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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Psoriasis and HRT  (Read 8925 times)


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Psoriasis and HRT
« on: January 21, 2018, 10:52:26 AM »

Morning ladies

This question is for anyone who started getting psoriasis in the peri stage of menopause and who are on HRT.

I developed psoriasis, mainly scalp, although I have a few patches on my body, when I started the perimenopause - my mother was the same.  It has been getting steadily worse, although it's still classed as mild - it was just on my hairline but is slowly creeping up my scalp and onto my neck.

I've only been on the Evorel Sequi patches since last December so still early days and still settling into it.

I wondered if anyone who has psoriasis and is taking HRT is finding that their psoriasis improved, got worse, or stayed the same.

I did read that a drop in estrogen can sometimes cause psoriasis so I am hoping that over time mine will improve. 

Many thanks Pamb x



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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2018, 01:19:06 PM »

As oestrogen levels drop the skin maybe become dry.  Have you family a history of asthma? as the 2 conditions can 'go' together apparently.

Maybe look at the appropriate web-site for advice?  We use Vaseline hand lotion but may sting a bit on your patches.  How about bicarb of soda made into a paste and applied?


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2018, 01:36:34 PM »

Have you tried Nizoral shampoo ? My derm recommended it as I was diagnosed with sebborheic dermatitis a couple of years ago (can get on prescription and since I have bought it on amazon)

My daughter developed psoriasis as a child and when my itchy scalp/eyebrows started I was worried it was psoriasis.  It's auto immune so just be mindful that you're at risk of developing other AI conditions, although so far my daughter has just got that, apart from psoriasis-induced arthritis (just in a toe at the moment)

There is medication for psoriasis in various forms of it increases, tablets/cream/UV treatment


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2018, 03:54:48 PM »

Thanks for the replies.   I've got shampoo and topical cream for the psoriasis which helps to some degree.

My query though is has anyone who has psoriasis noticed any improvement with HRT.

Thanks Pamb x


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2018, 10:16:07 PM »

I am also a psoriasis sufferer - a mild guttatae form, but fairly widespread - limbs, trunk, hands, which started about 15 yrs ago after a Strep throat infection, and never went away. It was always worse when I was stressed, responded well to sunny holidays, topical steroids, but always returned.
Well, since starting HRT 18 months ago, I have noticed a marked improvement in my skin condition, despite no other significant changes in lifestyle/diet, and a whole bucket full of stress at times ....
I asked my Meno consultant about this positive 'side issue' and she agreed that there is a hormonal link.
However, I asked the same question to my consultant Derm who said she was not sure if it was the HRT that had improved things - she said psoriasis is a mysterious thing !
I have read reports that during pregnancy psoriasis can improve considerably, only to return after the pregnancy is finished, which suggests a link to hormones I would guess.
Hope you also seen an improvement
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 10:17:39 PM by Jo24 »


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2018, 09:12:44 AM »

I've had very mild psoriasis since my teens, yes it improved when I was pregnant.
Since taking HRT it does appear to have improved but it's one of those things that come & go when it feels like it.
I have noticed that it is affected by ferritin levels, when I was  taking suppliments it was definitely getting worse.

So in my case HRT doesn't make it any worse & may possibly improve it. 
But we'll all different 😀


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2018, 02:20:13 PM »

Mine started in peri too but not straight away. I was on HRT & it didn't make any difference I still had it but I stopped HRT last May & I would say it is slightly better as it has now gone from my hairline & scalp . I only have it on 1 eyebrow & ears  so yes it is better but could just be a coincidence


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2018, 06:28:35 PM »

Hello ladies.

I'm not a psoriasis sufferer myself but I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis which is another disease where the immune system goes into over drive and causes chronic inflammation. I take a maintenance dose of medication but I also eat an anti inflammatory diet which I believe has helped me stay well. I understand that women are more likely to develop auto immune conditions and I wonder if this is due to our sensitive immune system as well as our hormones.

Wishing you all well.



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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2018, 08:33:28 PM »

I developed psoriasis following a car accident in 1999.  None of the treatments were effective and I ended up more or less covered in patches from knee to ankle with a few scattered elsewhere.  I started to get menopausal symptoms in 2010 and at the same time, my psoriasis started to improve.  Last year, it had almost vanished.  A few months back, I started to get a decrease in my meno symptoms...the psoriasis has started to 'regrow'.  So definitely a hormonal link!


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2018, 09:40:02 PM »

I have sebaceous/ seborrheic psoriasis in my scalp, have had it since I was little. I also suffer from very very dry skin on lots of my body and patches that become sore and need cream, currently found Sanex atopic tonwork the best. I also have asthma,hayfever.

Im currently not on HRT, but mine flares up badly every month around ovulations sort of time so I'd be interested to know if HRT helps or not too.

I get painful spots in my hair that fill with a clear liquid and ooze if I catch them with a brush, they make the glands in my neck swell when they flare up. Have special shampoo to use but it doesn't do much.
Hope can find an answer to HRT helping.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 09:41:58 PM by Lalb1 »


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2018, 02:39:04 PM »

Thank you for all the replies ladies.  Haven't been on this site for a little while so didn't see the replies till today.

I hope that once my own hormones decrease and I only have the HRT hormones to contend with then my symptoms may start to improve. 

My mother's psoriasis did improve after menopause but she wasn't on HRT so I can't compare.

Thanks again

Pamb x


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2018, 01:08:36 PM »

Thanks for the replies.   I've got shampoo and topical cream for the psoriasis which helps to some degree.

My query though is has anyone who has psoriasis noticed any improvement with HRT.

Thanks Pamb x

I had really bad psoriasis wide spread all over .... since starting HRT its 90% cleared ... i'm so happy ...
looking at my before photos of my body i could of cried ...but now im over the moon that my skin is clear ...


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2019, 09:05:15 AM »

Hi there, that is great news!  Would you mind sharing the name of your HRT?  Thank you x


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2020, 06:20:50 AM »

Hi everyone I have psoriasis and have been on HRT only a month but will let you know I have it on elbows knees most of my joints.And was wandering the same as pamb
It must be hormonal my father has been covered in psoriasis since he was 20 he is now 88 and at age 84 it all just disappeared they do say your hormones don't stop being active till your 80s believe me in his life time he had tried every medication every cream and diets  and nothing worked.
Some meds even made his fingers nails fall out!

Pamb how is your now?


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Re: Psoriasis and HRT
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2020, 07:43:09 PM »

Hi Penelope.

I discovered early last year that I don't actually have psoriasis.  I was diagnosed with a rare inflammatory auto-immune condition called dermatomyositis.

One of the symptoms is a flaky itchy scalp which I had just assumed was psoriasis as my mother had it during her menopause. The fact that I didn't have the thick plaques like she had did make me wonder. 

I've been fairly lucky with my diagnosis as in my case I only have the skin condition which has cleared up on my body but is still present on my hands and the scaling on my scalp and some  hair loss.  Some people have problems with their muscles and have difficulty walking, problems swallowing and problems with their lungs.   

It can also be associated with certain cancers so I had to undergo cancer screening with ct scan, mammogram, ovarian scan, smear test and lung function test and muscle testing. As you can imagine it was quite an ordeal but thankfully everything came back negative.

As I have had a bit of stress over the years caring for my mother and mother In law both with dementia and going through  the menopause I think all that triggered this condition.

So I follow an anti inflammatory diet and exercise most days and it helps a lot.

I'm hoping 2020 is going to be a better year fingers crossed. 

pamb x
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