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Author Topic: Stopped angeliq need patch advice?  (Read 904 times)


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Stopped angeliq need patch advice?
« on: January 01, 2018, 11:44:32 AM »

Happy new year 😊
I was on angeliq but wasn't getting enough estrogen so the doctor said try estroderm 25 patch, now I could tell something was bringing me down as I have ME and the tablets were making it worse.

I stopped the tablets Christmas Eve and just put two patches on, but still getting night sweats so added another which fingers crossed will help.
Do I just take the progestrogen tablets (I have some in) with this for so many days?
I also can't work out the amount of estrogen for the patches to angeliq estrogen ect. So I'm basically on 75 micrograms patches just wondering compared to premique high dose ect is this about the same?

Any help would be great thank you? Xx


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Re: Stopped angeliq need patch advice?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2018, 12:30:38 PM »

It's difficult to compare pills with patches - so much depends on absorption.  Transdermal can often absorb better so is therefore more effective. If the flushes are greatly reduced then you have hit the right dose but it can take 3-4 weeks for the body to absorb and respond to the oestrogen - if I were you I would have stuck with 50 mg dose to see how things progress over time and only increase if things didn't settle - ideally you want to be on the lowest dose that help the symptoms. You will need to take the progesterone for 10-12 days each month in the same way as the combined pills did - so 16 days of oestrogen only and then 12 days of progesterone added in. Which progesterone have you been given? DG x


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Re: Stopped angeliq need patch advice?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2018, 01:16:04 PM »

Hi dancingirl
Thank you so much for all the info, I was thinking of calling the doctors and just asking for the 50 patch and still have a tinker see if I can get away with that, I just wanted to try with what I had before going back and her probably say what I'm doing.
I'm full of cold so the night sweats when it's so cold are horrible as sheets, Jim jams ect are soaked and oh course I feel drained when I wake up.

Thank you once again as very helpful xxx