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Author Topic: Raised CRP levels ....5  (Read 1378 times)


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Raised CRP levels ....5
« on: February 06, 2018, 08:50:59 PM »

Hi again ladies,
So following on from yesterday's ultrasound scan which showed my uterus lining is 18mm, I've now been told my CRP levels are at 5 which is raised. The GP was trying to be reassuring by reading my blood results but it's done the opposite and I'm worried sick. There's so much going on with me right now that I don't know what I'm doing! I'm still having pain under left ribs and left back area, oily stools occasionally, ovary pain (which was what the scan was for) and general aches and pains.
I've not had a cold or anything similar which would explain the raised CRP, doc didn't seem worried but did say it shouldn't go above 5 or it would be something to worry about. I just can't seem to stop catastrophying, we did speak about starting some anxiety meds, think I'm going to have to do that!
Sorry to start yet another thread full of my ailments, it just somehow helps to put it into words xx


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Re: Raised CRP levels ....5
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2018, 08:58:36 AM »

I can imagine the panic and fear you are feeling right now but try to console yourself that by your actions, ie having a scan, you have found out something is wrong very very early which means it is generally easily fixable.  Once the shock of this new information subsides try to focus on the positive next steps you can take to sort things out.  In the meantime, if the stress is too much, ask your GP for something temporary to help you sleep/relax.  So sorry you are going through this but I'm sure you will be fine.


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Re: Raised CRP levels ....5
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2018, 10:17:14 AM »

 - the problem is, your anxiety over all this is probably making things worse. Digestive issues are really affected by our mental state - by being anxious you are probably upsetting your gut and causing symptoms which would explain the pains you are getting around the ribs and the ‘ovaries'.  I had very similar issues early last year.  It turned out to be diverticulitis, which is apparently very common and rarely needs treatment but is very distressing - my abdominal pain was awful.   
I am fortunate to have a brother-in-law who is a gastroenterologist and he advised me well during this time - I was in quite a state as I was so frightened. 

My advice would be:  eat small meals often and make them quite bland but as nutritious as possible. I found eating any food very difficult for a while because all my food was going straight through me and going such pain - so I drank a Fortisip bottle each day for a week or two and just nibbled on simple things until my gut had settled and then gradually introduced a variety of foods to my diet and I can now eat fairly normally.  I still rarely have caffeine or alcohol and though I eat cheese I don't drink milk - I have Soya milk instead with my cereal. Rice, potatoes, fish, some vegetables and low residue cereals are good at first.  I do eat bread but some find cutting wheat out can help (I'm a bit dubious about this as my gut is better when I'm eating bread).
The most important thing right now is to try to calm yourself and if this means taking an AD/SRRI for a while, then take your GPs advice. 
It appears to be very common for this type of health flare up to occur when meno hits - it will pass but you do need to be proactive in your recovery.  DG x


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Re: Raised CRP levels ....5
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2018, 10:23:23 AM »

CRP is just a test for inflammation so please don't panic.  The pain you describe sounds very similar to when I had a kidney infection (these infections can be chronic and not acute).  I was scanned for gallstones, but as I said it turned out to be an infection.  Try peeing into a jam jar and see if it's cloudy. Not all urinary infections cause pain on peeing.   

As for the womb lining it may be unconnected.  If you are post meno the chances of it representing anything sinister are only about 6-7%, so don't panic.



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Re: Raised CRP levels ....5
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2018, 01:49:37 PM »

Thank you so much ladies for your reassurance. Ive had a better day today, although the pain under ribs is still there, especially when I sit down but I'm trying to ignore it as it may well be my anxiety causing the pain!
My husband did some research and actually my CRP is just at the higher end of normal so no need for all that panic after all. I feel so embarrassed by my extreme anxiety and I realise my posts on here probably dont make much sense as I tend to post when I'm in the middle of a meltdown but I just wanted to thank everyone that's taken the time to reply, it means a lot xxx