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Author Topic: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)  (Read 3963 times)


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Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« on: January 22, 2018, 07:38:41 AM »


Does anyone have any details of a good menopause expert in Bucks - but also London that is not too expensive?



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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2018, 08:16:05 AM »

Hi best one for you would be Nuffield in Leamington spa Coventry takes around an hour from bucks to drive there very easy to find.I saw mr Tony Parsons there he's an absolute gem.45 mins consultation was £195 and he'll give you a private prescription and refer you for anything else he thinks you need done to nhs.he works for nhs/private so he can do this private only can't you'd have to pay.He will send a report with recommendations to your gp.its a lovely friendly place.good luck x

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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2018, 01:41:32 PM »

Im with the NHS Menopause clinic at the John Radcliffe in Oxford you just need a referral form your doctor.  They are excellent  xx


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2018, 09:00:58 PM »

Thank you


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2018, 11:21:56 PM »

Just posted on your other thread  :D

I'm at Nick Panay's NHS Clinic at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital London.


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2018, 11:43:26 PM »

Hi salad can I be nosy and ask you when you went to nick Panays clinic did they examine your undercarriage.I ask as since I had my hysterectomy over 20 years ago I've never been examined again downstairs by anyone and I need someone to tell me all's ok so bloody sick of doctors,consultants etc not taking proper steps to ensure my wellbeing I feel like I'm constantly pursuing them but not getting anywhere unless it's stuff I do myself.I can't seem to get them to cooperate which is no use to me and I'm worrying that by not being properly examined they're missing something ,are you confident in his practice and are you comfortable with him??
It's looking  like I'm going to have to go down the private route again,( I utterly despair with these gps I'm not kidding),so I'm thinking of trying nick Panay this time,I'm ok hrt wise I think but it's the inner plumbing I'm not happy about been using that mirror too much again lol.thank you xx


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2018, 01:00:34 AM »

Hi Daisydot  :D
I was seen by one of the team at Nick Panay's Clinic but I am really pleased with the care.
I went fully prepared for a 'thorough' examination and had an unhurried appointment with a lot of questions - medical/surgical history and a focus on my symptoms- I did complete a symptom diary to show them too.
However, none of my symptoms really involve my  :whist: so there was no need to be examined. If I had been concerned though I'm sure I could have asked to be checked, especially if I had a particular worry.
I'm due back there next Friday so will update you but I do recommend the clinic - especially as it's NHS.


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2018, 01:11:04 AM »

Hi salad thank you for reply.gps got me all stressed again thought I had progressed a bit but she's been sneaky and just referred me to another gp service and not a menopause clinic as I thought,she's completely blanked my private consultants advice says I shouldn't be on hrt at my age etc I'm 60 and I'm feeling a bit battered again so if I do see him I'll need to see Mr Panay as a private other consultant was a nice man but awful slow to act I'm waiting weeks for copies of letters so I feel very frustrated at all of them just gp is just trying to be a smart ass.
Thank you again for response and I hope next week goes well for you xx


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2018, 09:05:09 AM »

Daisydot- you really shouldn't have to go private again.

Who has yr GP referred you to? You say it's another GP service.....

As for your previous private consultant.... have you spoken to his secretary ? She should be able to send you the letters.

If you are worried about your hysterectomy then your GP should be referring you to a gynaecologist on the nhs.


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2018, 09:47:32 AM »

Good morning dotty.
Yes I phoned the practice to see why the delay and had gp did my referral and secretary said yes it's been done it's not a hospital referral it's a referral to a gp who has a special interest in women's health in another practice it's called community care,bloody cheapskates it's all about finance isn't it I'm so angry.I advised my consultant about what had been going on and he said he'd write to her and copy me but it's been weeks now and I'm not the most patient of people I get really stressed with it all.I will contact the consultant again I want to see his letter then I'm going to go private again I just want my bits checked out I'm doing ok on hrt regime but I'm not happy with looking at downstairs with my trusty mirror it looks like I have kind of blisters attached to flesh in there so Id like it checked out.ill never go back to that gp now you can't bloody trust anyone these days.sorry to rant but I'm fed up,I'll get things moving tomorrow.thanks dotty xx


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2018, 09:51:43 AM »

Daisydot - I really feel for you. The situation that we are put in when we are feeling so ill is horrendous.

Can you see another GP or change practices?

Community care.... not heard of that one. Surely you can be referred to your private consultant in Coventry in the nhs?


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2018, 09:53:58 AM »

Good morning dotty.
Yes I phoned the practice to see why the delay and had gp did my referral and secretary said yes it's been done it's not a hospital referral it's a referral to a gp who has a special interest in women's health in another practice it's called community care,bloody cheapskates it's all about finance isn't it I'm so angry.I advised my consultant about what had been going on and he said he'd write to her and copy me but it's been weeks now and I'm not the most patient of people I get really stressed with it all.I will contact the consultant again I want to see his letter then I'm going to go private again I just want my bits checked out I'm doing ok on hrt regime but I'm not happy with looking at downstairs with my trusty mirror it looks like I have kind of blisters attached to flesh in there so Id like it checked out.ill never go back to that gp now you can't bloody trust anyone these days.sorry to rant but I'm fed up,I'll get things moving tomorrow.thanks dotty xx

Hi Daisydot - you could go to a sexual health clinic and ask for this to be checked out.



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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2018, 10:13:55 AM »

Hi Jenna I went to gum clinic here a year ago to get checked for herpes,they were dredful said wait till I had a full blown herpes stop the meds I was using then could take a sample to test,there was no way I was doing that I was in so much discomfort and I wasn't even sure what was going on I was just guessing really at herpes.What I might do now thinking about it is phone the gum clinic and ask to see an actual doctor there, rather than a nurse like last time,and get it checked out as you say.thats a good plan thank you Jenna.x


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Re: Menopause expert/clinic in Bucks (or London)
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2018, 10:22:06 AM »

Hi Dotty it seems to be the new method here it's same for my husband instead of going to heart consultant he's now being sent to another practice with a gp with special interest in heart conditions.ironic thing is for both of us it was our old practice when we lived in that particular area.
I'm feeling pretty muddled this morning,fear stops me doing things I know I should do so I maybe don't push as much as I should,I'm petrified they'll find something wrong when they do check but at the same time angry at them for not checking.
My gp will not entertain my private consultant report dotty and apparently she doesn't have to if she chooses not to.Im hoping he can rattle her a bit but doubt it.ive just got no confidence in anyone today,prob hitting a low spell again it disheartens me sometimes and I lose my fight,hopefully I'll get some mojo tomorrow and resume battle lol.thanks dotty xx