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Author Topic: *Tiptoes in nervously*  (Read 13632 times)


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2017, 08:41:47 AM »

TWW, Blackstrap molasses are high in iron, and if you take it with something with Vitamin C, it should aid absorption. My doctor told me that I was losing so much blood that it would be impossible to make up for it by diet alone, so worth involving your GP. In my case putting up with the side effects from iron tablets was much better than the side effects from low ferritin - always a balance between cost and benefit, isn't it?

Great you're feeling better today, long may it continue.


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2017, 11:00:46 AM »

Definitely about finding the balance that works for you I think, yes. If I was still bleeding at the rate I was last week and very early this then I think I'd have been less keen to try diet first - I'll be honest, that really scared me. Things have definitely improved a LOT though in the last couple of days so I'm hoping that a combination of several things have begun to have an effect - namely the EVRA, remembering to take the Wellwoman, and the dietary stuff. (That's a great tip about the Blackstrap Molasses by the way - thank you! Also the vitamin C thing - I *have* known that but had forgotten, so very useful to have a reminder!)


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #32 on: July 06, 2017, 08:18:41 PM »

I was told red meat and green veggies, and people have suggested beets too. I'm not complaining as I love steak and now have a reason to eat it, despite the bad press it gets! Interestingly peas were specifically mentioned, along with spinach.


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2017, 10:43:46 AM »

Liver to replace iron levels  ;)  :-X


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2017, 01:15:17 PM »

My OH keeps telling me he's going to make me eat raw liver!  ;D Funny that peas got a mention - I've seen that as well. Watercress & eggs are also good for boosting iron levels apparently - and I love both of those two so this is proving no hardship so far! I've stepped up amounts on both meat and fish too - again definitely no hardship!

Update: I finally stopped bleeding on Thursday - bit of a reappearance briefly on Friday but nothing since. Naturally I have NO idea when I can next expect to come on, but frankly it's a relief just to have a bit of time free of it after 28 days! I'm feeling far far more lively and full of energy - in spite of a truly shocking nights sleep on Monday night. I've been taking the magnesium tablets for a week now - on balance I decided to cut the 500mg tablets I had in half as the Wellwoman capsules were already giving me some and that first day when I took a whole opne I did get some griping stomach cramps. So far so good on what equates to about 350mg a day -and they do seem to be making a difference to my restless legs too - it's not cured but it's certainly better.


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2017, 01:48:53 PM »

Tnx for the update.  I found that eating 3/4 small bananas daily cured my restless legs syndrome.


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2018, 12:17:24 PM »

Hmmm..well why am I not surprised of the date the last time I made an appearance here. Rather felt that an update was required, especially as since then thing have got rather - *ahem* - interesting... Hopefully my experiences might help others though.

Immediately after that last post I spent a weekend with someone who I would at the time have referred to as a friend, but now probably an acquaintance. I was aware that she'd been having some very similar problems to those that I'd been having, so felt that a chat with her might prove to be really helpful for me bearing in mind she'd been dealing with things longer. Let's just say "not exactly" as essentially she told me that from what I was telling her she was FAR worse than I was and thoroughly left me feeling (rather as that first GP had) that I was making a terrible fuss about nothing... now I realise now that this was rather silly, but basically I convinced myself that she must be right and that I should shut up moaning...

Next few months things got steadily worse - any sort of normal life became incredibly difficult, and I gradually albeit without realising it got lower and lower on energy as well - and that in turn left me feeling even more fed up with the whole thing as it felt that all the efforts I was making to get fitter were utterly pointless - somehow I kept going though - and as it turns out it was a rather good job that I did...

At the beginning of October I started really struggling - energy levels dropped even further, more bleeding (and a lot of it) and by 2 weeks into the month things reached a bit of a head, and I reached the stage where I actually missed my first days work as a result of it - I simply didn't have the energy to get there. Struggled in the next day, and the next but half way through that morning had to call my OH to come and get me as I felt so dreadful, was struggling to breath and my heart felt like it was beating very oddly. Rang 111 when we got home who said I needed to get an urgent Dr visit or at least a phone consult - rang surgery, not a chance, rang 111 again and spoke to someone different who pretty much said "oh well just get an appointment when you can" but OH was extremely unhappy with that bearing in mind how much urgency the first one had placed on things and eventually he persuaded me to go to the hospital...

Blood test and a release to home with a GP's appointment for the following morning, only to be followed an hour later by a phone call asking whether I could get back to the hospital... Turned out that waiting for the following day to the GP might have turned out a bit badly, especially for MrEH who would almost certainly have made the discovery when he woke up that I'd died in the night - and being told that really was terrifying. Severe Anaemia - HG level down at 45 which is a long way below the "dangerous" level, ferritin level through the floor. 5 blood transfusions later and I was "reset" back to normal, and finally had a diagnosis for the cause of at least some of my problems - Fibroids! Also got told some home truths - that level of the situation I was in was one, and another was that my efforts to improve fitness were almost certainly what had saved me from significant heart damage - again quite scary. (within 5 minutes of being taken to the "Majors area" cubicle on return to the hospital I was hooked up to the EGC machine and they were amazed that it showed normal...)

Released from hospital after 4 days - iron tablets, and I've had a first course of a drug which should shrink the fibroids too - so far the signs from the latest scan are positive so I'm hoping for the nod to get another course...

I was lucky - in fact I was very lucky indeed, I know that now. There's still work to do - the iron tablets continue for the foreseeable - but I really did have a lucky escape, and partly because I was SO terrified by the idea of having a blood test. If you don't have the needle phobia then you won't understand how that was even possible - anyone who does will get it though. Oddly although the idea of injections is still a no for me, I'm absolutely fine with having blood taken although it does need to come from my hand not my arm as my arm didn't react well!


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2018, 01:15:38 PM »

CRIKEY!!!!   :foryou:

Maybe ask for treatment about needle phobia?  Perhaps talking with others who suffer might help.  Any phobia has no logic to it!! [been there, done that ...... emitotphobia].

I'm worse having blood taken than getting an injection  ::)

Wjat\s tje pver=a;;  ::)

What's the overall prognosis?   How do you feel?



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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2018, 03:29:56 PM »

Awww flowers - thank you!  :)  :-*

Ahh I've asked about tackling the needlephobia before - the problem is the current therapy assumes you're terrified of the needle itself - which I'm not - I can happily handle syringes, inject into oranges (the way they teach nurses to inject) etc, it's just that when the needle goes in my body tenses to such an extent the likelihood is either the needles breaks or I end up with an arm swollen up like a football and useless for days. I *feel* relaxed - my muscles say otherwise.  ::) Utterly infuriating! Blood tests are fine - I've got fairly good veins in my hand so as long as the Phlebotomist thinks to take it manually not with a vacuum phial it's all good! Ironically of course now I've realised I could give blood they don't want it any more. Grrr!

I've got to see the consultant again - in fact I need to chase up the appointment - and hopefully he will agree to me getting a second course of the Esmya tablets to carry on with the shrinkage of the fibroids. Esmya is cleared on the NHS for up to 4 x courses with 2 x clear months between each so...  I'm also now giving serious consideration to a Mirena Coil - although not willing to go there until the spring as with the possibility of mood swings coming with it I want to be sure I'm out of my "dodgy" time of year MH-wise before I go down that route. Mood swings + dark nights might send me to somewhere I'm not willing to go. I find out in the next few days whether the small shrinkage the fibroids have already seen will help with the heavy bleeding though.

In terms of how I feel - Blood transfusions are amazing - by the time the first bag went in I felt "back to normal" - the second and third left me feeling better than I had in several years. By the time I reached the end of the 5th one it felt like I'd been supercharged - I was annoying myself I had so much energy!  ;D  A week after I left hospital I started on the Couch to 5k running programme, blasted through it in 8 weeks and have now run parkrun and am planning another 5k for later this month!  ;D I wear they gave me the blood of a sporty person!  ;)


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2018, 04:26:53 PM »

Bugga ........ then! 

How do the blood infusions go in, back of the hand?


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2018, 04:31:26 PM »

No - had to have the transfusions via a canula in my arm - which they had to use the right one of (dominant hand) as they took one look at my left elbow post blood test and said "we're not even TRYING to find a vein in there!"  ;D Thankfully they got the canula in first time and it JUST stayed put for long enough. Bled like a devil when the nurse removed it though - she began to think it was never going to stop!

Best blood test I had in hospital was the rather ace nurse who went straight for a vein at the side of my wrist - absolutely doddle - in, out, done. I couldn't even see a vein there but he certainly found one!
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