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Author Topic: Headaches  (Read 3089 times)


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« on: January 11, 2018, 11:06:49 PM »

Please can anyone help.  I am 56 postmenopause apparently? as had a hysterectomy mid forties, I used hrt up to age 53.  I had bad frequent headaches in my peri years but now they are daily! I thought they would become less! could my body still be going through Meno as I also get hot flushes, mood changes etc??

 I thought 'post Meno was when you are through the Meno?  Can anyone give me hope?

I cannot use hrt.  My headaches are linked with a drop in mood/tearfulness or just sheer fed up ness

Does anyone else have or had experience of this?  :'(


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2018, 08:14:10 AM »

Hi sweettooth

I sometimes get headaches they seem to come in spells then disappear for a while, i had hyster 5yrs ago the  ovaries out 4 yrs ago.  I too am on hrt for a limited time due to faulty gene that can cause certain cancers.

Even though im on hrt at moment headaches are common for me.  As far as im aware this can be caused by lack of oestrogen.

However it might be worth getting this checked by gp.

Can i ask why you you cant take hrt now?



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Re: Headaches
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2018, 10:07:06 PM »

Hello sweettooth.

As I've mentioned before I experienced daily headaches for six months at the beginning of my meno journey. I woke up with a headache every morning and it lasted until approximately 9 pm when it would disappear only to resurface the next day. I wasn't using HRT at the time. Perhaps I can offer you hope by adding that they left as suddenly as they came and have never returned so hopefully you will have some relief soon.

Take care.



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Re: Headaches
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2018, 10:48:49 PM »

I suffer with headaches - mostly stress related and often due to lack of sleep. Another cause of headaches for me is the drying out of my sinuses due to oestrogen deficiency, this make my sinuses more sensitive to allergies so I get stuffy, runny  or extremely dry nasal passages and they will often ache terribly.  I use saline sprays that help with this.  Everything dries out without oestrogen.  Perhaps try some Yoga, Mindful Meditation or see a physio to check your spine and give advice re posture and exercise that might help. 

Why can't you have oestrogen now? If you had hysterectomy then there is no reason to stop oestrogen unless there are health reasons e.g. breast cancer? DG x


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2018, 11:36:45 PM »

Ive always been a headache suffered and peri brought them daily.  They became less frequent since post but I'm in a phase of them now and have a nasty one right now


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2018, 01:39:48 AM »

Ladies so appreciate all your posts of your individual experiences, it does help to know that I am not alone, much as I wouldn't wish these on anyone!

I can't have hrt due to estrogen and progesterone sensitive BC 3yrs ago and phytoestrogens plus certain herbs are also off limits :'( 

I had neurology apt recently and he just put it down to tension headaches I know what a tension headache feels like >:( 
Kathleen I hope u r right and they just go, it would be like winning the lottery!

I take daily magnesium which although hasn't helped me,  it could help one of you?  Annie can I ask how many years post are you?

Thinking of you all
St x


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2018, 08:47:34 AM »

I had a hysterectomy years ago but blood tests showed Post at age 48, so 3 years ago x


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2018, 09:29:21 AM »

Hi sweettooth

Sorry to hear you had BC and hope you have good health now.  I ve got faulty BRCA2 gene mutation and use oestrogel following ovaries being removed.  However guidelines for ladies like me say we should stop this around age 52 although USA say 55 as a max.  I tend to look to USA /Australia / Canada for guidance and latest research.

Magnesium generally has better absorption if applied to skin, I use Better You magnesium spray,  I also believe in benefits good nutrition and find the site Food fir breast helpful for info and studies.  I also read a book Anti Cancer a new way of life by Dr David Servan Schreiber which was infirmative and inspiring.

Hope the headaches ease off soon.

Enjoy weekend




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Re: Headaches
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2018, 10:51:12 AM »

sweettooth - so sorry you've had BC - so tough you can't have some oestrogen.   
To be told you simply have ‘tension headaches' is really not helpful.  When I went to my GP about headaches they just wanted me on Amitriptyline - which I did try but gave me nasty side effects.

I personally think there are so many reasons for these really nasty headaches - make you feel your head is in a vice and literally sap all ones energy. I listed some of my thoughts in my previous post.
As you are getting these headaches daily, I would seek the advice from a physio or osteopath who may find you have something trapped in your back or neck that could be the cause. It might be worth considering acupuncture as well?

Do take some Vitamin D if you are not already taking it - vital for so many reasons. Low mood, low energy, lowered immune system etc. are all symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency.  My brother-in-law is an eminent gastroenterologist and recommends that everybody take vitamin D through winter months or even year round if you don't get enough sunshine. 
Can you build more fun into your life and have you tried Mindful Meditation for when you feel low?  Joining a dance class can be fun, relieves stress and lifts the mood greatly. Brisk walks tend to lift my headaches and mood - but I'm lucky as I live near the coast with lovely walks for me and the dog. It is often small life changes that can make a big difference.  DG x


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2018, 03:34:30 AM »

Thank you for your helpful kind posts -

Annie, I think I will get my bloods done to see where I am at!

Linsey, I am doing well apart from Meno probs, sorry re your gene discovery but hopefully you will be fine.  My diet was good, no alcohol, no cigs and 5 sisters all much older than me BC free so far, I used hrt for 12yrs but who knows? there are women who live an unhealthy lifestyle that never get BC so it's a lottery, I still look after myself but I don't get hung up on food thing too much but I will certainly have a peek at your rec site thank you! Can I ask do you have relatives who had BC?

DG, I was given amitryp also and but didn't like its affects.  I went to a chiropractor years ago, also went for acupuncture but didn't help!  In all these years the only time I got rid of heads was attending a medical herbalist  but it ended up severely irritating my stomach and causing heavy gynae bleeding so I had to stop!! he did tell me it was all hormonal. I started vit D a while ago so I will make sure I keep that going, I think I do need to build a bit more fun into my life, I envy your lovely walks by the sea u lucky duck🐥

Hope we all get headache free someday soon xxx


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2018, 10:01:02 AM »

Hi sweettooth

You are right it is a lottery

Yes one aunt had cancer of womb at 50 then breast cancer at 60 she us still with us now aged 70
Another aunt had ovarian cancer at 62 and lost her battle very recently.
My cousin was treated at age 44 for prostrate cancer and so far so good.
They were all BRCA2 positive

My father and another aunt are BRCA2 mutation as well and are 72 and 65 respectively with no cancer issues

Many of my cousins have the gene and receive annual mri /mamo / pelvic ultrasound / CA125 tests / consultant checks.  However some refuse to be tested which i find odd as they even refuse to attend genetic clinics which would allow access to this additional screening.  My view is forewarned is forearmed burying your head in the sand for something that could end your life prematurely wasnt an option i could live with.

Guidance is to have either ovaries out or mastectomies at least 10 years before the first case in the family. I had womb out at 43 for gynae reasons / ovaries out at 44 / double mastectomy and reconstruction at 47.  Even with hrt my risk is still less than than the average women we are also only allowed a low dose which means i also have symptoms but one day i will have to go cold turkey.

I feel fortunate that i know about gene but always correct people when they say you are brave - I reply im not brave i made these choices because of fear of the alternative its people who go thru cancer treatments that are brave and its true.

The breast and gynae consultant both said i could try venaflexine re flushes if required but i havent needed it yetmi dont know if thats an option you could try.

Take care

« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 10:03:22 AM by Linsey44 »


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2018, 06:29:46 PM »

Linsey it still is a massive dilemma when you are given the results!! no one really knows what they would do in that position until it happens but it is definitely no good burying ones head in the sand!  You have made in my mind brave decisions and peace of mind to a large extent is your reward!

I am on venlafaxine for quite some time since start of peri but I am going to talk with go again as my moods are so up and down!

Thanks again Linsey for all your help

Stooth xx