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Author Topic: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''  (Read 22093 times)


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2018, 11:28:04 PM »

CLKD, I need lay down, I will to sign on tomorrow and do a search for this Sylc you spoke of.


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #46 on: January 26, 2018, 11:41:07 PM »

Joy55, do you have someone with you now? Can you call a friend? I so wish you feel better! Have you already started the Keflex? Could this be a side effect?

Don't hesitate to go to the ER if it gets worse. 

Hope you feel better soon!

Conolly X


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #47 on: January 27, 2018, 10:05:35 AM »


No one is with me, I live alone and last time I was at ER last month they told me they could no longer help me.
No friends nearby to help either.

Side effect? From what? Sorry I'm not understanding what you mean.


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #48 on: January 27, 2018, 11:18:53 AM »

Hello Joy55,

I hope you're feeling better today.

I meant your light headedness could be a side effect of the antibiotic you have been prescribed.

I don't know where you are in Ireland. Can you go to another place to seek better Medical help? I have friends in Dublin. Maybe there are other ladies here who live nearby. You could open another thread asking specifically if someone in your area could recommend a great doctor.

Conolly X


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #49 on: January 27, 2018, 12:01:14 PM »

I bumped a thread about 'sylc' etc..

How are you this morning, >:(  it's always worse at night or in the early hours  What ever 'it' might be .  As for the ER Dept., surely you could be referred to a Gynaecological Consultant directly?  Could you ring the local Hospital Gynae Secretary in the week (we don't bite ;-) ) to ask advice?  If we don't ask we don't get  ;)


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #50 on: January 27, 2018, 03:22:55 PM »

Hasty, CLKD & Conolly

I'm in the U.S.

Thank you all for all the advice and support... Calling ER here in the states is useless unless you have been prescribed medicine from the ER then they will communicate with you.

Believe me, if I feel the need to go to ER I will but I'm praying I wont have too. Its always turned into a wasted trip for me.

I will sign in later if I'm up for it... Just so tired, nauseous , feeling a bit feverish too.


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #51 on: January 27, 2018, 03:45:11 PM »

Hi joy can you try and get dmannose powder in the states it's very good for soothing the bladder and fighting ecoli infections it would certainly be worth a try also marshmallow root capsules from health food store put a kind of protective coating in the bladder which stops the bacteria sticking to it and getting embedded,if your having no luck getting help have you thought of trying a herbalist they can make up a concoction of these things to help with Uti bladder /problems I have done this myself very successfully in the past.xx


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #52 on: January 27, 2018, 04:47:28 PM »

Do you have a Pharmacy/Chemist within walking distance for advice?  There may be products on the shelves which would help. Maybe 'google' the nearest and go to the appropriate web-site? 


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #53 on: January 27, 2018, 07:00:06 PM »

I read all the comments and I thank each of you for your advice and ideas...

I'm feeling really ruff, so I'm not up to answering individually but will in a few days when I'm feeling better...

Seems I cant sit up very long without feeling like a truck ran over me, so I'm mostly laying around at the present time.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day <got my fingers crossed>

Thanks again everyone


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #54 on: January 27, 2018, 07:14:13 PM »

Hello Joy55,

Don't worry about answering, just rest and let the AB do its job. I'm sorry I didn't know you were in the US. It's a huge country so depending on where you live, things can be difficult. Once the infection is cleared you will feel better. Don't forget to take some probiotics to protect your gut after you have finished the ABs.

My fingers are crossed for you. Keep us posted.

Conolly X


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #55 on: January 28, 2018, 12:27:39 PM »

You don't need to reply individually, an over-all response is absolutely fine.  Most of us read as we go along ;-).


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #56 on: January 28, 2018, 03:44:58 PM »

Feeling a bit better today but far from being 100% yet.

I am doing laundry then back to bed for a few hours. Hopefully tomorrow I'm up to driving, I have my first appt with a therapist to help me deal with this entire mess and the fear of estrogen being the top priority.

What I dont understand, is I read a lot and from what I've read in this forum and also in the AV group on Face Book that Jane Lewis has,.... I see and read a lot and many women that are and have been on estrogen for quite a while and have atrophy like me, yet they are still having problems with infections and most are changing estrogen treatments a lot and they still are having flare ups with UTI's and yeast.

So how is estrogen really helping if women are still getting these horrid infections?

I want to be rid of this nightmare for good, not have to continue living on the edge as I am now. I want my life back, I want to be able to have a relationship again, but with these infections it seems to me I may as well give up on any kind of love life again and that makes me very sad  :'(


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #57 on: January 28, 2018, 05:10:29 PM »

Maybe they aren't cleansing themselves correctly?

The woman is really badly designed, who would have put a vagina and bowel opening so close together!  The candida (thrush) lives in t he back passage and if transferred to the vagina because the lady doesn't wipe in the 'right' direction can get transferred.  That will set up 'thrush' in the vagina ......... complete cleansing down there after each bowel movement is imporantant.

I had thrush after stopping The Pill and after elective Surgery.  Crikey, I couldn't get up there to scratch  :o and my Gynae gave me appropriate meds but I can't remember what it was, other than it worked.  LIVE yoghurt, eaten and applied can help the digestive track from top to bottom (literally  ::)) - important to keep the two pots separately  ;).  Next time I underwent surgery I ate LIVE yoghurt for 5 days prior to being 'starved'.

As for UTIs - this may be a deep rooted infection un-connected to atrophy or may not be diagnosed correctly.  The ONLY way to find out if an infection is present is for a fresh urine sample to be sent to a Lab. so that any bugs can be grown, therefore enabling the correct anti-biotic to be prescribed.  Because we are being over-prescribed ABs for anything and everything, bugs are getting resistant!

The best thing is to use what works.  If necessary every night.  If necessary morning and night.  To achieve a balance that eases symptoms.  If I get lazy  :-\ .......... as well as using some of the other products, i.e. Sylc. 


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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #58 on: January 28, 2018, 06:52:47 PM »

     All my urine tests are sent to a lab and I'm not prescribed a thing until the culture comes back saying I have an infection and what antibiotic is not resistant to what ever type of infection it may be. Only time I am prescribed an antibiotic without the culture is when I have ended up at the ER, but even then the urine is sent for a culture and when it comes back if it shows I need to be on another type of antibiotic then I'm notified and the new prescription is called into my pharmacy.

So are you saying estrogen does not stop UTI's?

 This is what I'm trying to find an answer too. I use Replens Vaginal Moisturizer, every other day, with exception of now with this infection I've not used it because I didnt know if I should or not (I will call GYN tomorrow with that question)



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Re: Really Scared, ''Atrophy - Cant take Estrogen - lots of Bladder Pain''
« Reply #59 on: January 28, 2018, 07:42:10 PM »

If there is infection oestron won't stop symptoms.  However, VA mimics urine infection-type symptoms .......

VA isn't caused by infection.   The body dries as oestrogen levels drop, including internally and the vagina suffers.  For me it was like razor blades up there  :o
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