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Author Topic: Anyone struggling with anxiety on changing between Femseven Sequi patches?  (Read 2528 times)


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Hello all, I am in my third month of Femseven Sequi. Does anyone have bad anxiety for a few days when either starting or stopping patch 2? I have had a patch 2 on since Friday and have had terrible anxiety for 3 days, particularly in the morning and early afternoon (usually ok by evening). It is a lot better today which makes me think the progesterone is kicking in - or it could just be that the sun is out here. I was also really agitated for a day or so when I finished the last phase of patch 2. I feel like I can't go through that again when I go back to patch 1. The Sunday is usually worst after changing patch on a Friday.
Any advice gratefully received.


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Hello Just and welcome to the forum.

As you probably know anxiety is a common occurrence at this time in our lives and many of us have similar experiences  to you so you are not alone.

Unfortunately I am not  knowledgeble about HRT but I'm sure someone will be along shortly to advise you.

Take care and keep posting.




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Thanks for the welcome Kathleen. Anxiety is just horrible but always good to know you are not alone with it.


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Yes! I am on month 3 of this HRT after trying several others that worked for a while and then after a time didn't suit me. So I have been prescribed Femseven. The second day on this HRT, I had strange and horrible "head rush" feelings, anxiety, palpitations, depression and just generally feeling dreadful. Day 4 I started to feel "OK" - ish and a bit better. Then a couple of days later I started feeling dreadful again and this seems to be the cycle with these patches for me. I am starting to despair as it is making me feel a bit agrophobic some days and hot sweats and hot flushes and restless nights are back. Not to mention the woolly brain and clumsyness and just a feeling of staggering about in a total daze. I attended a menopause clinic at St James in Leeds and was discharged a couple of years ago. I think I need to go back there for help as my GP spends about 2 minutes with me and quickly prescribes what appears to be "random HRT". I really don't think she knows much about HRT. She thrust a bit of paper with a list of councillors telephone numbers on it and I told her I just don't want counselling or antidepressants thanks! I just need my hormones to be more balanced so I can cope.
Sorry..I digress....
Yes, I have found Femseven to be very up and down. I should change my patch today but I am just far too scared to.....I think I am better off having all the bad meno symptoms than risk the terrible up and down of this HRT.
I want a fairy godmother!  :)

I hope you can get your HRT sorted out and can either ride the storm or change your HRT??
Take care


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Thanks Springchicken, yes I recognise all of those symptoms. If you find the fairy godmother then pass her my way too!
I hope you get back to the menopause clinic.
I am trying to ride it out but it's so hard to manage. I see the Gp in 10 days so will see what she advises.
Thanks so much for your reply.


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Hi Just

When you say Patch 1 and patch 2 - so you mean the two different types (rather than first week and second week)? If you do mean that, then the second type is the one with progestogen in it - so - some women do notice the difference and perhaps get temporary side effects when switching to the oestrogen/progestogen combi patches (taken in weeks 3 and 4). When you change back to the oestrogen only patches (at the end of week 4) the first few days your body is readjusting to oestrogen only and the sympotms are a bit like pms and due to progesterone withdrawal, which is also what happens just before a natural period. As long as you are feeling better overall on the HRT than off it - then this is the best you can hope for, but if you find the side effects too much then maybe a different type will suit you.

If you feel generally OK in the second phase (ie weeks 3 and 4) once the side effects have settled - you might be better off with a Mirena coil which contains the same progestogen mostly delivered directly to the womb. Then you wouldn't have the constant up and down of progestogen, and could add oestrogen at the dose needed to make you feel good as well as eliminate fluishes and sweats.

Hurdity x


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Thanks Hurdity, yes the patches are labelled patch 1 (oestrogen) and patch 2 (combined with progesterone in the form of levonorgestrel) so 2 weeks of each. Unfortunately this month the anxiety now seems to have gone on for longer and is worse and not really like PMT, but may also be connected to an ongoing health issue.
Thanks for your reply, much appreciated.


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I have had exactly the same on Fem7 Sequi; anxiety +++, migraine, disturbed sleep pattern.
Now back on Fem7 Conti, my sleep pattern has normalised, but I am having break through bleeding (TV ultrasound found polyp - now removed, otherwise normal, but still bleeding on patch change day)
My anxiety is high at the moment ..
I seem to need continuous Prog ?


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Thanks Jo24, yes it has affected my sleep as well. Much as I don't like the progesterone I think I may need it continuously too. Hope you have more success as you settle on the Femseven conti.