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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Confused  (Read 1111 times)


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« on: February 12, 2018, 09:11:13 PM »

Hi Everyone, I am new on here, thank goodness I found it - I lost my mum in 2013, my periods just stopped few months later.  Never had one again;  I was 44 then. 

It's been a nightmare since then, hot unbearable flushes, aching joints, night sweats, anxiety, depression that was last year ! Then I became reLly poorly with low moods last summer, panic attacks ! I got myself better with the right support .  I was in a better place.  Now it's back these last few months ... feels uncontrollable, hot flushes every minute, embarrassed in work, not that they are sympathetic I open a small window to cool down and they immediately close it ...last few months I experienced insomnia, like my insides are itching weird ! burning flushes, anxiety low mood, tearfull, little anger ... itching burning eyes, top of my arms hurt and slight rash there for 3 months ... pricey feeling rash .... and I look like iv aged. 

Been to the GP, different doctor everything's time, had the bloods done it showed that I am going through menopause.  The Gp says you have come here for something else not menopause , you need to book an appointment again to discuss menopause treatments.  So I did and had to go through same thing all over again and explain. I was asked if there was any Breast cancer in family and if I suffered with migraines.  At that point I stopped her and said don't bother ... I will do it my way ! Had no faith in her whatsoever.  The other GP discouraged me from having hrt said it not good with high blood pressure, but mines managed.  Another Gp told me to go on google and research it ! Feel very alone with all this, no medical support at all ... they made me feel like I was a hypochondriac ! I cried when I left there ... and before I went in. 

Flushes are terrible and they make me feel sick sometimes, really struggling with my job as I work in classroom and it's so noisy my nerves are shattered !

I in process of watching my portion size to eat healthier, exercise, to loose weight and plenty of water.  Iv had heavjes recently soe mouth, sweating terribly then feeezung cold chills where u literally have to go to bed with hot water bottle then I have fan on, mi utes later.  My husband freezing in bedroom and is in spare room ... as he is up early during week.  It's no life this ! I shower three times a day sometimes and just as sweaty in 5 minutes of being hot.  I get home from work I dare sit down as I'm asleep in seconds so tired in day ... everybody living in my house, walking on egg shells , don't want to go out either to socialise.  Rather stay home with my dog these days.  This thing changes your life .... dragging me down all this ...thanks for readjng my lists of self complaints lol 😢


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Re: Confused
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2018, 10:12:16 PM »

Hi and welcom to MM
It sounds as though you need HRT.  Read up all the info on this site, Write down all your symptoms and questions and go back to the GP, show them what you have written ( print stuff off from this site if you can to help with the discussion) and ask if you can try HRT.  I would suggest you try Femoston sequential 1/10 first as it has a kinder progesterone, I think at this stage a pill HRT may be easier for you to use but you can try other type sof HRT later if this one doesn't suit you.   Though you are post menopause you should get a monthly bleed with this HRT but it will hopefully make you feel a lot better generally.  DG x


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Re: Confused
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2018, 11:42:29 PM »

Have you thought about going to a herbalist? . I decided didn't want to do hrt,  so when symptoms started I visited one and the tonic she has given me has helped plus when a new symptom appeared she just adjusted the mixture.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2018, 08:40:38 AM »

Paupau - I'm pleased that herbals have helped you but seeing alternative therapists is very expensive and not many people can afford this. The NHS would prescribe herbal remedies if they were consistently effective.
I think some women with relatively mild meno symptoms can sometimes  benefit from herbal remedies in the peri meno stage but I would always caution against using any herbal remedies long term.
Poor Sunflower has not been given the support and understanding from her GP that she should have had and she should not have to spend good money on alternative methods when the NICE guidelines clearly state that HRT is the most beneficial  front line treatment for all her symptoms.
In the past I have spent a fortune seeing a variety of alternative therapists, including herbalists, and tried all kinds of remedies with no success. When I told my GP I had used herbal Remedies, she was very concerned as she said herbals are not always as safe or natural as people think - some have very toxic effects especially when used long term. After all, many highly effective drugs are made from botanicals but these will have been processed and tested so all benefits, side effects and risks are fully known. A reputable alternative therapist will explain all the risks regarding what they are selling.
I am now in my early 60s, very post meno and have stopped HRT now (my body couldn't cope with the progesterone any more) - so I have basically adjusted my life to cope with the menopause repercussions. I eat as well as I can, I do lots of walking and practise relaxation techniques but I would still be using hrt if I could - for years it gave me quality of life.  DG x