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Author Topic: Bloody hormones!  (Read 3346 times)


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Re: Bloody hormones!
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2017, 06:39:04 AM »

Shellb, thanks for your reply You sound so like me! Out of interest, do you work? I find I'm fine most of the time at work, but sometimes lack focus Paisley, it's interesting that you have tried lots of HRT! This is why I'm scared to try it in case it makes me feel worse x


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Re: Bloody hormones!
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2017, 08:19:23 AM »

Hi Sammas,
Yes, I work full time in further education, it can be tough!
As for the HRT, try it, give it chance to work, decide if you feel better or not, you can always stop it if you don't like it.


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Re: Bloody hormones!
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2017, 09:03:27 AM »

Hi there I've been on hrt for around 7 weeks now,I'm 60 with no womb so just needed Estrogen.i started on Premarin for first 4 weeks which gave me terrible backaches and headaches but did improve a few other things.on dr curries advice after chatting by email I switched to evoril 25 patches,I've noticed a huge difference I've not had one single episode of the crippling sweats I used to get not once or twice a day but literally minutes apart they used to completely wreck me my bedding was soaking wet at night then I'd get the chills and hadn't had a proper sleep for around 2 years.the bleeding I had and pain from va was unbearable I could hardly walk some days with it not to mention the Uti,s. I had an early menopause in my 40s then went on hrt in my late 40s for a couple of years when new go said stop which regrettably I did and now realise I shouldn't have as all these things crept up gradually over a five year period being constantly ill,every test under the sun showing nothing terrible black moods anxiety pain you name it.Now I'd say I'm 75% improved not quite there yet but huge difference I'm sleeping like a baby,uncarriage has healed very well no Uti,s for a good 6 /8 months now,no “jiggly” as yet lol it's been 3 years so hopefully that'll happen at some stage I'm still scared in case of any tears again it's taken me so long to heal up down presently on estriol cream twice weekly with nternally and evoril patches as I said and doing well.the one thing I notice is I change the patches on a wed and a Sunday by Saturday I'm starting to feel a bit anxious again and broken sleep so I've got new gp first appointment next week so I'll discuss and see what she suggests I'm hoping I don't have any more battles to get my hrt won't do you any harm to try it for 3 months you may be so glad you did I hope so,good luck and happy new year xx


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Re: Bloody hormones!
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2017, 01:42:12 PM »

Me too, me too. I think the air pressure or the this ' wolf moon' tugging our emotions! Have felt pretty good for weeks; felt lousy and anxiety last 48 hours. Need to switch my brain off. Any ideas?


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Re: Bloody hormones!
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2017, 04:13:21 PM »

 Try one of the meditation apps roseneath.i couldn't do them at first as felt unable to focus on pretty much anything but I persevered and now if I feel or notice my shoulders “up” at my ears I make the effort to drop them and focus on my breathing using these apps either “calm” or “headspace” or go on you tube and you'll find help to get you through the bad times that's what I do now.just keep telling yourself it's hormones messing with your mind and you can ease it honestly.gid luck and have a happy new year xx
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