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Author Topic: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!  (Read 2240 times)

Southsea Belle

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Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« on: January 12, 2018, 07:56:23 PM »

Hi!  I'm having a bit of a tough time right now. 

I wasn't coping with the hot flushes and internal trembling very well.  Asked doctor for help.  Blood pressure and ocular migraines meant she wouldn't give me HRT.  Put me on Fluoxetine (prozac) instead.  Said I might feel "a little bit icky" to begin with but I would soon feel the benefit.

Didn't feel anything for a few days then Boom! I felt like I'd been poisoned at it just got worse and worse.  After 20 days I was told by another doctor to stop the Fluoxetine immediately and that it would take a few days to clear my system. 

4 days down the line and I still feel I'm in purgatory.  All the symptoms I had before are heightened.

And I worry!  Mostly about the tremors.

I guess I'm just looking for reassurance from others that it's all 'normal'.

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2018, 08:38:12 PM »

Hello there

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time.  Many years ago I was prescribed fluoxeteine after yet another failed infertifilty treatment whioch lead to depression.  It took about 6 weeks then it was fine, but anti depressants are never great to start with you get worse before you get better.  Have they suggested anything else to give to you.  My friend has the trembling she has just started elleste duet for other menopua symptons too.  i am sorry that you cannot take hrt is it worth getting a second opinion and being referred to a menopause clinic as I have known people to take hrt with migraines.  But obvioulsy im aware every one is different.

Please go back for more advice you musnt struggle there is help out there.

Take good care


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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2018, 08:45:53 PM »

You can have hrt with high blood pressure and migraines....transdermal hrt.

HRT should be first line of approach not AD s


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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2018, 09:20:01 PM »

Hello Southsea Belle and welcome to the forum.

I also have internal trembling and find it very distressing.  Unfortunately  worrying about how we feel seems to go with the menopause territory and lots of ladies find they have health anxiety and it's easy to see how that happens.
 Hopefully you  will recover as the meds completely leave your system but so far everything you have experienced looked pretty normal to me.

Take care and keep posting.


Southsea Belle

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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2018, 09:42:00 AM »

Good morning and thank you for your kind replies.

I took some over the counter sleeping tablets last night and slept well, until I woke up that is!  Went to the loo, got back into bed and the trembling started all over again (don't think it ever really stops to be honest) and I've just been laying there, tossing, turning and contorting for the past few hours trying not to tremble and just go to sleep.  No joy.

I do know that if I had gotten up and got on then although the 'symptoms' would still be there they wouldn't be so in focus.  But when you're dog tired all you want to do is sleep and all logic goes out the window. 

Feel like I have the world's worst hangover right now.  I have to pull myself together somehow as I need to go out.

Six months ago I would be up and out and doing 6km walks with the dog.  Today, just walking to the local shops takes up all my energy.  That, and not wanting to be stuck somewhere out of the way with all this going on. 


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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2018, 11:06:17 AM »

Hello again Southsea Belle.

I thought I would add that I know what you mean about feeling vulnerable. When I'm super trembly and have to go out I make sure I have my mobile with me so I can phone for help. I don't think it will ever come to that but it's a measure of how unnerving the internal shaking can make you feel. I also feel some improvement when I'm distracted but as you say sometimes you just need a rest! Incidentally this symptom is mentioned in  my trusty meno book along with feelings of panic and a sense of unease, so I think we can be sure it is caused by our hormones.

Sorry I don't have any solutions but you may find comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

Take care.



Southsea Belle

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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2018, 09:29:12 PM »

Today, I actually managed to get back to sleep again after waking in the night.  A Plus!  The downside being that I didn't feel any better for it.  Trembled my way through some Sunday chores and conked out on the sofa after lunch....completely ignoring the fact that dinner was in the's OK, hubby rescued it.

Again, the sleep was a plus but again the downside is I'm still trembling and feeling horrid.  Feels nice in the shower but I can't really live in there, can I!  ;D

It has to stop sometime doesn't it, surely?

Telephone appointment with doctor on Thursday.  The only way of getting to see someone earlier is to sit out the couple of hours it takes to see someone (not always a doctor) at the Walk-in clinic.  Don't want to do that. 


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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2018, 07:39:11 AM »

Ugh. I have it too. I've had anxiety for yonks but it has been in overdrive tor 6 years since menopause (I'm 6 years without a period) The cat likes to sit on me when.I have the internal trembling, I think she believes I'm purring, I'm really not! If someone coughs next door I'm reacting like a tterrible emergency hads just happened, shaking, adrenaline rushes, fear. Grrr. I hate it!
Im not on any medication at all and my anxiety is clinically severe.
 Too scared to try hrt, new Gp won't prescribe it anyway and as mentioned I'm other posts. a bad experience with an SSRI years ago has left me quite phobic about.medication.
I'm wondering whether any of you have tried magnesium or Epsom salt baths. I did this last year and I'm sure it helped. Found a big bucket of magnesium flakes that.I'd bought and forgotten about. Used a handful in the bath last night. I slept Ok, still woke up early and jittery but not as bad as the last few days. One thing that does help me is Dr Stuarts Tranquillity Tea, honestly the most noticeable relief I've ever had. CBT helps me enormously, even when something is caused by hormones,  the techniques still help. On waiting list for that again.


Southsea Belle

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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2018, 10:51:21 AM »

Desperation got the better of me this morning and I went for the queue up and wait clinic.  I was issued with quite an early number but they forgot about me and saw loads of later numbers before me.  By this time I was crying my eyes out.  The upside of that is that I actually got to see my GP!

She wants me to try Diazempam (one or two 2mg tablets up to 3 times a day) to see if they calm the trembling (and me) down and will see me face to face again on Friday.

Not sure if I am more reluctant or willing to give it a go.


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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2018, 11:02:21 AM »

South sea really need to see a doctor who specialises in menopause and start taking HRT.  High blood pressure and migraines do not stop you taking HRT and will help you with everything you are going through.


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Re: Purgatory, tremors and prozac!
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2018, 02:37:06 PM »

Great advice dotty,I've just started and although initially I was on the wrong hrt,after consultation with dr curry and a gp who wouldn't follow her advice I ended up going private to see a consultant in Coventry area and he was great so Im now on my third type of hrt and va treatments and I think it's going quite well,I couldn't even begin to compare the difference in how I'm feeling even at this early days stage but I'd say there's a 75% improvement everywhere.go for it you won't regret it and you always have the option to come off it but right now your not moving forward by hesitating are trembles were like a mobile phone going off buzzing inside me and drove me nuts,my bed was soaking wet every single night and I had sweats every few minutes and it really embarrassed me nothing at all it's been great still have a few small niggles but I accept it takes time to sort remember it's taken years for all these health issues to raise their heads so you do need a bit of patience with hrt to get what's right for you.good luck xx