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Author Topic: Worry, Bleeding, HRT, Mirena coil and Prolapse  (Read 1358 times)


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Worry, Bleeding, HRT, Mirena coil and Prolapse
« on: January 02, 2018, 12:05:43 PM »

I'm new to this forum and was wondering if anyone has any advice:

I had two children at 38 years and 42 years - Before I had my last child, I had a blood test to check my fertility and was told I was perimenapausal, however I managed to conceive and gave birth to a large bouncing baby!

Afterwards I developed a cystocele prolapse - I have managed this over the years with pelvic exercises and a pessary silicone cube which I put in and remove myself - I found before a period my prolapse and bladder control would get worse but the nurse said this was the weight of the blood in my womb pushing down on everything.

My periods stopped around Dec 2013 and my prolapse improved slightly but in Oct 2015 nearly two years later I had a major heavy period. I was given a scan and all was ok (my mind is a little rusty but I think this was the time I saw a follow up consultant who said I still had follicles on my ovaries)

However by the Dec my flushes and night sweats came back and I just couldn't take it any longer and asked my GP for HRT.

She was unsure what to put me on and said it was a bit of trial and error but as I had no period for two years apart from the one heavy one she put me on Evoril Conti 50 - This was fine for some time but I had a couple of incidents with lightish breakthrough bleeding and had a few scans but all was ok

In May 2017 I had an on off breakthough bleed that stop / started over three weeks.
My GP referred me for a scan and all was ok but they decided to follow it through with a hysteroscopy - The consultant nurse at the time said I had obviously had my own oestrogen surge which had contributed to this and perhaps I should be on a sequential patch

Due to holidays / cancellations etc. I had my hysteroscopy in Oct just gone. However in the August prior, I started getting terrible night sweats and flushes again. I mentioned this at my hysteroscopy appointment and they decided to refer me to the Menopause Clinic.

During my hysteroscopy procedure, they said all was ok, I did have blood vessels in my womb which could indicate that I still had activity (period wise) but this could be the HRT.

Whilst waiting for the Menopause Clinic appointment, I just couldn't cope with the flushes and night sweats so having spoken to others who have done this, I doubled my patches - After a couple of weeks this definitely improved things and I felt normal again.

I saw the Consultant at the Menopause clinic early December. I got the feeling he hadn't really read my notes and just said to stop the bleeding and protect my womb, the best solution was the Mirena coil.
I was a bit apprehensive about this with my prolapse, I really didn't want anything evasive - I asked for literature but he just said I didn't use literature for doubling up on my patches and they were invasive. I pretty much felt pushed into the option of the coil as he suggested no alternative and he just said if I didn't have it I'd have to keep having 'invasive' hysteroscopies.

He also said that although the hysteroscopy all looked ok the biopsy sample hadnt worked and I would have to have a repeated hysteroscopy.
When I agreed to the coil (under duress) he said during the next hysteroscopy, if my womb looked thin and ok, they wouldnt bother with the biospy but implant it then!

I came away rather upset and decided to see my GP - She had concerns like myself not about the coil and my prolapse but my pessary cube as it is placed high up and has a lot of suction to stay in place. (my head was in such a turmoil at Meno Clnic I did not ask consultant about the cube and coil, I asked about prolaspe and he said it was ok)

She said if I hadn't had a bleed since May 2017, then I really didn't need the coil, it was for women who bleed all the time.
I told her I was doubling up on patches and she said, she would investigate the best HRT solution for me and let me know but she did not have a problem with me doubling up for now.

She tried to ring me and I have tried to ring her but we kept missing each other and I thought all was going ok and not urgent. However around mid December I started to have worse bladder control and prolapse problems like I use to get before a period. On the 16th December I decided to half my extra patch and just use one and a half as I though perhaps using 2 patches was causing these problems.

That same day I had a breakthrough bleeding and period like pains which lasted a few days. With the kids off school, family visiting and Christmas commitments, I decided I'd sort it out later in New Year.

However on 30th December I then started to bleed again, this time much more heavily like a real period with fresh blood and stomach and back ache again.
At first I thought it might be reducing my patches to one and a half. I am still bleeding and last night I had terrible night sweats so perhaps the one and a half patches is not working but don't want to go back to two patches as perhaps this is what has caused the bleeding.

I am trying to contact my GP but cant get through but I don't know how to move forward and whats the best solution - I can't cope without HRT as I get terrible flushes and sweats (my mum is 72 and she still gets hot flushes so we seem to be inflicted badly)

Obviously I am worried sick about this bleeding but having had a hysteroscopy that all looked fine two months ago, I keep trying to reassure myself.
My GP has previously said she doesn't think I should go on sequential patches but I wonder if the extra oestrgen is just triggering my body into bleeding and perhaps I would be better on it? The nurse at my last scan said I am just one of those people whose body just doesnt follow the rules ie. a period after two years!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Worry, Bleeding, HRT, Mirena coil and Prolapse
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2018, 12:35:53 PM »

Just wanted to welcome you marmite.

My first thought is that by reducing your patch this has triggered the bleed as it is the withdrawal of progesterone which causes this. You obviously do need to get the HRT dosage sorted out and I'm sure someone will be along soon with more knowledge and advice.

My prolapses worsened very quickly when I had to come off HRT for a while by the way.

You will find lots of support on here.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Worry, Bleeding, HRT, Mirena coil and Prolapse
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2018, 12:54:54 PM »

Thanks Taz,
I was thinking that too, its just I had a lighter bleed that started the actually day I reduced my patch and was wondering if it could happen that quickly.
I had sore breasts and period prolapse symptoms before I reduced the patch, I stupidly thought reducing it would alleviate those symptoms, which it has but also brought on full blown period!

Marmite x


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Re: Worry, Bleeding, HRT, Mirena coil and Prolapse
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2018, 04:12:02 PM »

Hi marmite - I didn't realise you had also posted here as have been busy with Christmas and family for a while (still am!) and I answered on your other thread....

Hurdity x


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Re: Worry, Bleeding, HRT, Mirena coil and Prolapse
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2018, 04:25:18 PM »

Thanks Hurdity
As I am new to this forum, I accidentally posted originally on the Alternative Therapies Thread but then realised it was wrong thread, deleted it and posted it on this one instead.
So unfortunately did not see your response. If you have any advice, suggestions, I would really appreciate it.


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Re: Worry, Bleeding, HRT, Mirena coil and Prolapse
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2018, 04:50:33 PM »

No problem about posting in the wrong place - but your post hasn't been deleted and nor has my reply (made earlier this afternoon!)  so if you go to that section (Alternatives) you will see what I said in case it's helpful :)

Hurdity x