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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Angeliq  (Read 1507 times)


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« on: December 01, 2017, 06:04:00 AM »

I'm only going into third week but had a horrendous migraine come on yesterday, I felt really sick and now getting brain Zaps, I feel awful and changed three times in the night as getting night sweats horrendous being wet with sweat and cold.
I'm really worried as feel so weird think I'm going to have to stop as this is not normal xx


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Re: Angeliq
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2017, 05:04:15 PM »

Hi Butterfly
I've been on Angeliq for 5 months now,the first 10 days were pretty bad on my stomach but it settled and I felt really good, my skin got so soft and my hair very shiny but the last few days I've had spells of feeling really low, lasts maybe a few hours then I feel ok again I really like Angeliq but if my low mood returns I may have to try something else (this is the 3rd hrt I've been on).
I've only heard of brain zaps in people who are withdrawing from anti depressants, are you taking any AD's? as this seems to be a common side effect if not it could be migraine.
I really thought Angeliq was the answer to my low moods and will be so disappointed if I have to stop it as I felt happy and back to my old self on it.
There are a lot of nasty viruses around at the moment causing headaches and nausea I'd give it a bit longer if you can bear it, it took 3 weeks for my sweats to go when I started hrt over a year ago and I am flush free now  ;D
Hope you feel better soon


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Re: Angeliq
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2017, 10:25:47 AM »

Hi Marie
Thank you so much for your reply, I have been really forgetful lately and seems to be since starting this HRT, and I only noticed last night I'd missed 3 tablets I take on Thursday its venlafaxine, infacrt its left me absolutely petrified as really felt like something was seriously wrong and I no these are hard to come off.
I had awful sweats all night bad dreams, brain zaps, shaking and could hardly stand up but they are helping my mood, I've been on them over a year now.
I hope your angeliq works for you, I also have ME so finding HRT is a nightmare, I no when something isn't good for me I get really bad leg pains and been having this too on angeliq, I'm having a few days off it then will start again.
Thanks for your support Marie xxx


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Re: Angeliq
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2017, 03:36:46 PM »

You're welcome Butterfly  :)
It seems missing a few days of venlafaxine could be making you feel so bad especially the brain zaps as I've read the withdrawals are pretty bad for some people, it's more likely to be that than the Angeliq.
I'm very reluctant to take any AD's because of side effects and then having to taper them very slowly if I want to come off them. My low moods are definitely hormonal and can last up to 3 weeks then I'm fine again.
Angeliq is a low dose tablet so maybe I need something higher who knows, the doctors are pretty clueless when it comes to hrt and I've had to ask for what I want after doing my own research.
I hope things improve for you.  As I've said I've been great on Angeliq until a few days ago when the dreaded low mood returned,praying it won't last too long!
Finding the right hrt is indeed a nightmare, I found it brilliant for the flushes but don't know if it can really help with low mood, that only leaves AD's and I really don't want that, hope we get it right at some point :)


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Re: Angeliq
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2017, 04:08:52 PM »

You sound just like me, I have to do the research then go and ask.
To be honest I'm not sure the estrogen is high enough for me as still getting night sweats before I forgot the venlafaxine.
I may see what the doctor says about me taking dianettee pill as took it a few years ago and felt great but had migraines so had to stop, I'm wondering if she would try me on half a tablet.
Fingers crossed we get somewhere as I think I'll end up sectioned if I don't get somewhere soon 😬Xxxx


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Re: Angeliq
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2017, 06:59:01 PM »

Just a thought,but after googling anti depressants in case I am forced to consider taking one (I really hope not) I found a lot of them can cause sweating as a side effect, venlafaxine being one of them maybe that's what's causing the sweats? Seems we can't win ::) take an AD to improve mood but risk side effects or go round in circles trying different hrt's trying to find a solution, could stop taking hrt altogether but I think I'd be sectioned too  ;D


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Re: Angeliq
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2017, 08:57:59 PM »

Even the doctor is like hmmm could be your menopause or depression or ME!! 
Citalapram suited me well for years but stopped being so effective in the end. I'd say don't go for venlafaxine unless last resort!!
Well the way we are going I'll see you in there ha ha!! Just better take the venlafaxine with me 😩xxx