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Author Topic: Bio identical progesterone  (Read 2172 times)

Hilary Olley

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Bio identical progesterone
« on: February 15, 2018, 10:17:09 AM »

Hi I have been suffering from anxiety for nearly a year now and have been told my progesterone is low so dosnt balance with my estrogen they gave prescribed bio identical progesterone, has anyone taken this and has it eased their anxiety? Xx


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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2018, 10:47:46 AM »

Hi Hilary Oiley

Who has told you that you need progesterone? There are some alternative practitioners who believe in an 'oestrogen dominance' theory.  This is based on the theory that, when we are in the peri meno phase and the ovaries are failing, some months we don't ovulate but we still produce oestrogen anyway. This can sometimes result in erratic, prolonged or heavy bleeding but there will be fluctuations in mood and other symptoms that go along with the fluctuation in hormones. Some doctor will prescribe a PCB in the early peri stage to help balance the hormones, however, a combined HRT is often the best option.  If heavy or prolonged bleeding happens, then some progesterone given for a short time can be helpful.  Some women do not tolerate progesterone that well and Oestrogen tends to be the feel good hormone while progesterone tends to bring more low mood side effects and PMT.

If your anxiety emerged when menopause started (so the peri meno stage when you're still having periods but they start to be erratic and you may be experiencing flushes at times) then it is highly likely to be hormonal and some low dose HRT with oestrogen daily and progesterone for a few days each month, could be helpful. If you tend to be quite anxious anyway, then HRT might help but reducing symptoms but an AD/SSRI might also be appropriate. Mindfulness, exercise and a sensible diet should be the first strategies to look at in terms of controlling anxiety and any meno symptoms.   
What is the progesterone you have been given called? DG x


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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2018, 10:54:02 AM »

Who has prescribed just progesterone ? I thought that you need both oestrogen and progesterone .

Hilary Olley

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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2018, 11:32:26 AM »

I have an estrogen implant that was put in by proff stud but went to a private go in London who took a blood test and my progesterone levels compared to my estrogen were really low much to low she has given me bio identical progesterone at a low dose, I have tried a few SSRI”s and they don't work x


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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2018, 12:14:18 PM »

Hello Hilary  Olley.

I realise that oestrogen is considered the feel good hormone but I read an interview with the author Jeanette  Winterston regarding her menopause and  her specialist told her that she needed the calming effects of progesterone. I wish I had kept the article but I remember it because it was the first time I had heard that progesterone had benefits!

Sorry that I can't help you but as another anxiety sufferer you have my sympathy and anything we can do to feel better is worth considering.

Hopefully someone will be along soon to advise you.

Take care.



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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2018, 01:02:01 PM »

Hi  did Professor Studd not prescribe any progesterone?


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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2018, 01:53:21 PM »

Presume you have had a hysterectomy if you have the implant without oral progesterone (which is needed to protect the womb lining)?

With regards which hormones are ‘feel good', that of course depends on what you are low on. Progesterone makes me feel energised, confident and relaxed and oestrogen makes me feel anxious, exhausted and bloated because my progesterone has gradually diminished but my oestrogen is extremely high (common in peri when the body is responding to dwindling eggs). For many, in late Peri and post meno, oestrogen can be very low so it would be that one that makes you feel amazing, and progesterone will be the devil (albeit necessary in the form of oral high dose if you have a womb and take oestrogen).

Not always easy to know where you are so try the progesterone cream and see how you feel.

Hilary Olley

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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2018, 06:43:54 PM »

I have a Mirena cool so studd said I didn't need progesterone and put implant in because I wasn't absorbing the gels properly, private doc did hormone test and my estrogen and progesterone weren't balancing estrogen was 350 and progesterone was 0.2 so has had some bio identical prog lozenges made especially form me at 25mg x


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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2018, 07:00:00 PM »

Were you getting menopausal symptoms with the Mirena and implant?

Hilary Olley

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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2018, 09:02:29 PM »

Only the anxiety


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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2018, 09:29:04 PM »

Hilary Olley
How long have you had the Mirena? Are you still seeing Studd?  Why did you see another doctor about the anxiety if you believed it was hormone related - it might have been better to see Studd again for advice ? The compounded hormones you have been given by the other doctor are not regulated and are therefore not deemed safe.
If you have had the Mirena for more than 4 years then it may have run low in progesterone and should be changed.
Progesterone is only needed if you still have a uterus and the Mirena supplies the progesterone that is protecting your womb lining so you definitely don't need any extra progesterone.
Anxiety often seems to increase with the meno - getting the right balance of hormones can help but HRT alone doesn't always work. CBT and other relaxation techniques like Mindfulness could be really beneficial. Sometimes an SSRI alongside the HRT can be helpful. DG x

Hilary Olley

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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2018, 09:56:26 PM »

I went to the Marion Gluck clinic who specialises on menopause, studd was rude a awfull, although the merina protects the womb you still need progesterone for your well being which the merina dosnt provide, my bloods showed I had 0.2 progesterone which is way to low in comparison to my estrogen, I have trued CBT and ssri they have not worked so now trying progesterone and vitamin supplements x


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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2018, 10:33:26 PM »

I've never had a Mirena but didn't realise it's local progesterone had such a low systemic action (just googled and read it's only about 10% compared to oral). Great for womb protection but, yes, not helpful for therapeutic needs (although the synthetic levonorgestrel would probably not make you feel as good as with bio-identical progesterone anyway).

Hope the lozenges help, I've only used the creams from Marion Gluck and Jan Toledano's new clinic which are very effective. It certainly had a relaxing effect on me!

Mary G

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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2018, 12:55:17 PM »

Hilary, would you mind telling us more about the progesterone lozenges?   Is this a similar approach to the compounding pharmacies in the US?


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Re: Bio identical progesterone
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2018, 04:29:40 PM »

Hilary can comfirm but I think they're another form of transdermal delivery (through the mucus membrane rather than outer skin). I have tried the vitamin e progesterone drops (which did feel like the cream in terms of potency) and Jan told me about the lozenges but that they're less easy to play around with dose.

They do all come from the compounding pharmacy so, yes, only ok if you're comfortable with the lack of regulation.