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Author Topic: menopause test  (Read 5741 times)


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2018, 08:03:39 PM »

I wouldn't use steroid creams too much - they can make the skin more fragile - I think they are short term use only. The Vagifem with vaginal moisturisers would be better. The YES products may have something better for using during sex. DG x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2018, 09:11:21 PM »

I've just read it and yes it does thin the skin why she put me on steroids especially with my symptoms of dryness now has made me question her reasoning she told me to carry on long term and its Been a year already with no benefit I'm looking into the vagiferm and yes products I'm wondering if the burning sensation I get on the top of my head is down to menopause have you heard of this before?
Thanks again


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2018, 09:24:05 PM »

Dermatological issues can happen for all sorts of reasons. The meno can cause skin issues. I would definitely try local oestogen and vaginal moisturisers. Also do avoid all acidic drinks and caffeine but drink enough of water. DG x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2018, 09:39:22 PM »

Hi yes I have acid reflux so I don't have anything acidic I also only drink decaff, I will defiantly go and speak to my gp now I understand more thanks to your and the other ladies advice, wish I had known about this earlier its awfl waking up each morning and just managing to get through the day. My daughter has said to me so many times mam you shouldn't be taking antidepressants mam your symptoms are menopause its to easy to give you pills rather than check your hormones etc.


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2018, 07:39:37 PM »

So I've come down with another water infection and feel terrible, I went to my gp and straight on nitrofurontin after speaking to a different gp I was then sent to the nurse for a blood test to get my hormone levels checked. I am back next Tuesday for the results and the gp said to discuss the management of my symptoms hopefully progress.


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2018, 07:50:20 PM »

Have they sent a urine sample to the lab to check for infection? They probably just did a dip stick test which doesn't always show whether infection is present or not. If you keep having antibiotic treatment when there isn't actual infection, this will set up a cycle of imbalance with your gut and vagina flora which really does not help things.
You need local Oestrogen at the very least. Good luck - keep us posted. DG x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2018, 08:06:56 PM »

Hi my gp dipped it in front of me and you could see the light pink went dark straight away and he said i had blood in my urine. He wants another sample putting in in ten days. X


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2018, 11:26:53 PM »

Blood doesn't mean there is infection!!!! The sample needs to go to the lab - blood in the urine is very common when meno hits and they should know this. I'd phone tomorrow to check the sample was sent to the lab and if not take a sample in again tomorrow to properly tested.
I always have blood in my urine with every test but no infection!!!! I wouldn't have ABs unless there was infection. DG x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2018, 08:09:28 AM »

I understand what your saying, so it could be VA and the lack of estrogen I will ring my doctors this morning thankyou for the advice. I wonder if its down to cost because I've only ever known two of my urine samples in the last two years be sent off to be tested. X


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2018, 08:51:08 AM »

Juneo - please ask for the results of your thyroid test - you said you were diagnosed with it and I presume you are taking medication? Your exhaustion, dry skin, weight gain, firbomyalgia syndrome all point to thyroid problems - as well potentially of low oestrogen and testosterone, aside from the VA issue. If you are taking thyroid medication the menopause may well affect your levels so may need adjustment. Also you should be tested for TSH, T3 T4 at least and maybe anti-bodies depending on the results. Don't suffer!

Hurdity x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2018, 09:22:51 PM »

Hi I saw my gp today and he told me I'm post menopausal he's suggested I go on elleste solo MX transdermal patches he told my under active thyroid result was OK and because the Tsh was normal there was no need to do the t3, t4. I have had bloods taken to check my b12 levels and iron as I told him I'm exhausted all the time and also I am on pantoprazole and ranitadine and I've read this can interfere with iron levels he then told me my white cells were low on my previous blood test whatever that means? Any advice please x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2018, 08:52:01 PM »

So today my gp has given me vagifem 10mg hopefully now this will help  :) I had blood tests taken earlier this week to check for b12 and iron deficiency a link on this site brought this up and as I've been so tired and have several of the same symptoms I mentioned this to my gp I've received a call to go and repeat this again in the morning I'm a little concerned  :( as to what this means I feel like I've never been away. X


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2018, 08:18:10 AM »

There can be many reasons for asking to repeat blood tests - maybe the sample was contaminated or was possibly inconclusive. You need to get into the habit of asking questions e.g “why do you need to have the blood test again? ” - they should really have given you a reason, not just left you in the air. Gone are the days when we blindly did as a doctors says, I'm afraid we do have to question everthing as this can keep you fully informed and can stop unnesassary anxiety.
When you tongave the blood test, ask the receptionist to look up the results of the previous test or request a phone call from the GP so he/she can explain what is going on.
Have been referred to a urologist about the blood in your urine? Although this is common when meno starts, it should still be investigated just in case. The urologist May be able to offer advice for future management as well - when I had the investigations he told me to use the local Oestrogen.  DG x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2018, 08:28:58 PM »

Hi DG I asked today why the repeat and apparently the blood sample had congealed so needed to do a repeat and I took another urine sample in this was fine I did see a urologist last year and had my uretha stretched as the urologist advised me to have it done. I'm going shopping tommorow for the vitamins etc you've recommended I already take adcal as I have a problem with low calcium. I am going to see my gasterenterologist  in march so I will discuss about the PPI that I am taking as I've looked into what you've said and hopefully this can be addressed. I'm thankful for all the information you and the other ladies have given me I am now on my patches and vagifem and hopefully I can start to feel some improvement soon my gp gave me a 40mg of silk to x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2018, 09:48:27 PM »

I so feel for you Juneo....I too have an under active thyroid (40), Iv went through a very difficult menopause starting at 44 and Im now 52. Having both is a real challenge!! I am often anaemic and have terrible anxiety due to complex ptsd.

Iv had to stop the job I loved as every day I dealt with something to do with these illnesses and still do. Im on levothyroxine, Tibolone and nortriptyline (never wanted to be on meds) but I need them to take some of the symptoms away or I would have went into a deep depression.

Dry skin/eyes/ears and vaginal dryness is a daily struggle. Fatigue, joint pain, insomnia and many more ailments.

Im 52 but feel alot older, I struggle to get much understanding from family and friends as they sailed through menopause and dont have thyroid probs. I recently had to reduce my thyroid meds but now have to gradually increase again (no idea whats going on there).

Dont beat yourself up, take good care of yourself. Dont hold back from requesting blood tests or help from your Doc...this is your body and your life!

I also take high strength vitamin c, omega 3 and Iron tabs. On the days Im very tired and sore I put my feet up, grab a coffee and give myself a cuddle. 💕
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