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Author Topic: Help and advice  (Read 1654 times)


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Help and advice
« on: December 09, 2017, 09:47:51 AM »

Hi everyone,

I have found this forum really helpful so I am posting with a few questions and to get some support.

This is such a bewildering time in my life.

After a hideous month/6 weeks of anxiety brought on (I think) by 4 months on Evorel Sequi (and the norehistine in it) my GP had prescribed Estrogel one pump and ultrogestan 100 mg tablets. I stopped Evorel Sequi (the Conti bit) 2 weeks ago after my final patch. Could it still be coming out of my system?

My second question is how many of the ultrogestan do I take and which days of my cycle? The packaging says (insert two at night) but my GP said to take them orally (and I can't remember what days of the cycle).

I will try and contact my Gp next week but any advice would be really appreciated.

Also, I am feeling a bit brighter and I think my mood has started to lift (possibly with the help of amitriptyline 30 mgs). I still feel anxious though especially yesterday and bit this morning. It's just not like me. I worked hard through therapy and a daily mindfulness practice to get to a place where I felt grounded, safe and at ease.

Perimenopause has thrown this in the past two years and I didn't expect HRT to make me feel worse. I hope the new regime works for me. I really need a break.

I am pretty anxious about starting ultrogestan so will be back on here when I do for support. Of course I am trying not to project and anticipate problems but it's not always easy.

I feel so sad to have lost a really important part of who I am. I cry so easily now and feel vulnerable and very sensitive.

I have great support around me but I am still sad that this is happening. I am off work due to my symptoms and was hoping to go back in a week or so. I love my job and miss it but need to feel more robust to do it.

As I have said before and seen others say; I just want my life back.

I am starting counselling soon and have been doing cbt. I exercise, meditate and eat very healthily. No caffeine, little sugar and no alcohol. Sounds a bit boring but I'll do anything to help support my body at this time!

Final question. Are headaches the most common side effect with Ultrogestan? I am not likely to get more anxious am I?! Impossible question to answer no doubt but I am seeking reassurance at a time when so much is changing.

Is that why they call it ‘The Change'?!

Thank you for listening.


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Re: Help and advice
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2017, 08:46:16 PM »

Hi Mindfulmoomins - so glad you are finding the forum helpful!

I answered your question about utrogestan -  which you already asked on this thread:,38151.0.html . If there is anything I haven't explained clearly there then do ask again - I do write in a bit of a hurry as just snatching a few moments to catch up!

Not sure about coming out of your system - the prog should clear quite quickly from your system although some of the cellular changes may take a while to reverse - not sure about this. However if you are peri-menopausal then your own hormones will still be fluctuating so there will be times when you still feel down. Hopefully with the help of HRT the dips will be minimsed and together with other strategies you mention (mindfulness) you will be able to ride through it until your hormones eventually stabilise.

Try not to be anxious about taking the utrogestan - did you say you might try it vaginally? Any sdie effects are pretty personal - I do get headaches sometime but so far this cycle ( I'm on about the 7th day of 14) I haven't so it's actually different each time. The main thing is to feel better more of the time while taking HRT than when not taking it - but it is not the all-encompassing miracle cure even though it is amazing! Like you say you need to do other things as well as mindfulness - diet, exercise, sleep, lifestyle etc to put yourself on the right road for all those hopefully healthy years ahead! You are doing the right thing - not boring at all!!

Crying is normal when peri-menopausal - I'm not sure where I said this recently but if you are on the right dose of HRT crying will gradually get less - I cried buckets when peri-menopausal - and wasn't on HRT, and still carried on initially after I'd started because my own hormones were still surging. However this doesn't mean I was deporessed nor anxious nor needing medication for it - my hormones were just affecting me and turning the tap on! Go with it if you can and please don't worry - there is nothing wrong with you ( hopefully) but a bit of hormonal turmoil - which seems enormously debilitating when it's happening - but these things will pass and a new calm and serene you (if that's what you want) will emerge!!

I do hope you feel sufficiently better soon to return to work - because, despite the flushes (until HRT sorted them out) I found that far better than the prospect of lying around the sofa mopping my brow for months to come...but don't go back to work though until you feel up to it.

Wishing you all the best with your new regime :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Help and advice
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2017, 10:10:51 PM »

Thank you Hurdity.

I'm so sorry I can't find where you answered my question about ultrogestan. I am not great at retaining things at the present. If you wouldn't mind copying and pasting i'd be really grateful.

Small things like this seem overwhelming at times.

I so hope I can get on a more even keel. Your message gives me hope. X


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Re: Help and advice
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2017, 08:46:23 AM »

Hi there - Mindfulmoomins - here is my reply. As sparkle says you just click on the link in my reply and will take you to the other thread. Alternatively just go to All Things Menopause ( the section where you have been posting) and just go back to the next page and you will see your previous topic :). It does take a while to get used to how it works!!

Hi Mindfulmoomins

re the label - did you specifically ask for vaginal progesterone and are you in UK? If your GP has prescribed it like this then that's great - but it's off licence. However research shows that MORE not LESS progesterone gets to the uterus when used vaginally compared the equivalent dose taken orally so just go ahead as instructed. The instructions for vaginal application on the printed material will usually only be with the 200 mg caspules used for fertility.

The licensed oral dose is the same as for vaginal - 200 mg for 12 days - and this is what you should start with (although personally I have never taken it orally - being nil-by-mouth when it comes to HRT!). Two weeks is not necessary as you will see here: unless eg you have had problems with bleeding or fiborids etc which means that doc wants you to take a full two weeks?

Once you know how your uterus behaves under this regime you may be able to work with your doc to reduce the dose somewhat or lengthen your cycle (if you are post-menopausal or nearly so).

Good luck, try not to be nervous, don't anticipate problems and let us know how you get on :)

Hurdity x

Hope this is what you are looking for but do ask again if not :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Help and advice
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2017, 09:57:10 AM »

Oh my goodness thank so much! I had clicked on the link and read through but couldn't find it. I am so grateful for your patience!!

I am not in a good place this morning and you've really helped me.

Hurdity, I have been prescribed ultrogestan orally so it was a mistake on the packaging I assume ( to say ‘insert at night'). I haven't had bleeding or fibroids so I will take it for 12 days 200mg.



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Re: Help and advice
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2017, 09:11:12 AM »

Hi Mindfulmoomins

I'm not clear what you mean by what it says on the packaging. Do you mean the printed information from the phamacy with your name on or the general information provided with the medication? I ask because there are two preparations of utrogestan - the 100 mg which is used for HRT - generally taken orally (although many use it vaginally) , and the 200 mg which is now only used for fertility - and only used vaginally. Your doc I see has prescribed 100 mg but if it's his/her instructions then maybe s/he is familiar with the vaginal type and directed you to use it in this way. I wouldn't worry though - if you want to use it orally ( the licensed way) then do so, but if you would rather take it vaginally then also do so!

Let us know how you get on....

Hurdity x