding your son's illness.  How is *he* about it all?

Do take a list of symptoms to your appt., maybe make a double one so that you don't feel rushed? 


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Re: Hello
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2018, 05:06:59 PM »

Hi dawnieuk


In view of what you have said I would just like to echo what has already been said by other members - you will benefit from oestrogen if you are getting symptoms ie hot flushes, mood swings, low moods etc. At your age these are most likely to be due to menopause starting, but blood tests would show a raised FSH at certain times of the month. You should not have been prescribed the ADs as the first line of treatment before HRT was considered. Yur doctor is sadly ignorant about these matters. So sorry to hear about your mum, but as the others have said - her cancer is not relevant to whether or not you take HRT if it was not breast cancer.

Please do ask for a low dose oestrogen preparation - best to start low and see how you feel and then build up if you are still getting symptoms (flushes) after a few weeks. All the oestrogen preparations are listed here:

It's a question of whether you want to take a tablet ( eg Elleste Solo 1 mg) taken daily, or a patch ( eg Estradot 50 mcg applied twice weekly) or gel ( eg estrogel 2 pumps applied daily). After you have settled on the right combo of HRT and you still have residual symptoms of depression then maybe consider ADs - but not before making any lifestyle changes you need re diet, exercise, fresh air, reducing stress, alcohol, smoking etc.

If you have any more questions do please ask and hopefully we can help :)

Hurdity x