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Author Topic: Recurring flu symptoms  (Read 13946 times)


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Recurring flu symptoms
« on: February 04, 2018, 11:11:17 PM »

Hi, just wondering if any of you suffer from recurring flu like symptoms? For the last 6 months ish I've had a cold like virus every month around ovulation. The last 2 months have been worse and have actually felt like I've had flu both times. This starts around about 2-4 days before ovulation and continues for about a week. It then goes off only to return in the 2 days before I get my period.
I also get allergy like symptoms? A rash, sticky throat,dry eyes.. is this part of peri menopause too?
It seems to be one thing after another quickly cropping up.

I've just got over what I think was actually the flu as was laid up in bed from the Sunday to Friday, but now am showing the cold like/flu like symptoms I get monthly?
Living in antihistamines and flu capsules isn't fun!

Nellie Noo

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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2018, 10:51:49 AM »

Long shot .. but could it be silent reflux ???  . I suffer with this and notice it is worse when ovulating.It can give you flu like symtoms . Sinus problems , bad sinus headache, achey joints .. and dreadful tiredness. Not necessary what you would class as typical reflux symtoms ... but i know its silent as i dont get the heartburn. Google LPR x

Nellie Noo

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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2018, 10:53:16 AM »

Forgot to mention .. silent reflux is also asscociated with allergies x


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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2018, 05:21:01 PM »

Odd symptoms.  'flu is viral.  When 1 has 'flu 1 can hardly move ......... however, as oestrogen levels drop so muscles may become lax = aches and pains so perhaps your hormones are fluctuating and upsetting your over-all immune reaction which reminds me:

For years prior to a bleed, my Wisdom teeth would ache to the point that I was unable to eat.  There was no apparently swelling.  My husband had to sieve my grub into baby food  :o, these symptoms continued for 2+ years : every month prior to a bleed, my gums would still be very, very painful .......... again, baby food.  I would have made a good Research Study!

It is known too that some ladies whilst pregnant start with rheumatoid arthritis.  I know a lady who during each of her 5 pregnancies, became wheelchair bound over a matter of weeks.  Each time it took 18 months+ B4 symptoms resolved.  Again hormonally linked. 

Do you keep a mood/food/symptom diary? 


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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2018, 10:15:44 PM »

I do suffer from allergies, have asthma and hay fever. Allergic to penicillin,limes,plasters.
Also have reflux, have had this years and take ranitidine for it.
 It just seems weird it's only come on in the last 6 or so months.
I know the flu I've just had last week was definitely flu as I couldn't move from my bed and that's not like me even when poorly.
My muscles do ache more around ovulation lately,especially my elbows and forearms.
I've kept a symptom diary for the last two years as so many things have occurred that have been different to my regular cycle and symptoms at ovulation and periods.

Definitely feels ( and I know this sounds a bit silly) as though I'm allergic to my hormones every ovulation and period time. Is that possible!?!?

Waiting to see what happens this month as I've stopped BC and am waiting to see if the rash still happens 6-7 days before my period as has happened the last 2 months along with the cold symptoms.

😕 Hate all these symptoms.

Nellie Noo

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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2018, 09:09:58 AM »

Not as knowledgeable as some ladies  but im not sure you can be allergic to your own hormones  :-\. I do feel for you,as i struggle with hayfever ( tree pollen ) and reflux ...but my hayfever has got worse since peri, and so has my reflux .. so put that with meno symtoms .. theres not many good days 😳. I know when my oestrogen is low i get terrible itchy skin also. When i have a bad reflux attack it can feel like flu x


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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2018, 03:35:30 PM »

Hi sorry to for the late input but i had to write. At 43 i started with flu like symptoms like you, as well as constipation. Got so bad i saw a rheumatologist to rule out rheumatoid arthritis which he did. When i said my symptoms were cyclical he mentioned that some women get an "extreme reactiont to the withdrawal of oestrogen". My GP disagreed and continued to offer me AD's saying i wasnt menopausal. 5 years later, after my GP diagnosed "fibromyalgia" and "chronic fatique syndrome", still offerering me only prozac, i saw a private menopause specialist who said i had "virtually no oestrogen and very little progesterone" put me on HRT. Within 2 weeks i was feeling amazing. So in answer to your question, flu like symptoms and achiness are absolutely be a symptom of perimenopause! I never had a hot flush, just aching joints and burning muscles and generally feeling like i had a constant virus! x


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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2018, 04:01:04 PM »

 :thankyou:   Amychaos ...........


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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2018, 08:00:06 PM »

Amychaos - so glad you refused to be fobbed off and labelled with those conditions which is basically docs saying sorry we can do nothing for you and your symptoms!!! My GP also said she would refer me re fibromyalgia - after shrugging her shoulders at my tiredness and excessive muscle pain after exercise which has vastly improved since starting tesotsterone ( she would not refer me for this at all) nearly 3 years ago.

Re allergy to own hormones - I think this came up a while ago - that changes in oestrogen can affect how the body responds to other things ie can exercberate existing allergies - so it seems like you are allergic to your own hormones but in fact our hormonal state is triggering other allergies. Some women also have a marked intolerance to high doses of their own progesterone  - but these are very extreme cases - and such women may well feel ill for two weeks of every month. Intolerance to your own oestrogen couldn't happen  :-\

Hope all are feeling better today :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2018, 08:33:51 PM »

 This happens EVERY month and I've laughed and joked that I'm allergic to my hormones.
But it does seem that it's yet another of the symptoms that peri throws up that docs won't acknowledge. I've spoken about RA with my doc and Fibro and he's fobbed me off, but in reality it could well be perimenopause symptoms giving me the same stmptoms.
Feel like I've a virus now for the last 6-8 months that's gotten worse over time. The other achy symptoms and weird stuff has been ongoing for 12-18months.
Feel a little happier knowing I'm not imagining it all.
Thankyou 😊😍


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Re: Recurring flu symptoms
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2018, 09:06:27 PM »

Rheumatoid Arthritis can be triggered by pregnancy.  I know someone who was confined to a wheelchair with her 5 pregnancies and it took 18-24 years B4 symptoms eased enough to ditch the chair.