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Author Topic: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale  (Read 3111 times)


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Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« on: June 04, 2018, 09:32:30 AM »

Hello meno friends

It's been a while since I've posted, but I'm still lurking. Five years this has been going on now peri/meno and tbh I've had enough. No periods for over a year so I guess I'm actually in menopause now. Stupidly, I thought that would be the end of it, but it seems not. Over the last 6 months have managed to come off propranolol for adrenaline surges (they did not return) and escitalopam for anxiety ... hmm, not so sure. I have been better at keeping the health anxiety (HA) under control with various CBT techniques, meditation and yoga but it is back, big time. Only other symptom I have is night sweats still. I currently don't take any medication or supplements except B12.

I am going to go to the doctors, but just need  rant with like-minded folks. I have suffered a few episodes of costochondritis - rib inflammation due, I believe to my bad posture and excessive work computer use. I do work on avoiding this but difficult. Just had a month when I worked three times more than usual, then went on holiday. Not surprising had attack of costo while away, which has almost resolved. However, then developed pain to left of belly button when bending forward in certain way. Not all the time, not when immobile, not when lying down, only certain moves e.g a forward bend in yoga, bending down to put dog's lead on. Rational mind said it was a pulled muscle ... it continued, so HA mind then decided to start prodding about stomach area and found a little swelling. Or did I, because it is not there all the time it seems (this I crazy know) and did not hurt to touch. The prodding has bruised the area so made it worse. Of course, the HA mind has decided it is cancerous tumour and I will dead before the month is out. This health anxiety is just so exhausting.  It is like having a constant loop of negative thoughts going round and round.

Although I try not to google (one of my combat tactics) I did have a little look and came up with hernias (plus lots of bad stuff, too). I do have some wind/burping/occasional slight heartburn/burning feeling throat at the moment too, which fits. I was also born with some sort of hernia which was operated on when I was 7 but I don't know any more than that, no one left to ask. I read somewhere that 50% of women over 50 have a HH so it seems feasible/ rational to think it could be that.

Sorry for rambling on. Just needed get it off my chest as I am driving OH round the bend with it.


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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2018, 09:02:27 PM »

You ramble!   Why do people believe 'google'? 

As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax which can encourage a hiatus hernia which often presents with heartburn, reflux, a general upset feeling in the digestion tract.  A change of diet might help.  Eating late at night can cause discomfort in the gut.

Where abouts is the 'lump'?  I had irritable bowel syndrome for years and we could watch wind making it's way down when I was laying in the bath  ::).  A little push and the next wave would happen until  :-X ....... some call it a fart ;-).  We call it the jacuzzi .......

Your Company are legally obliged to make sure that your work station is suitable for your situation, also you have to take 20 min break from a screen every 2 hours.  That is a legal requirement.  Stop saying 'no' to extra work?



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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2018, 07:52:31 AM »

Thank you for replying CKLD, I really appreciate your wise words, as usual!

I am self-employed, so the only person to blame for the overwork/bad posture/etc is myself. I am my own worst enemy my OH says.

Of course, today there is no 'lump'. There is still a twinge when I bend over, right over toe-the-toes and some rib pain still. I am trying to rationalise it as muscular.

On a positive note, I have a doctor's appointment for Friday and will discuss everything including the health anxiety. If necessary I will go back on escitalopram.

Thank you



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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2018, 02:07:08 PM »

You are welcome!  If you work alone it won't take long 4 the mind to go into over-drive?  Do you give yourself a break and a walk every couple of hours?

Let us know how you get on.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 02:00:17 PM by CLKD »


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Well, of course, I went to the doctors and she checked me over and could not find anything abnormal in my abdominal area. Had a bit of a melt down and explained all the stress etc., she thinks the pains are all stress related. says I hold the tension in my shoulders and ribs, muscles in ribs are inflamed. She wanted me to go back on the escitalopram but first I am going to try a hypno/edmr/CBT therapist for a session to see what it can do for the health anxiety. Going this afternoon.

CLKD - if you are reading this - did you once say you take small dose of propropanol at night to avoid morning anxiety/ cortisol/ adrenaline rushes? I used to take 40mg for palpitations/ adrenaline surges but weaned myself off mid-Feb. I'd been taking it over 6 years and now wondering if it may have finally worked out of my system. Since end April I have had adrenaline surges from 5.30 am onwards, poor sleep, night sweats increased, some in daytime too, crying, anxiety,  ...

This could all be meno related, I think? Now one year plus past peri. No chance of getting HRT here (France) but hopefully will be back in UK in Autumn and could enquire. I was hoping to manage without seen as I've got this far (5 years). Any advice/ thoughts welcome




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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2018, 09:52:24 AM »

Yep.  Initially 80mg Propranolol for 3 weeks, then dropped to 40mg at night for years.  When, 3 years ago, I began to get low-grade headaches in the early mornings, I weaned off to 20mg at night.  Seems to suit.

No HRT in France  :-\  ???


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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2018, 10:05:46 AM »

Thanks CKLD - I'm going to try 20mg at night as was on 40mg before.

There is HRT here, but because she has me down as depressed/anxious/stressed then everything is put down to that and if I ask about the Meno connection I get the famous French shrug. (It's not a language issue).

Thanks anyway.



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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2018, 01:54:22 PM »

Can you not buy it otc in France Bettyboo.?


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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2018, 08:19:07 AM »

I don't think so DaisyDot - it's like the Spanish Inquisition at the pharmacy if you just want to buy ibuprofen these days. I went to the counselling/hypno  yesterday and felt so much better, but this morning feeling like shit again. Fed up  :(


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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2018, 08:41:02 AM »

I'd grab a cheap flight over the border then or train lol.sorry to hear your feeling low again but hopefully if you just have someone to share with it'll help a bit meantime here's a hug from me  :bighug:


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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2018, 09:37:55 PM »

Sometimes counselling can be sooting initially but there's a reaction the next day  ::)- Have you got homework?


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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2018, 11:45:50 AM »

Thanks CKLD - feel bit better today and 'monkey mind' is not as bad. You were right, day after is a bit of a downer, especially after unloading lots of 'bad stuff'.


BB x



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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2018, 01:00:23 PM »

I found that the next couple of days I would 'chew over' what had been discussed.  Then I would take from it what I required in order to 'discuss, decide, ditch'.  I had homework  >:(  ::)


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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2018, 06:54:49 PM »

Hello...i honestly could have written this myself.

I just posted similar.

How are you...HH symptoms are horrendous at present but I do wonder if I have Costochondritis....

I hate this... wave after wave of health issues and like you terrible HA.

I hope you are feeling better.


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Re: Hernia or something else? HA going off the scale
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2018, 12:38:11 PM »

Hi Primrose

I've read your other post but I thought I would reply here. I totally sympathise with your situation. I've a pretty much the same symptoms as you over the last five years, though have never been diagnosed with anything except health anxiety - not even meno, lol, which shows how much of a connection the medics make with our symptoms. I did get a vague diagnosis for the costo.

So, an update -well I am reasonably OK now. The costo has just about gone, though I still have the weird twisted muscle thing in stomach (that my HA brain think is a tumour). However, I did almost get rid of it by working standing up, so have sort of made the connection that really IS to do with how I sit at computer. I've started doing yoga again, which I usually do daily but took  break.

I've had costo about three times a year for the last five years, always follows a period of excessive computer use (am self-employed so only myself to blame.) If you press on the breast bone, sort of in your cleavage area it will usually be very painful and go right through to the spine. At its worst I can't wear a bra and get stomach indigestion issues too. Painkillers have no effect on it for me, though I can get rid of the indigestion with cider vinegar.

I'm really focusing on trying to deal with the health anxiety at the moment. Having some CBT/ hypno sessions. Also have found a You Tube channel and podcasts of The Anxiety Guy to be very helpful.

Good luck, hope you feel better soon.