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Author Topic: Hello  (Read 3564 times)


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« on: January 10, 2018, 05:59:32 PM »

Hi just wanted to say hi and praise you all on a great forum! a friendly atmosphere and knowledgeable, such a lucky find :)

I'm 49 yrs been peri for probably 2 years and have very recently had a partial abdominal hysterectomy for huge fibroids removing tubes but keeping ovaries and cervix! Besides recovery which is slow but hopefully steady I've hit a brick wall of menopause sysmptoms and really would love your guidance on best way forward.

I have a hormone blood test booked for next week to see if the ovaries have kicked in yet so once I have the results back I'll start a new thread!

Really looking forward to being part of such a wonderful community!  :bouncing: :bouncing:


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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2018, 06:12:05 PM »

Hi Smitten





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Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2018, 06:17:19 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM Smitten

Recovering from any surgery can be tough, to then have flushes etc hit, that makes things even tougher. Even if your ovaries start to work again, at your age, a low dose of HRT would probably help.
Hopefully appropriate HRT will be prescribed soon. Keep us posted. DG x


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Re: Hello
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2018, 08:30:58 PM »

Hi Smitten


Good to have you on board and await your updates....the great news is that taking HRT will be easy for you without the dreaded progestogen, so in your position I would not hesitate - if you are experiencing menopausal symptoms? Flushes and sweats? If your periods were irregular and your cycles very variable before you had your hysterectomy then at your age you don't need blood tests to determine your menopausal status if you are experiencing the classic symptoms (of flushes and sweats). It is good to have a general check-up though at this point and it would be good to have the  hormonal tests as a reference - but not necessarily to determine whether HRT is permitted. Once you have fully recovered then lifestyle measures (diet, weight, exercise etc) will be an important part of your post-menopausal health.

Wishing you well in your recovery :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2018, 02:01:30 PM »

Thank you the welcomes and information  :)

Periods before is tricky due to the fibroids they were extremely heavy most of the time and much longer periods, I was at one stage having 2 periods a month  :(

I didn't appear to have flushes as such but can feel uncomfortable in the heat, other symptoms I have which I assume are most either peri or post related are:

Tingling in fingers and toes
Achy joints, so painful at times
A kind of internal tremor sensation, so weird
Insomnia this is hideous at the moment but I guess it could be worse after surgery
Nausea feelings
Headaches although not as often as previous
Crashing fatigue, this currently is really awful I assume could either be post op or meno
Awful sensitivity to sound, has anyone else had this?
Sore breasts

These tend to come and go through the month and generally at varying levels.

They're checking thyroid and full blood count too, I've recently had vit D and iron tested as ive struggled with those, this time last year my d level was 7 and that together with fibroids, iron and folate deficiencies had a huge impact on my health.

Normally I am very active, Pilates is my favorite exercise and my diet is pretty good too.

Am I correct in saying you still don't need progesterone even if you have your cervix? I wanted to check as my surgeon referred to the cervix as lower womb a few times. Last year I was prescribed Esmya I had such an horrendous time on it I am dubious about taking tablets as such, if it was beneficial to my health I'd certainly be open to patches or gell? I've read estrogen protects the heart, bones and can prevent alziemers is this true? Really like so many I just want to feel well again.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post :)


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Re: Hello
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2018, 02:05:44 PM »

 Sorry I meant to say I also tried Gederal briefly and that didn't appear to agree with me.


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Re: Hello
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2018, 03:19:47 PM »

Smitten - it's sounds as though you have had a very tough time generally and many of your symptoms could be the fall out from everything before the operation and then coping with the recovery from the surgery.

When you next see your specialist, I would write all you symptoms and questions down so you don't forget anything. 
Your ovaries may still be functioning a bit and this may cause the sore breasts and some of the other symptoms. Once they have ruled out thyroid problems and any vitamin or mineral deficiencies, hopefully then they will discuss HRT with you - I would ask about HRt anyway, so they cover that when looking at options.
It sounds to me as though you are still in recovery from everything.  Take care of yourself.  DG x


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Re: Hello
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2018, 03:29:37 PM »

Hello Smitten and welcome to the forum.

Your range of symptoms have certainly featured in many threads on this site so you are going to fit right in lol!

I never experienced the drenching sweats that some women have instead I have a flushed face along with internal shaking and general body quivering and queasyness. It's as if a big flush wants to develop but is stuck!  You may be the same and never ' graduate ' to huge flushes but a hormone treatment would still be of benefit.

Hopefully you'll soon find an HRT regime that suits you, in the meantime take care and keep posting.



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Re: Hello
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2018, 02:23:33 PM »

Thank you so much for the replies, it really makes all the diffrerence to know you read my ramblings lol

I'm unfortunately not seeing the NHS surgeon or a gynocologist consultant anymore, when being sent home from hospital I was told that's it, if I have issues to go to my GP  :-\ a was quite taken back after major surgery!

It's a long story but in short when I had all these deficiencies last year the gps wouldn't listen, being a pretty healthy person I knew something was not right and after several GP appts we got some private blood tests done in desperation and bingo! At this point I felt so ill I've never experienced anything like it, I honestly thought I was seriously ill with a fatal illness.

I moved to a different GP practice and it's so much better I showed my results and was prescribed the necessary. After research on the vitamin d council I discovered I needed magnesium and K2 mk7 so I purchased those.

It's been a bumpy road but I've learnt it's down to me to take control of my health and if I think somethings not right it's probably not.

Ia have no idea how the GP HRT guidance will go so I hope it's ok to run things past you all and get your experience and advice? If need be I may have to have a consultation with someone privately but if I can do without financially they would be better. At the end of the day though health comes first.

Thank you for listening xxx



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Re: Hello
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2018, 02:27:23 PM »

Smitten, that was a very low vit d level, I assume your gp treated it? 

Your symptoms all sound horribly familiar.  Poor sleep has a huge impact and definitely makes many symptoms worse, well it did for me.  Still trying to find the answer to that one!

It's awful isn't it 3am this morning, if you fall asleep pretty much ok but wake up early does that indicate a estrogen deficiency do you think? I suppose if we knew the answer to that we wouldn't have insomnia lol


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Re: Hello
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2018, 02:29:18 PM »

Hello Smitten and welcome to the forum.

Your range of symptoms have certainly featured in many threads on this site so you are going to fit right in lol!

I never experienced the drenching sweats that some women have instead I have a flushed face along with internal shaking and general body quivering and queasyness. It's as if a big flush wants to develop but is stuck!  You may be the same and never ' graduate ' to huge flushes but a hormone treatment would still be of benefit.

Hopefully you'll soon find an HRT regime that suits you, in the meantime take care and keep posting.


It's a relief to know the internal shaking may be meno rather than something really serious I was pretty concerned about that especially once the palpitations kick in too! ::)


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Re: Hello
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2018, 12:32:31 AM »

Thanks for replying to my first post and I did check out your first post too and yes our symptoms are very similar.  I suppose I thought that it couldnt be anything menopausal because I dont have hot flushes, night sweats but I do get flinching arms and legs (like restless legs but arms too), so maybe that is related too. I have fibroids too.  I'm going to see GP tomorrow and hopeful after you lovely people have reassured me that it is the right thing to do.  Anyway hope you get sorted soon and let us know how you get on and it will be interesting to see if we get similar treatment for similar symptoms.


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Re: Hello
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2018, 04:02:17 PM »

Hi :) oh goodness yes I had all sorts of twinges and tingles in my arms and legs, still do!

I'm sorry to hear you have those pesky fibroids :( My fibroids grew huge, the largest water Mellon size :( so those added a huge range of additional symptoms. I agree it feels awkward seeing the GP but I think you know yourself better than anyone and when somethings not right they need to take it seriously. I changed surgery in the end and I'm so glad I did.

I know exactly how helpless it can feel when you feel not listened too especially when you feel so ill. I hope you've had a better experience today xxxx

I honestly do feel the ladies here will offer lots of wisdom and support it seems a wonderful community with caring and generous people giving up their spare time xx