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Author Topic: Struggling today  (Read 3215 times)


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Struggling today
« on: January 16, 2018, 10:29:54 AM »

Hi everyone,

I am feeling really low again today. I think it's because I saw occupational health and the person I saw seems to think I can go back to work in a few weeks.

I work two days a week in the NHS. I love my job but it's been a struggle since the onset of peri two years ago and I have been off for 2 and a half months now. Going into work and saying hello to the team was nice but it made me realise how low I am feeling. I felt things had improved recently and this feels like a setback.

I am building my self esteem slowly and seem to need lots of love, support and nourishment at the moment. I had some old feelings come back on Sunday night and was so pleased as I thought I could build on them.

The lady I saw was young and hadn't heard on menopause clinics. Because I can concentrate and read ok she thinks it would be good for me to go back. I hear what she's saying but I honestly don't think I can until I have some more metal and emotional strength back.

I usually feel low in Jan/Feb anyway.

I am seeing gp tomorrow and know I ne3d to give the antidepressant I started two weeks ago more time to work. I am already on another antidepressant but it hasn't helped hugely with the onset of anxiety and now depression a few months ago.

Thanks for listening.



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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2018, 11:04:49 AM »

Hi there sorry to hear you're feeling so low. I'm the same right now I suffer depression and anxiety and I've been in an AD for 6 years which helps alot but since being very ill all through Xmas I can't pick up. My health is on a downwards spiral and everyday I fight to get up. I have a lovely partner but right now I'm off with him he annoys me I don't want sex and I'd happily be on my own which is awful as I love him.
Yet I feel a cheat posting as although I'm sure I've been peri for 6 years my periods still arrive albeit irregular and I feel like sometimes I'm just suffering sevete depression again and blaming it on peri.
Going back to work will be so hard for you maybe take longer if you can. I work for myself and do voluntary work but I can't face that most days as I have to be bright and bubbly and I'm scared I'll burst into tears and people don't want to see that..sending lots of hugs to you sorry I ranted on x


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2018, 11:23:41 AM »


Get your doc to sign you off again if you are not ready to go back xx


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2018, 01:44:15 PM »

This is a really quick post as not having a good day (CFS/ME). I had 11 weeks off work due to the aforementioned and OH prepared a staged return for me, which worked really well. Is this something that you could suggest? It is such a good way to ease yourself back in and makes it less overwhelming. Big hug x


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2018, 02:22:15 PM »

Thanks Knorman and Dotty,

Yes they have suggested a phased return. I just don't feel quite ready. I really just need more time. I have only started feeling a little better on Sunday. I am currently exhausted from crying today.

I want to be stronger before I go back. X


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2018, 02:25:21 PM »

Don't go back until you are ready. X


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2018, 07:48:51 PM »

Definitely don't go back until you are ready. That you are able to read and concentrate is only part of the picture and if you are exhausted, your body is trying to tell you something. Go back when YOU are ready. Easier said then done I know, but I will never, ever put work before my health again, it led me to where I am now. So please look after yourself. 'Phased' was the word my CFS/Meno brain was searching for earlier!


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2018, 03:17:06 PM »

I don't think my posts get seen ..seems every other time I reply I am ignored...hmm don't know what's happening???


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2018, 03:41:20 PM »

sorry for your struggles and I cannot understand as I have not been in your situation.  As the others say no-one is making you go back, perhaps just suggesting that don't feel forced to do anything you don't want to do.  My situation was anxiety in returning to work after Cancer treatment - I was wanting back but scared to go.  Scared of what if I go back and am not ready - someone then pointed out to me that if I go back and am not ready then I go back to my doctor and get signed off again........ it's always an option.  Phased return is a very good idea, just getting over that seeing everyone again and getting back into the routine - I certainly didn't regret going back and came on leaps and bounds when I did that I hope the same happens for you x


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2018, 03:52:32 PM »


I too work in the NHS and I suggest you wait until you feel better. This is classed as one sickness episode how ever long you have off even months. If however you go back to soon and you go off again HR will meet you and may look at a warning. You don't need the stress and if your GP signs you off Occyhealth cant do a thing about it.

Hope this helps Wx


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2018, 04:26:01 PM »

Peroxideblader, thanks so much for your reply. My brain is not working right so I did somehow miss it.

I hope your day has been ok. I have just been for a walk/run which helps but I so long to feel better. I feel like my self esteem is very low despite trying to do everything I can to get better. I am trying to be kinder and more compassionate with myself when I can. Xx


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2018, 04:26:33 PM »

Warwick - thank you that's very useful. I hadn't appreciated that. Xx

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2018, 05:06:43 PM »

I have just got in from work and your title could be mine "struggling today"  Its like an endurance test getting through the day.  Low confidence, self esteem, worried to do something wrong, talking to people but not sounding like me then analysing what I have just said. Take it from me you do not go into work until you are completely better again and feel strong to deal with people, the work, to be able to cope with what is given to you.  Phased returns do work but only when you feel back to normal again.  You do not need the stress and do have to look after yourself.

Last year was a year from hell and I had to take a long time off work (7 months) due to being wrongly diagnosed as normal depression when it turned out to be menopause.  4 different anti depressants, nothing worked until finally I had blood tests serum fsh was 115 iu/l which they said was "post menopausal"  I had no idea as have the mirena coil so had no periods anyway. (almost 52).  Elleste solo got me well but I had to go up to 3mg and I was back to normal, me again confident, joy in living, planning ahead, getting back to  friends/family I had withdrwawn from, volunteering again and back to work.  All was brilliant for about almost 3 months then headaches akin to migraines so bad they took me off the tablets for fear of a stroke.

I was put on  gel oestrogel 2 pumps a day, back to waking through the night with sweats, needing to pee at least 3 to 4 times but worst of all the low mood, anxiety, the lot all back again.  I had an estradiol test which showed the levels were too low so almost 2 weeks ago went to 3 pumps of gel.  Still not "me" but this time I am back in the world fearing last year, although I know what caused the depression now) but now its like an act trying to be "me" at work, at home, with my family a constant battle that is exhausting.  I am losing the will to live this life and feel so guilty for even voicing that.  Its such hard work compounded by the fact at work and in life most people I speak to seemed to "sail through the menopause".  What is that all about.  I hate them!!

know it takes time to find the right hrt the right level the right anti depressant that only seems to work if the oestrogen is well.

Sometimes though we just dont have the time to wait as life /work etc is so demanding.  I sent another email to the menopuase clinic wondering if there is anything else i can do---do lots of exercise/eat failry healthly, none of that seems to matter if the hormones/chemicals are not balanced.

So in summary please do not beat yourself up about being off work.  Work will always be there, your health and well being is more important.  You will know when you are ready as i did.  I sadly have just had a blip but I am trying to keep going because of the amount of time it took me to get better last year.  I really feel that I cant do that to them again, I would rather quit.

My question is Have many of you girls had to give up working because of this horrible menopause?  I have always loved my work and going in seeing everybody but it is like a form of torture now.

Thank you


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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2018, 07:37:51 PM »


Thank you for your beautiful reply and sharing your journey.

I can relate so much to what you have said.

I sometimes wonder if I am doing something wrong. I am on 3 pumps of Estrogel and have been for a month (no progesterone this month on the advice of specialist). My Estrogel levels are apparently good but I just don't feel like me. I am on a 2nd antidepressant (inc the one I have been on for years) and hoping that might start to work in the next few weeks. It's been 2 weeks so far.

It is so discouraging trying things, exercising, eating really well, meditating etc and still not being able to face work.

I feel inadequate and try and be kind to myself but it's hard.

I have moments where I feel so low I just cry and cry.

I just hope I can feel a bit brighter soon.


Bring me Sunshine

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Re: Struggling today
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2018, 09:46:15 PM »

You must remember that nothing lasts for ever, these depressed feelings do eventually go its just hard to believe it when you are in it.  Thats the cruel thing about being so low it lies to you and paints a truly bleak picture of the past, present and the future and its all due to the low mood.  Take it from me I do know and believed i would never ever get well last year.  Nothing worked and the menopause clinic i am under told me that no anti depressant would work if the levels of estrogen are low or not what they need to be for you.  At the start of last year i too had been on an anti depressant sertraline after losing my dad(4 years previously).  The dr had kept me on it even though I was well within 3 months because she said I had had depression in the past when i had lost my mum young and had failed infertility treatments.  I went on to have children but had a bit of depression after the first one.  So I stayed on the sertraline and was really content and happy with my lot.  And then out of the blue it stopped working or so the dr told me, which was partly true but she failed to spot the connection with menopause etc until i was so ill and written off as "treatment resistant" I wasnt I just needed a decent level of oestrogen for everything to work again.  We are all unique and we dont know our levels until we feel well again.

I walked into work when I had recovered after all those months off and i was fine I just knew i had been ill and now i was well.  I didnt feel embarassed because i knew how ill I d been and you can have poorly physical health and poorly mental health.  That attitude was because I was well and confident and could face it.

Prior to that I was ashamed of not working, didnt feel part of the human race, every one it felt was going to work and I was going for a run or to the gym it was like I didnt deserve to be doing that.  But I look back now and I did deserve that time because I wasnt well.  If you just feel like watching crap tv or a big box set of films then it is what you need to do to heal.  You cant put any time on a recovery a bit like bereavement everybody has a different experience of this and depression etc and gets better when they do.  But this does not last for ever and you will cycle out of it and you will get your life back I promise you that because i did and have done in the past.  The mood diaries are a good idea as if I look back to this time 6 months ago I was crying all the time, without hope, reading everything I could get my hands on, wanting to talk to counscellors any one to listen to my sad talking.  Didnt ever want to answer the phone though.

Im having a blip now and just have to get these hormones back again for everything to fall into place.  I havent given  3 pumps long enough at all sometimes this hrt can take months to kick in again everyones journey with it is different.

Remember this you will get better i dont know when and it dosent matter for now but you will and you will know it and will want to be back in the world again as that is how it is.  For now though you do have to take all the advice given to you and be kind, be gentle with yourself and above all do not feel guilty you cant help that this has happenend, it just has.  Work survives funny enough when people go off it can wait.  I always remember reading something that when you are on your death bed you wont look back and wish you had spent more time at work.  its just keeping it in perspective and that negative voice in your head when you are low is persistent in telling you how bad you are.  Kick it in the nuts!

Good Luck, keep in touch.  If I get any more advice re my gel from the clinic( I sent an email tonight) I wilL share any news.

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