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Author Topic: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding  (Read 6872 times)


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2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« on: February 12, 2018, 01:23:59 PM »

Hi everyone - I originally joined the site just over a year ago because I was worried about a few symptoms and was v anxious about my health because my lovely husband had just been diagnosed with inoperable cancer.  (I was very concerned about staying healthy for our two teenage boys.)
Since then my husband has had a lot of treatment and although his cancer is sadly still incurable we feel very lucky to still have him with us.

Anyway - my issue is that I didn't have a period for 84 days (also missed two earlier periods last year) but I've now been bleeding for 21 days.  The flow is still very heavy and I had some awful flooding last week.  I am taking Spatone liquid iron because I've always had quite heavy periods and have ended up anaemic at different times.

I've read that this is quite common in perimenopause so just wondering about other peoples experience.  I will be 48 in a couple of months time. Had a clear smear 3 months ago.  Also had an ultrasound about a year ago when I was having some gallbladder investigations:  'Bulky uterus endometrium is heterogeneous and may represent either adenomyosis or early fibroid changes.  No focal fibroids seen. Endometrium is thin and normal for day 6.  No polyps seen.  both ovaries appear normal.  no adnexal masses or free fluid seen.'   

« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 02:23:02 PM by Sallyyy »


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2018, 05:52:57 PM »

Hi Sallyyy - welcome back  :)

The type of bleeding you describe is common during peri-menopause but, also, could it be due to your possible adenomyosis? This is known to cause heavy periods (my daughter in law has this)

The information from Guy's Hospital is informative

I hope your bleeding stops soon. I had periods lasting over six weeks when in peri. Have you had your blood tested for iron levels just to make sure that Spatone is enough for you?

Taz x


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 07:07:01 PM »

Thanks so much for replying Taz and for the link.
I'll read it tonight (I hadn't even heard of it till my scan.)
It's reassuring to hear that the heavy bleeding is common at this time.
I think I will get another blood test just to check about the anaemia.
I was thinking that if the bleeding doesn't stop in another week (so 4 weeks of bleeding) then I should maybe have a quick check with the dr anyway (?)


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2018, 07:27:16 PM »

Sallyyy - what a rough time you are having  :hug:

Would you consider having a Mirena fitted?  This would protect your womb lining and probably stop, or at least, control the erratic bleeding you are getting. The Mirena is a favourite with many gynaes because it can shrink fibroids and prevent all kinds of problematic bleeding.  The other plus of having the Mirena is that it can be a good option as part of an HRT regime - so if you start to get meno symptoms, you simply add oestrogen as pills, patch or gel and you can use as little or as much oestrogen as you need to control flushes etc. So basically it give minimal hassle with a lot of benefits.

You have so much on your plate, so coping with heavy and prolonged bleeding ( which can be typical in peri meno) is the last thing you need right now. I hope things settle soon.  DG x


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2018, 08:51:22 PM »

Thank you Dancinggirl.
The mirena was suggested a few years ago by GP but I've tried to avoid because I had quite severe post natal depression and apparently it can cause similar hormonal issues for a minority of people.
I might need to think again about that if the bleeding continues like this. x


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2018, 10:44:25 AM »

Ahh I really feel for you - people who've not experienced the heaviness, long-drawn out periods and flooding have NO idea how life limiting it can be have they. Thanks to a "you just have to get on with it" GP I had several years of it and as a result definitely go to some lengths to ensure that others know that they most certainly do NOT have to put up with it!

Was the US Scan you had a trans-vaginal one or a regular over the stomach one? If not a TV then you need to ask to be referred for one of those as it's far better for picking out and accurately measuring fibroids. Definitely get a blood test done too, and also ask about being prescribed medication that can stop the bleeding or at least slow it - look up Tranexamic Acid for this one. I take that in combination with mefanemic acid and it's incredibly effective - if you're prone to anaemia in any event this is something that should be considered too as prolonged heavy bleeding can be very problematic.

I sympathise on your worries about the mirena as well - I've also put off going that route due to depression and anxiety already being an issue for me and the possibility of low mood was not something I wanted to be dealing with as well as everything else! 
« Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 03:48:51 PM by TheWorstWitch »


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2018, 01:54:10 PM »

Thank you Worst witch. Yes it was a TV scan - although just over a year ago now so not sure how much might have changed.
Sorry you went through this too - glad things are better for you with the medication x


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2018, 03:51:32 PM »

I'll be honest - if things have suddenly got worse then I'd request a further scan. A lot can apparently change in a year and as I found out fibroids don't have to be huge to cause lots of problems!  The good news is that there's all sorts of things that can be done for them and there are options that aren't surgical too. The further good news is it sounds as though you're further along the meno route than I am and the little blighters do tend to shrink when that happens!


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2018, 03:54:09 PM »

That's what I keep hoping (that I'm quite a long way along the route !)


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2018, 06:31:12 PM »

Just to update this. I saw GP in end today as still bleeding.
I was concerned about wasting their time but she said it did need checking so has referred me for an updated scan. (Plus a blood test to double check iron and thyroid.)

I think I've developed a bit of health anxiety because of my husband's illness (I'm v concerned about being ok for our sons) so nervous about having a scan but fingers crossed will be nothing significant.


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2018, 05:02:04 PM »

Just another quick update.  The bleeding slowed down eventually by day 26/27/28 so was what I would class as 'light' by then which was good.  But then Day 29 heavy again - so I think this may actually be the start of the next period.  (I hadn't even considered that ! - that one could just lead into the next one....)  Im keeping fingers crossed that if this is new period it wont be as heavy or long as the last one and so may stop after a couple of weeks.

Ive had blood test - will get results in a few days and still waiting for appointment for scan.


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2018, 06:04:20 PM »

Hi Sallyyy,
Sorry I'm coming to your post late.   It's good you're getting the bleeding investigated as it's the only way to check what's going on.  I had very prolonged bleeding at age 49 (don't wish to scare you but it was everyday for 6 months as I was too scared to go and see my doc.).  If all looks well they can give you medications to reduce the bleeding or maybe stop it.  I had a scan and biopsy which came back normal and my bleeding was put down as abnormal uterine bleeding.  I'd had very high stress over a few years leading up to things going haywire and do believe this contributed to what is already a fraught time of life for some of us.  18 months on and things aren't perfect - still get lengthy but lighter periods but also getting longer cycles and for me this is manageable without any interventions - for now!  Wishing you all the best.  😊


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Re: 2nd time being new ..... V heavy period and flooding
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2018, 06:48:39 PM »

Thanks for replying Susannah. It's so useful to see everyone's experiences. Glad things bit more manageable for you now.