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Author Topic: Hot but not flushes  (Read 2008 times)


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Hot but not flushes
« on: January 27, 2018, 06:35:35 PM »

I am warm all the time and get quite hot for long periods of time ie hours not minutes. I just wanted to know I'm not alone with this form of 'heat'?


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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2018, 07:09:26 PM »

Hi there I'm the same I get red hot and sweaty but it lasts half hour sometimes more then go cold and I'm soaked throughout the night for long periods..but never flashes ??

Mary G

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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2018, 07:47:37 PM »

That sounds like dodgy thermostatic control caused by low oestrogen.  It came on very gradually for me at first and started in my mid 30s when I noticed I started sweating more.  When I reached about 40 it came on more and more until I hit full blown menopause and then I started sweating profusely in high temperatures.  I've never had hot flushes (which is suddenly feeling extremely hot but goes away after several minutes) or night sweats but I was unable to adjust to different temperatures and would sweat even though I didn't actually feel particularly hot. I would sweat profusely when going from a hot environment to air conditioned rooms/cars which is a sure sign it is menopause related.  It was embarrassing and I used to sweat on my face and back in particular.

High levels of oestrogen completely cured the problem and now I am back to my pre-menopause thermostatic control so there is hope!  It about finding the right level that works for you.   


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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2018, 08:14:57 PM »

Thanks Maryg...I did always worry about no actual flashes just general periods of extreme overheating.
I do worry about it being low oestrogen though because when I took femoston and I was on the initial added oestrogen stage I felt truly terrible so thought I had high oestrigen ..


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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2018, 08:58:41 PM »

Maryg how you describe your sweats as I call them is exactly like mine, especially when you go from warm environment to an air conditioned one . Going shopping is a nightmare the sweat is standing out on my face not a good look. It seems we now have 2 symptoms in common ( silent migraines) x


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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2018, 11:13:48 AM »

Hi All,

Oh can I sympathise with you all....that's exactly how I've felt for years.

I've been on three different HRT over the last few years, and am (as of 4 months ago) on Angelique.  I did try Angelique early on, and it didn't seem to work for me, but in a different country it was suggested to me to try (as the fourth attempt to find something to help!) and my poor puddled meno brain didn't realise i had tried it before and I gave it a go.

Now I'm curious.......might it not have worked when I originally tried it as I was maybe at a different stage of meno, and it just didn't suit then?
Mary. Can I ask when you say “high” doses of oestrogen worked for you, how high is high? 

As far as I can see Angelique is not a particularly high dose.   It helps me though, I would say in reducing sweating by about 80%.......the sweating and complete lack of temperature control have always been the biggest problem for me, and although I still suffer sometimes it's nothing like before I started taking it. I guess it's the different type of oestrogen in Angelique that is working better for me?

I'm interested as to whether opinion is I should be able to “add on”or “tweak” doses improve sleep/ tiredness/dryness etc etc or whether I should be happier to be feeling so much relief from the sweating I should “suck up” the other issues?
Part of me just thinks everything else is part and parcel of a stressful life and I should just try to stop making a fuss.  😏

Mary G

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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2018, 06:22:15 PM »

This is more common that I thought! 

Peroxideblader, you would need to have blood tests to know for sure that your oestrogen level was high at the point.  Perhaps you were not absorbing it well?

4meSons, I sympathise, it's so embarrassing.  Sorry also that you too have silent migraines, what type of HRT are you taking?

LizzyD, are you on the US brand of Angeliq (lower progesterone) or the European brand which is 1mg oestrogen 2mg progesterone?  I was on European Angeliq for a while and it did nothing for me at all.  I still had silent migraines and excessive sweating so I topped it up with a 50mcg patch and it was somewhat better but I was still in what I call the HRT halfway house - getting relief but nowhere near enough and not firing on all cylinders.  Even with the oestrogen patch top up, my oestrogen levels were 359 pmol/l.  Do you know what blood levels you are getting with the Angeliq?  It might be worth finding out.  You could consider topping up with a patch as I did or better still, using one pump of gel alongside.  You are taking a continuous dose of progesterone so that will protect your womb.  When I used Angeliq and a patch I didn't bleed at all.  I have since moved to Oestrogel which is much, much better and the only form of HRT that has ever really worked for me.

I'm not prepared to put up with any menopause symptoms which is why I stick at a high dose of oestrogen.  For me, the right dose is somewhere in the late 700s and this completely eradicates all symptoms and also the silent migraines (as long as I don't take too much progesterone) any less than that and I start to feel decidedly dodgy and I can feel my health going downhill, it is a scary feeling.  That said, it does not mean everyone else needs to go a high as I have, you might find relief with a lower level of oestrogen.  What you do need to know is how much oestrogen you need to eradicate your symptoms and feel good so that you have a benchmark and the only way to be definite about it is a to have bleed tests to use as a comparison. 

I hope that helps and gives others hope.  You don't have to put up with feeling half baked and not quite there, it's all about finding the right level that works for you.


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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2018, 08:34:04 PM »

Hi maryg
I've just restarted the gel last week, 2 pumps and have been taken utro 12 x200mg orally but I'm reviewing this with my gp as I think it is really affecting my mood and anxiety  x


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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2018, 10:09:35 PM »


That was all really interesting.  Definitely food for thought. (Im on the European not American dose btw)

Thanks so much for the info!
It really helps

LizzyD x


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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2018, 10:18:36 AM »

I'm about 5 years post meno and although I no longer get flushes my thermostat is definitely  up the creek.  It's very difficult to stay a comfortable temperature, especially at night.  Hot then cold, hot then cold. Covers on and off.  I suggested this morning that we get separate single quilts for our bed as it drives my husband nuts.  ::) 


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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2018, 07:20:12 PM »

Maryg my gp won't do blood tests for meno as they are too variable depending on the time in your cycle and would most likely come back as normal.  I'm seeing my gp tomorrow for ongoing health issues so I will ask as he's new to the practice so you never know

Mary G

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Re: Hot but not flushes
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2018, 08:34:19 PM »

Peroxideblader, blood tests might be unreliable for establishing if a woman is menopausal but they are useful if you are trying to find out how much oestrogen you are absorbing from HRT.  It is more straightforward for post menopausal women because most of the oestrogen from blood tests results will be from HRT but even if you are perimenopausal with hormone fluctuations, it would be helpful to know what your levels are because it gives you something to work with and would help you to find the right type/dose of HRT.  It's worth a try.