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Author Topic: Struggling  (Read 5625 times)


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« on: January 17, 2018, 10:50:44 AM »

Hello everyone and this does seem a very friendly and supportive forum, so here's hoping. I'm 48 and have had all over the place periods for about a year. I have never struggled with PMS but did have post natal depression (undiagnosed but was too scared to go to GP lasted 18 months), hypothroidism diagnosed at that time too.  I also have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder with anxiety just over a year ago and on anti depressants for that, how much they help seems to fluctuate with my monthly cycle.  I've only just sussed this relationship as GP asked me to do a chart with how and when I am every day and write on when I menstruate, and had such an awful week physically and mentally and then felt quite a bit better when period started.  My physical symptoms are many but sometimes I do think that it maybe it is all in my mind, but just going to a parents evening last night was a struggle physically. 
Joint pain
Ache all over
chest, neck, shoulder tip, jaw pain and arm heaviness/tingling (off and on and probably anxiety related)
tinnitus (off and on)
sensitivity to light, sound, touch (off and on, only when i am really ill)
fatigue and generally feel unwell (like having flu without the cold symptoms)
it was found that my iron stores are very low too
Anyway thinking of starting something alternative that could help me, as daren't go back to GP for some time as went 3 times last week with chest, shoulder, jaw pain and feeling generally awful - they'll be telling me to find another GP!
Has anyone got similar issues and found that something over the counter worked for them?
Many thanks


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2018, 11:17:41 AM »

Go and speak to your dr about hrt.

I wasted a lot of money on over the counter stuff and none of it worked.


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2018, 11:22:42 AM »

Hi and welcome your in the right place for help and no expert but most if not all of us here have gone through pretty much the same thing,there's over 30 symptoms of menopause and your ticking a lot of the boxes.In my opinion you need hrt and don't be scared of it or asking for it,if no joy with gp ask for a referral to menopause expert/clinic or if you can afford refer yourself privately to one for advice.there will be plenty of helpful ladies who will come to your rescue very soon with advice so try and be patient till they do.Im pretty new here myself and they have been wonderful and so can also pay £25 and email dr currie who will give you excellent advice that you can print off and take to your gp if you feel you need that crutch,I certainly did.good luck and keep your chin up there's plenty help here xx


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2018, 11:24:49 AM »

In my opinion dotty is spot on too I did exactly that spent a fortune over the years trying various stuff and let the hormones get a grip in the process,save your money and go to gp or clinic where you will get the proper help you need xx


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2018, 02:11:35 PM »

So sorry to hear you're feeling so awful, I'm new here too but just wanted to mention I posted the other day with very similar symptoms to you! I also queried if anyone else was having issues with sound sensitivity, for me at times its been awful, I also still experience if I watch tv and blue flashing lights are on the screen I have to look away.

I have done hours and hours of research trying to find if the sound sensitivity can be meno related and eventually I came across a published paper to say estrogen effects How the brain process sound, like wise your vision can be effected.

I think this estrogen has so much to answer for, I'm hopeful after finding this forum I can start to feel so much better, I wish you well also xxx

Edited to add if your GP hasn't checked your vitamin d level also I'd definitely ask them to do so, I was severely deficient with that along with iron and folate and I felt dreadful.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 02:20:57 PM by Smitten »


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2018, 03:03:48 PM »

I feel so terrible today I cant even pick up my boy from school, but after reading all your comments  I have tears running down my face because I feel like I've have had a big hug from all of you.  What an amazing forum.  I wish I had seen this was down to my bloody hormones a bit earlier and I might not have a nasty mental health diagnosis! You've given me the guts to ring GP tomorrow, phoning partly because I feel unable to physically go and partly because the sound of the terrible music they play is unbearable with this sound sensitivity!


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2018, 03:11:11 PM »


as oestrogen levels drop so the muscles may become lax = aches and pains - over the counter pain relief should help
as oestrogen levels drop, the body may become dry: inside and out  >:(  ::) - have a read of the threads relative to vaginal atrophy

 :welcomemm: broswe round.  Make notes.  Take a list of symptoms to your Practice Nurse and discuss your requirements.  Some GPs prescribe anti-depressants for anxiety which is OK but some ladies find that HRT helps.  Some need both.


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2018, 03:19:22 PM »

Don't beat yourself up we've all said the very same thing and eventually in my case it was sheer desperation and determination that made me search out the answers I think you kind of know instinctively that your on the right track but just need someone to back you up and make you feel strong and positive enough to trust your own judgement and get the help that you need.
As far as light and sound sensitivity yes your right again it is a menopausal “gift” and lots of us suffer with that affliction too,Ive just been referred to eye hospital as the “dry eye syndrome” I suffer from is really giving me also get dry ears ,dry sinus ,dry undercarriage to the point of splitting like paper cuts down there so get help ASAP if your not already at that stage,its called Vaginal Atrophy and it's another menopause “perk”lol.nip it in the bud before it gets a grip.there are supplements that can also help with the dryness everywhere I'm just going to start on visionace plus recommended by optometrists,google Lutein if your suffering from dry eye and light sensitivity.good luck and keep plodding away with questions etc on here the lovely ladies will help and advise you,I call them “curries angels” lol they know who they are xx


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2018, 06:21:31 PM »

Hi UpsDowns


Sorry to hear about all your symptoms. When you say your periods have been all over the place - has your cycle got longer or shorter or more variable in length - have you skipped any or have they been late?

Also re your diagnosis of " major depressive disorder with anxiety" - is this a recent diagnosis or due to life events unrelated to menopause? As you say - it could all be down to hormones - if your periods have been going haywire then your emotional as well as physical symptoms may well be caused by fluctuating or low oestrogen - and especially if you suffered from post-natal depression. There is a gynaecologist (John Studd) who has done a lot of research on this and it is known as reprodictive depression for which he prescribes HRT. Here is some information:

You will see on each of these pages there are loads more links/tabs on the right side of the page. Do have a read and see if you think this describes you. If your symptoms are menopausal (including emotional symptoms and anxiety) then the NICE Guidelines recommended that HRT is given as the first line of Treatment and not anti-depressants - and the type that Studd recommends are all available on NHS.

Have a listen to the Woman's Hour clips as menopause has been featured every day this week!

If you are also hypothyroid then menopause can also play havoc with this as thyroid hormone metabolism and oestrogen seem to be interrelated. Your pains and fatigue could well be partly due to this - and I would ask for your thyroid hormone levels to be tested  and monitored while you are going through the menopause and if you start HRT too.

The other thing is light and sound sensitivity are a symptom of migraines and I wonder if you are getting these symptoms all the time or only with your headaches? Migraines can begin or get worse during peri - I didn't get them until I was almost peri-menopausal and I didn't know that this is what they were. When the migraine clears the light/sound sensitivity disappears.

Low iron will also be making you feel rough - and I presume you are taking something for this - I swear by Floradix herbal tonic which is very gentle on the stomach!

I hope this is some help to you and yes do keep on asking :)

How did you get on with GP?

Hurdity x


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2018, 06:25:51 PM »

See I told you one of the great ladies would be along with practical advice def one of the angels  ::) xx


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2018, 03:25:51 PM »

Hi Hurdity,
I think I am actually on the wrong forum now as GP thinks all this is relating to my hormones but PMS.  Periods are running at 3 weekly at the moment, and I've only just put two and two together typing this, so thanks. In June, I was very poorly and it was thought I had Lyme disease because I had the bulls eye rash but I continually had a period also for the whole month too. So I'm now thinking that this was all related to my hormones.
Studd's articles are very interesting, I am presently on a up (elevated mood, hugely motivated, cant sit still, etc) and this normally lasts for about 4 days following and including the last day of my period, so I've got the whole weekend happy which is fantastic. And I always hope that this is it and I am better, but the crash inevitibly follows and severe depression takes hold again, massively struggle to get out of bed and do anything at all. I will have a more through look when I have the ability to sit still again!
It is also very interesting what you say about thyroxine and female hormones because I am convinced that my hypothroidism started after the birth of my first born and I was depressed until I took my first thyroid tablet and felt alive again, and remarkably well within 5 minutes of taking it. Thyroid levels fine and been checked recently.
Yes the light, sound and touch sensitivity is only when I am really ill and always have a headache and when I feel okay the sensitivity disappears too.
Taking iron tablets for low iron and breathlessness is getting better.
GP wants me to continue with the diary which I started at the beginning of this year, and may prescribe patches after she has seen more evidence from another cycle at least. So feel so much more hopeful of getting sorted and all down to you amazing guys, you are all angels. I know that I am probably on the wrong forum now, seeing that I have PMS so I'm not expecting any more replies but good luck to you all and when I do hit the menopause and if I need support I will certainly remember this wonderful forum. Thank you so much x


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2018, 03:44:42 PM »

Your symptoms look like menopause to me so I would stay on this forum


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2018, 04:02:57 PM »

Great advice from dotty don't be in a hurry to leave us you can still be a valuable part of this forum and may still need advice and support,good luck xx


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Re: Struggling
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2018, 05:46:49 PM »

Hello UpsDowns and welcome to the forum ( hopefully I got that in before you sailed off lol ).

I just wanted to add that I certainly recognise the mood swings that you describe and for me that only began when I stopped having periods. Also I believe it's quite common for women to have thyroid problems after childbirth and while many recover naturally a proportion do not and need to take medication thereafter.

Take care and maybe see you again someday.




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Re: Struggling
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2018, 05:59:04 PM »

Hi again UpsDowns

From what you say then you are probably at what is known as the "Late Reproductive Stage" - the last stage before pei-menopause - which is when the ovaries are still functioing and you ovulate regularly but hormones begin to go a bit haywire. Many women experience worsening pms at this point (I know I did) - so this also sounds like you. However if you are also starting to have periods for the whole month then this is also a feature of peri-menopause.
So - please don't go!!! You're not on the wrong forum - there are lots of women in your position who come on here!

The light and sound sensitivity when you have a headache is definitely a migraine! It seems that like me you haven't had these before and therefore don't recognise these as symptoms. Also I mistakenly thought that all migraines began with an aura which is why I didn't think mine were migraines. Those without aura are known as classic migraines and are very common. There is a lot of information about them on the various migraine websites. (eg Migraine Trust etc). I started getting mine pre-menstrually - 3 days before a period and within a day of my period starting the headache, head fog, and horrible symptoms would disappear and my mood would lift as though nothing was wrong! I could feel it happening. If yours last for 3 days there are medications for them which I have only just discovered ( 15 years later!).

Also if your hormonal fluctuations are beginning to cause problems then either you can control the cycle with high doses of oestrogen as per the Studd regime (I think you would need referral to a menopause clinic maybe?), or through the contraceptive pill. There is one particularly that suppresses the cycle but is similar to HRT - called QLAIRA  and is mentioned here (scroll down). There are only 2 tablet free days unlike the usual CCP.

re the Lyme Disease - if you had a tick bite and then the bulls-eye rash a little while later, I presume you were given a course of antibiotics straight away or very soon afterwards, just to be on the safe side?

Do read the article here on peri-menopause which explains what is happening to your body and please stay :)

Hurdity x

OOPS pressed the wrong button and posted by mistake  ::)
« Last Edit: January 19, 2018, 06:05:32 PM by Hurdity »
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