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Author Topic: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved  (Read 6949 times)


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So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« on: December 13, 2017, 10:58:18 PM »

I moved to the coast a few months ago and saw my new GP today. 
I've not been feeling great with the moving but he said I should stop HRt evorel conti because of my age 60 and take venlafaxine.
I said to him I feel so much better than I did 2 years ago with terrible anxiety and burning bladder problems.  He said he had never heard of the menopause affecting them so badly it must be something else. 
That didn't go well
Hope to hear from you for advice as what to do next
Thank you


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2017, 11:18:35 PM »

Oh dear... Not an encouraging start I agree  ::)

Looks like it might be an idea to go armed with a print out of information you have sourced to help bring your new GP up to date., next time you see him. Failing that, is there another GP in the practice that is more interested in Women's Health?

Have you researched 'menopause symptom diaries' the one I use has a long list of symptoms- a very long list  :)


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2017, 03:30:47 PM »

Get a second opinion.


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2017, 05:41:35 PM »

What a blow vickypk - and you have to either tackle him as Salad says - with up to date information - or find another GP in the practice. He knows nothing about menopause. You do not need to take ADs instead of HRT - how very dare he?!

If you need any links then ask away - but NICE Guidelines are a good start, also the B Menopause Soc statement and recommendations on HRT. I have them somewhere but I'm sure you can find them too let us know if not!

Hurdity x


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2017, 04:28:42 PM »

He's an idiot.

I have never heard someone physically speaking Norwegian, but I do know the language exists.


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2017, 05:07:29 PM »

He's talking rubbish and didn't your GP send your details to the new Surgery?

See if there is another GP Surgery in your area?  Or ring your previous GP and speak to him/her? 

Mary G

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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2017, 06:07:24 PM »

Yet another useless doctor who doesn't know what they are talking about.  I know it should not be necessary but that is the reason so many of us have been forced to seek help privately.  Most of us haven't got the time or the inclination to faff (I was tempted to use another word there) about with a doctor like that and just want to fast track to something that works. 

You were obviously happy with your regime and don't need a new consultation so why not go to a private doctor on a one-off basis and get hold of a private prescription and buy yourself some time?  Some doctors do private telephone consultations if that helps. 


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2017, 07:04:21 PM »

Thank you all so much for your replies.
They are all very helpful.
Mary G - I was looking for a private menopause consultant in Bournemouth or nearby, but I couldn't find anyone.  I'll go to Harley St if I need to.  I just couldn't believe the way he spoke to me, he said you are not in London now, as if he had never heard of anyone have symptoms with the menopause and I felt as if I was mad.  I think why did I ever leave London!
CLKD - I did say to my GP in London before I left would I be able to get the patches at my new surgery, she said I would.
GypsyRoseLee - yep he is an idiot! 
Hurdity - I will take some print outs next time I visit him, that will be soon as he only gave me a prescription for a month.  I am not very confident with doctors.  He went through every risk possible regarding HRT and said it was very dangerous at my age, to offer me venlafaxine instead, I said to him why you offering me an anti depressant. 
Salad - Thanks I will take printouts next time I visit.

Not knowing now if I will get HRT from that GP has made me feel really down and fed up. I came out of the consultation with him saying I need to get some counselling, because he said reacting the way I did when he might not continue HRT wasn't normal.  The thought of not being able to get the patches and the symptoms I had before, I just feel like giving up with everything.  I'm sorry I ever moved here. 
Thank you xx

Mary G

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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2017, 07:38:31 PM »

vickypk, not only is this bloke an idiot, he is an idiot with an enormous chip on his shoulder by the sound of it.

Dare I suggest you ring Professor Studd's office in London?  He does telephone consultations and will write you a prescription.  Alternatively, there must be some private GPs around who will give you a telephone consultation and prescription for a fee?  Have you tried contacting the online pharmacies, they offer private prescriptions I believe.  How much HRT have you got left? 

Despite the new NICE guidelines, this problem comes up on here time and time again. 


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2017, 08:03:59 PM »

Thank you Mary G
The Dr was male and in his 40s, not sure how he would know what it is like to have menopause symptoms.
I went in feeling great I came out feeling like a mad woman who needed help!  I had to look at the screen with him for about 10 minutes with him going through every single risk of HRT and then he said your family would't be too happy with me if I hadn't told you the risks.  I just couldn't believe it.  Then he said I am surprised the GP in London was still prescribing this at your age.  I know anti depressants help a lot of people but why take me off the patches and put me on an AD.

I have looked at those on-line pharmacies before but have never used them, I will have a look at those thanks.  I've got about 6 weeks worth now, that will give me time to sort something out.




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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2017, 08:27:34 PM »

What an absolute disgrace vickypk. He really does need a dressing down from an army of meno ladies. He might not be so smug then. Does he not have a mother or maybe they are a family that just do not discuss stuff. Shame on him to discount your present regime with no background on you at all. Most surgeries have more than one go in the practice and you can go to any of them within the oractice so take a look at their website and see what they specialise in and maybe you will have someone less feckless than a smug youngster. Good luck


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2017, 09:22:49 PM »

Thank you Herdwick.
I'll have to look for a lady GP in that practice, don't know if I can face him again.  Like a lot of ladies on this site we have been through a lot just to feel a bit better and when you encounter someone like that it is unbelievable.   


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2017, 08:00:25 PM »

He is absolutely old school! Sounds a bit like my GP ( whom I now refuse to see). She told me I shouldn't be on HRT as I was over 60 and "it can only lead to cancer and let's hope it hasn't already" ( I went to her with pelvic pain). She made several of my neighbours come off it (in their 60's) and now they are suffering.

There is no need to go privately - (although I can't blame you if you do - given your treatment) - I do feel that we women need to do our bit in educating doctors and GP practices from the bottom up - to complement the work of Dr Currie, other specialist gyanes and the British Menopause Society. If you live in Dorset or Hampshire or Bournemouth - there is an NHS menopause clinic in Poole led by Mr Tim Hillard (I presume it still runs) - so if your practice is not playing nor providing you with what you need then I would ask to be referred there (as long as you are given HRT in the meantime while waiting for your appt).

Do not despair and as for his comments about counselling - HE IS NOT NORMAL!!!!

I hope you manage to get sorted without having to go through private channels and buying meds online. Don't forget this is your right - to have the correct treatment free - apart from the prescrption cost if you're under 60 or on benefits.

You could always do an e-mail consultation with Dr Currie (costs £25 - go to Home Page) citing your doc's reason for taking you off HRT ( risks etc) and ask her if you should stop - and then at least you can take her reply to your ( hopefully different) doc!

Do let us know how you get on ....

Hurdity x


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2017, 09:18:39 PM »

Ring your other GP and tell her that you have been refused treatment.  Ask if she can send you the prescription to se you through for a few months until you source another Surgery!


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Re: So upset today - saw new GP as I have moved
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2017, 09:29:48 PM »

Thanks for your reply Hurdity.
It has upset me a lot with this GP, I didn't expect that.  He just tried to scare me into stopping telling me all the risks.   My GP in London was lovely she was so understanding.  It is a shame we have to go through this sort of thing, I hope in the future GPs get better educated about the menopause.  I am speaking to the GP next week again as I want to make sure he is going to give me the prescriptions for the patches in the future.
I had a look at the consultant you suggested Dr Tim Hillard, he is quite close to me thanks.
I don't really want to buy meds on line as I would never be sure if they are okay.
I will let you know how I get on 
Vicky x
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