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Author Topic: Hi all  (Read 5282 times)


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Hi all
« on: February 05, 2018, 03:38:07 PM »

Well it is a relief to have found you all as this menopause malarkey can make you feel so isolated. It is also a shock to the system when you are not prepared for what actually happens! I had no idea of some of the huge changes that awaited me at this stage of life so to be able to come on here and share this 'journey' will mean an awful lot.

Ten months ago, after being irregular for around two years, my periods stopped completely. There were a few symptoms at that time but here is where it stands at present:

Hot flushes, night sweats and cold flashes accompanied by anxiety, feeling ill at ease
Occasional palpitations
Mood swings, sudden tears
Trouble sleeping through the night
Loss of libido 
Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom 
Difficulty concentrating
Aching, sore joints and muscles
Gastrointestinal discomfort
Hair thinning

I really don't want to go down the hrt route and feel what I need the most is the emotional support that hopefully this forum can provide and maybe along the way I can help others too.

There are some things that I'm struggling with more than others. I have often suffered with health anxiety and now I am finding it difficult not to dwell on getting older and what the future holds. It hasn't helped that the end of my periods coincided with my fiftieth birthday which I was dreading anyway. Lack of sleep is definitely contributing to my frame of mind and loss of mojo so I'm planning on taking Kalms to see if they will help. One of the things I had no idea was going to happen was the loss of a normal sex life. That has been a big blow. I feel like a huge part of me has vanished overnight and it's hard to come to terms with  :-\

I could go on a lot more lol but will leave it there for my first post. Just knowing there are others here who are feeling the same way helps already  :)


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2018, 03:42:39 PM »


Despite being an educated person, self aware etc this caught me by suprise

I'm sure you will get loads of support  ;D


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2018, 05:38:13 PM »

Thank you for the welcome Samade.

Yes I have often wondered lately how come we don't get educated on this subject somewhere along the line...forewarned is forarmed as they say  ;D


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2018, 06:57:34 PM »

We don't get warned because we don't ask.  I don't remember my Grannies talking about menopause because they didn't discuss periods either.  I don't have cousins of my age that I am close with.  My sister and I are not in regular contact.  Mum is 91 and can't remember  ::).  I don't remember her menopause either.

It is up to the modern girl to inform her daughters/neices/daughters' friends etc..  Otherwise The Change can come as a shock.  Many think it's the cessation of periods and a few hot flushes  ::) .....

Do browse. Make notes. 

As oestrogen levels drop so the body may become dry: inside and out - nostrils, deep in the ears, skin, vagina  :o, eyes.  Also the muscles may become lax = aches and pains. 


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2018, 07:09:11 PM »

Hello  Paloma and welcome to the forum.

Your symptoms are depressingly familiar to us ladies so you are in good company. Even at 49 I was blissfully unaware of the sh*t storm that was heading my way but a few years later I was most definitely in the know!

All subjects are discussed here and I guarantee you'll find the knowledge and support you need.

Wishing you well and keep posting.


Mary G

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Re: Hi all
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2018, 07:23:25 PM »

Paloma, sorry to hear that you are struggling, that is a long list of symptoms so I'm not surprised you find them difficult to live with.  They are all symptoms of oestrogen deficiency so I'm afraid the only thing that will really work is HRT.

Do you have any particular reason why you don't want to try HRT, like a health issue or history of breast cancer in the family?  Forget the outdated HRT scare stories, they a thing of the past, have been completely discredited and HRT has moved on.

Have a look around the forum to get some ideas and give it some thought.


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2018, 12:03:14 PM »

Thanks for your replies ladies x

Well the Kalms certainly didn't help last night as I had one of the worst nights in a long time 😏

Ah CLKD it could be the dryness deep in my ears that's causing a bit of pain then? This menopause reaches all areas it seems.

Thanks for the welcome Kathleen. Yes, being blissfully unaware was bliss lol. I will definitely keep on posting as it's nice to know I'm not alone.

Hi Mary, I've always been nervous about taking drugs of any kind to be honest. Although the physical side of this menopause isn't good (especially the hot flushes, headaches and insomnia) I'm finding my train of thoughts more of a problem and I'm hoping that talking to you ladies here will help a little with that. I didn't know that feelings of doom and gloom could be a symptom.

My other problem I will post about in the private section 😉



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Re: Hi all
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2018, 05:41:02 PM »

Hi Paloma

Sorry to hear the Kalms didn't work, I was going to try them too. 

I feel exactly the same as you about taking drugs, and my HA is  running so high, I cannot contemplate taking HRT at the moment.  The anxiety is probably the worst thing for me.  Sometimes I just have feeling that something terrible is going to happen, and its all my fault.  Feelings of dread, guilt and panic can be so hard to control cant they?

I have a couple of routines that I am trying to try to improve my sleep (I don't really get hot flushes, but feel quite hot in bed, window open even when its freezing), is to light a lavender candle in my room about an hour before I go to bed.   I also have a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey.  They do seem to be helping a little, could be worth a try.




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Re: Hi all
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2018, 07:31:02 AM »

Hi, I'm new here too. I also have a reluctance to take medication but I was finding my symptoms intolerable, and the hrt is definitely helping.
What annoys me is when I read articles that say “during the menopause you might experience these symptoms.......” making you think they're temporary, when in fact a lot of them are with you for life! The hot flushes and mood swings may disappear eventually but the rest of it is permanent and no one warns you!


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2018, 08:23:53 AM »

Hi I'm new to this site I have only been on here a week but the information and advice I've been given has been amazing I like you did not want to go on hrt and have put up with
Joint pain ( I also have fybromyalgia which doesn't help)
Hot f!ushes
Mood swings
Low mood ( which I was put on anti depressants)
Vaginal atrophy( which until I joined this site I had never heard of but now realise I've had for the last few years)
Brittle and thinning hair
Dry skin
The list goes on I was tested with antibiotics for the last four years for repeated urine infections cystitis
I have now gone on eleste 40 MX solo and vagifem hopefully this will help me to feel normal again I'm also starting omega fish oils as suggested by dancing girl x


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2018, 02:53:00 PM »

Jeepers, I think my health anxiety would go through the roof if I was on hrt. It's difficult to know what to do isn't it? Being in a state of anxiety can be very debilitating. At the moment my stress levels aren't too bad so I'm not experiencing panic but I lived with panic attacks and chronic anxiety for a long time after mum died and it was awful so I do know what you're going through. Do have a look at that book that I recommended as it was definitely a life saver for me.

Wilks, how are you finding being on hrt? As I said to Jeepers I think my health anxiety would be so bad if I took anything like that. I'm not so sure my doctor would put me on it tbh as I have reduced kidney function - another reason that I don't like taking meds unless absolutely necessary. You're right, nobody tells you exactly how horrible the menopause is. It's certainly been an eye opener and not a good one at that.

Sorry you've been suffering with all of those symptoms Juneo and hope the new treatments will help. I'm still finding my way around the site and doing more reading than posting at the moment but the ladies here do seem to have a wealth of knowledge and it's great to have the support from people going through the same thing.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 02:56:35 PM by Paloma »


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2018, 05:46:36 PM »

We don't get warned because we don't ask.  I don't remember my Grannies talking about menopause because they didn't discuss periods either.  I don't have cousins of my age that I am close with.  My sister and I are not in regular contact.  Mum is 91 and can't remember  ::).  I don't remember her menopause either.

It is up to the modern girl to inform her daughters/neices/daughters' friends etc..  Otherwise The Change can come as a shock.  Many think it's the cessation of periods and a few hot flushes  ::) .....

Do browse. Make notes. 

As oestrogen levels drop so the body may become dry: inside and out - nostrils, deep in the ears, skin, vagina  :o, eyes.  Also the muscles may become lax = aches and pains.

Im so glad you wrote this! I have at times quite intense ear pain and it seems to coincide with tinnitus and sound sensitivity, for me things are starting to makes sense I can definitely see a link! Thank you! X


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2018, 05:47:29 PM »

Welcome from me too Paloma, I'm new here too :)


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2018, 06:38:21 PM »

Hi Paloma,
I haven't felt too anxious about being on hrt, as my menopause symptoms make me feel so desperately awful in mind and body. I'm hoping the tweak to my prescription will give me the same boost as the one I got when I first started it.


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Re: Hi all
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2018, 02:03:49 PM »

Thanks smitten  :)

Wilks - fingers crossed for you that the meds start giving you some relief again.

I've not been on for a few days as needed to get my head around things. My worst symptom at the moment is a soreness of the skin over various parts of my body, apart from the muscle/joint aches and pains. It's a bit like when you have a fever (I don't) and you hurt all over. Does that sound the norm?

A couple of my close friends didn't seem to be affected by the various symptoms while going through menopause and keep telling me that things will calm down once I'm post menopause but reading on here I'm not so sure that is the case?
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