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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Hello - really, really struggling  (Read 19277 times)


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #60 on: March 23, 2018, 10:48:40 PM »

Hi Jeepers

You found it in you to bring me some help when I needed it even though your struggling. We have to remember we are strong women who are going through this all together. We don't get dealt anything the big man doesn't think we can't handle (I'm not over religious but I read that somewhere and it stuck with me). Get up tomorrow get some music on get ready and show the world this ain't beating us. Stoopid hormones have nothing on us. Keep smiling and stay strong because when we panic it makes things seem so dark (I'm a right one to talk I'm scared to tell my partner anything incase he thinks I'm bonkers and leaves me) tomorrow is going to be a good day for us all ladies xxx


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #61 on: March 25, 2018, 09:15:57 AM »

Hi Loubie

Thanks for you lovely inspirational message.  I'm going to try really hard today.  I'm meeting up with  a friend for a long dog walk in the country, and I have bought a book on Mindfulness to try to find some inner peace.

Yesterday wasn't a good day.  I have been getting chest pains, which sends my anxiety into orbit.  They are sharp pains, which come and go quickly, every so often.  I keep thinking its my heart and its about to give out.  I searched the forum to see if I could fins anyone else posting this , but I can't, which makes me even more anxious.  I am tempted to see if I can get an urgent appointment tomorrow, rather than a routine one, which will be  weeks away (the chest pains are scary).  Or is that selfish?  I just feel I can't go on much longer like this .. sorry to be such a downer  :'(

Jeepers x


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #62 on: March 25, 2018, 10:09:16 AM »

Hey, where is the chest pain? Is it above, behind or under your breast?


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #63 on: March 25, 2018, 10:19:56 AM »

I've been trying to work that out, but I'm just not sure.   Sometimes I have sharp pains behind  my left  breast, but other times it feels like it is under my sternum, right between the breasts.


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #64 on: March 25, 2018, 10:48:26 AM »

Hi jeepers there's two things that give me excruciating chest pains the first one is underarm deodorants it's like sharp needles going into your breast/chest and arms just shoots right through you out of the blue,the other thing can be shower gel triggers it,not them all just certain ones I react with.
Last week for about two weeks I had the sorest boobs like bloody cannonballs and I assumed it was the hrt but then hubby said the only thing you've done different is restarted your bottles of coconut water drinks so stop them and see what happens,I did that and within three days boob/arm pain was gone so just be logical and try an elimination process change your washing regime watch what your eating or drinking or spraying near those areas it's surprising what can trigger us off as we are so sensitive now.good luck xx
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 11:14:42 AM by Daisydot »


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #65 on: March 25, 2018, 11:11:46 AM »

That could be your oesophagus and stomach so could be digestion related (too much or not enough acid). I would go to your GP to get them to examine where the pain is to be sure and they may prescribe a course of PPIs if gastritis or small ulcer. You can also buy over the counter (Omeprazole etc.) if you want to see if it improves the pain. If it makes it worse then it suggests the opposite, not enough acid, so digestive enzymes can add in acid to help breakdown food that may be regurgitating.

The cause could be hormones causing slow transit, gastric migraines or food sensitivities but get the pain and soreness, if any, healed and then you can work on it not happening again.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 11:13:48 AM by dangermouse »


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2018, 11:46:43 AM »

I just read some of your previous posts above and saw you also have a bracycardia (low heart rate). That can be stress related (think it can tie in with the vagus nerve/digestion) but make sure the doc does an ECG as well as pinpointing location of pain in case you need meds to get your heart rate up and stop the dizziness. They also wouldn't prescribe you beta blockers as that reduces your heart rate even more.

Electrolyte balance can also cause heart irregularities so you could also try stopping your mineral supplements to see if that helps, as they can interphere with potassium regulation.

Anyway, get your GP on it all or, if you know they won't have ECG equipment, then you could go to an Urgent Care/A&E at a quieter time of the day as they will do ECG as standard and can have a feel about on your stomach to put your mind at rest.


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #67 on: March 27, 2018, 04:29:07 PM »


Thanks for the replies, it gave me a lot to think about.  I think there may be a few things going on..   It definitely feels like a digestive thing in the centre of my chest, thorax area.  I am wondering if the  Vit D & Calcium and Magnesium tablets could have triggered it, so I haven't taken them in a few days.  The pain in the lower left side of my ribs could be spleen, or, it could be me overdoing things going back to yoga after 3 weeks of no gym.  Then added to that my acute anxiety on Friday/Saturday probably did not help the gastric things and was probably the cause of the sharp chest pains.

So, now the left rib soreness does seem to be getting better, I haven't had any sharp chest pains (the one on Saturday night scared me so much I was trembling, so I know my anxiety was sky high).  I still have some discomfort in the middle, more like heartburn or sore stomach, but it does seem to be lessening especially as I feel much calmer now. I might try to get some of the Omeprazole tomorrow, as I am working in the town office.

I am going to skip the gym again for a few days, and just do loads of walking, and when I feel completely better, I will just ease myself back in very gently.  I'm not sure what to do about the supplements.  Maybe a multi vitamin would be better thank the horse tablets I have now (I have not exceeded the dose).

I have also managed to get a doctors appointment for a week next Monday, so that gives me  weeks to work out what I am going to say. Maybe even an email to Dr Currie now she is back open for business. And if any of these other symptoms haven't gone completely, I can ask about them too. Knowing I have a plan, and am doing something really helps me to cope.

Another thing, I have had a few hot flushes I think -- no sweating, just a sudden hot feeling that lasts about 20
 seconds.  Is that what they are?
thank you all for your replies, you have no idea how much it helps.  I am sorry to panic.

Jeepers x

« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 04:54:28 PM by Jeepers »


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #68 on: March 27, 2018, 06:46:03 PM »

Make a list to take to the appt.!

I'm the Queen of panic attacks  :'(  :-\

Various aches and pains happen at this time of life.  As oestrogen levels drop etc., etc., etc..


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #69 on: March 27, 2018, 06:57:10 PM »

I also can't take the ‘horse' tablets. I react to high dose minerals and vitamins and the calcium can cause me constipation as, it's literally pieces of rock!

Glad you're feeling more in control and stress also increases acid reflux so any de-stressing techniques will help. Walking sounds good!


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #70 on: March 31, 2018, 01:38:12 PM »


I am now on day 3 of the Omeprazole, and I think it is helping.  I still have some pains under my left breast and across my upper stomach but I do feel like they are less intense and less frequent.  I felt a little bit hungry today for the first time in a week.  I am so hoping it is just a stress induced gastritis episode.  I am still getting lots of other intermittent pains in my upper back and other parts of my abdomen.  And last night I had a very strange pain between my cheekbone and my temple.

I am trying so hard to be relaxed and upbeat, especially as my kids are home for a few days.  But I am struggling.  Today I went out to look at some sofas and the thought "why bother, you won't be here to enjoy them," galloped across my mind before I could stop it.  I feel close to tears today, and I keep trying to sort my house out so that  I don't leave a mess behind me.  I think these thoughts may be compounded by the fact it is the first anniversary of my Dads death.  I don't know.

Trying to be more proactive... I looked at the Vagifem.  So, this is oestrogen.  Does that mean you can only have it if you have progesterone as well (assuming you have a womb still).  I am still vacillating on the HRT option.  I read so much and it just makes me more confused.  Most recently I read this, and it made me feel so hopeless:

As always thank you all so much

Jeepers xx

PS My sleep is quite good at the moment, I am getting 6.5 to 7 hours a night. 
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 02:31:45 PM by Jeepers »


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #71 on: April 02, 2018, 07:59:01 AM »

Hi Jeepers - I haven't read the link but if the only oestrogen you are taking is local oestrogen in the form of Vagifem or estriol cream then you do not need a progestogen to protect your womb if you still have one as the dose is minute. Most women are on this for life as the symptoms return once you stop using it. As always though, anything you are concerned about and any abnormal bleeding - do consult your doctor.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #72 on: April 03, 2018, 11:55:11 AM »

Thanks hurdity
I spin my self in circles with all l of this.  I think I would like to try it, especially for the bladder problems, and depending on the dating (if I ever get passed 1st base  -- actually, I haven't even got to 1st base  ;D), for err, other things !  Then I went to the Vagifem website and scared myself silly with the big box telling me that taken estrogen only means I am at greater risk of clots, breast cancer, yadayadayada.

If I decide to try it, do I just ask GP right out?  I'm worried that he will think I am trying to do his job for him? 

On a separate note, watching Coronation Street (I know, I know!), the storyline with Craig really hit home.  I think if I don't do certain things then something bad will happen.  It sounds insane, but for example,  I think if I use handcream (and my hands are like paper), then I will be punished for being vain, and something bad will happen to me or my kids.  I'm not sure if this side to my angsty behaviour is because I am menopausal, or that really I have much more serious mental health problems.

I could list a whole load of behaviours like this.  I would love to hear if anyone else feels like this?

Jeepers x


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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #73 on: April 03, 2018, 11:56:52 AM »

When I think about it, maybe I am so anxious about my health is because I feel like I deserve something bad to happen, and anything bad that happens is my fault.

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Re: Hello - really, really struggling
« Reply #74 on: May 01, 2018, 07:48:17 PM »

Hi Jeepers
Sorry I havent been on  line for a few weeks just been so busy.  I just wanted to check if you managed to sort out some bereavement counscelling.  Also did you get an appointment to a menopause clinic yet? Just reading some of your latest posts. Firstly when you are feeling this bad your appts to the doctor must be same day; you are not a nuisance and sometimes you do have to tell doctors what you need as you could be more researched than they are particularly in the subject of menopause.  This is an emergency its affecting your whole life.  The anxiousness can trigger all sorts of things as I have seen with friends of mine, ocd symptons thinking something bad will happen if you do a certain thing, the pains, paranoia and depression.

The anniversary of a death is such a difficult time too you have to wrap yourself in cotton wool so to speak.

The menopause is so complex and can do all sorts of weird things to us.  It sent my friend into a physcosis thinking her house was bugged and she was being followed.  As soon as she started on the right medication all those worries disappeared.

Nothing suprises me anymore.

You do need to get expert help to sort this out once and for all.

If you had seen how ill I was last year for almost 8 months, not planning anything as I thought I wasnt going to be around.  It was so horrendous.  I am so well now orgainsing menopause cafes etc etc.  However I am only well due to the expert help I received from the menopause clinic and i didnt find the right combination first of all.

You deserve to be well and happy and nothng bad is going to happen but you do need help to get there as I did.

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