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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Weird dreams!  (Read 35606 times)


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2023, 09:29:01 AM »

Thank goodness I'm not alone  :o

We have frogs in our pond - later this year so there's been a lot of discussion
We spend a lot of time in garden centres and I have a list  ;)
Years ago we lived in part of a Georgian Mansion where there was a long linen line - hence him hanging laundry
The latter couple I am in touch with via e-mail
No idea about the ridge or the tea ceremony though  :-\


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #61 on: March 30, 2023, 07:51:00 PM »

Usually when I sleep in the day I don't dream, however today: my brain 'turned the page' on two dreams that have been running at night so I'm now further forward with both  ::)


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #62 on: April 15, 2023, 02:12:55 PM »

Well where the H*** come from  >:(.  Snakes.  Everywhere.

DH and I have appts for various vaccines this year: in my dream he went in first, being told that the jab would delivered by a thin black snake.  He had to sit completely still as the snake was inserted into a nostril, the action of finding itself in the dark would trigger its fangs.  How the fangs were to be extracted we weren't told  :-\

The next jab was to be given by a python ......... it was HUGE and very pretty, although it had begun to shed its skin which. makes snakes grumpy.  As DH left that room it followed him  :o  :o .  "Next".  Nope, I was well on my way out of there  :o :o :o


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #63 on: May 31, 2023, 08:43:01 AM »

Kittens.  Everywhere - aged from 4 weeks to 8-9 weeks.  No sign of a Mummy Puss.  They were under a hut in our garden; which wasn't here.  I rang various rescue charities to be told that to lodge a kitten for rehoming would cost £3,000 - each  :o.

I'm trying to give you kittens, not buy any  >:(.  The dream went on and on and ........... then there was an Alsation involved, which kept changing age: from adult, to pup, to being growly then pulling on the lead ..........


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #64 on: July 30, 2023, 08:02:50 PM »

Last night I was sorting C.mas baubles.  In July the tree was still decorated  ;D so I had found boxes of all sizes but nothing fitted in the boxes  :o.  There were other incidents in the dream that I could relate to seeing in the day which weaved their way into the boxes of baubles  ;D


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #65 on: August 15, 2023, 01:09:26 PM »

Lego.   ;D

When growing up in the Fens we were familiar with acres of daffs followed by acres of tulips ........ all grown for the bulbs.  As far as the eye could see :-)))  :-* 8)

Daffs to be picked for market, tulip flowers taken apart to use on the Floats for the Spalding Flower Show. 

In my dream I could see lines of colour, disappearing into the horizon  ......... to be told that it was Lego, not tulips  :-\


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #66 on: September 27, 2023, 07:03:33 PM »

Last night: A couple of Asian men sought shelter in our porch as the rain was hammering it down. They were dressed in smart suits, well spoken, on their way somewhere .....  DH was watching a 📺 program and didn't seem to notice when the men moved into the lounge and began talking on mobiles.  Then 5 more Asian men arrived, it was still raining. 

Further along some more people arrived, walked into our dining room [which was twice as large as it really is]; and began a Conference  :-\.  DH continued watching 📺.  He didn't seem aware of what was happening  ::).  I didn't supply tea/coffee etc.  There was more but it's gone from my memory .........


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #67 on: February 15, 2024, 08:17:51 PM »

My brain has been working overtime in recent weeks  ;D

One dream was about camping.  Now I've never dug a pit in which to sleep but I was very busy, digging, digging, digging; to be told that it wasn't deep and wide enough  ::). DH went off to collect leaves ........ but the ground was muddy so I suggested buying a butyl liner [we have a fish pond] to lay in first followed by newspaper then the leaves.

A waterproof frame was to be built to protect from wind/rain/sleet etc..  But no1 could find any bamboo [why ] poles to set it up on.  Now we haven't camped under canvas for over 12 years, having graduated to a camper van  ;D

The other dream ...... involved my Dad who died in 2006.  Boxes.  Packaging.  Emptying, filling, searching ..........



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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #68 on: February 18, 2024, 08:19:36 PM »

The other night: not in this house, but a couple arrived on the door step with their suit cases and 4 dogs.  To stay as they were having a new extension and roof.  NO! we don't do visitors overnight  ;D. We knew them over 40 years ago with no contact since!  How did they know where we live ?

But we suddenly had a spare room next to the utility room so they decided to stay there.  However: [a neighbour had a new laundry machine] : I was struggling with piles of laundry to sort and worried about the noise of the spinner waking up the visitors  ::).  I'm precious about our laundry so when 1 of the couple offered to help sort the laundry  :o  :-[ ..... the dream went on and on and .........  I was knackered when I woke.


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #69 on: April 07, 2024, 11:55:53 AM »

Now of course I have no idea who that couple were  ::)

I've been looking for a Doctor to talk to in my recent dreams ......... my brain is quite depressed  :-\, I think due to lots to do outside but the weather keeps putting a halt to my Plans  >:(.  As well as an extra chore of making up vine weevil killer as every pot inside and out has weevils in  >:(  :-\


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Memory loss [ Weird dreams! ]
« Reply #70 on: April 15, 2024, 03:26:52 PM »

Recently my brain wakes depressed.  Also I am aware of not remembering things ........  :-\

I couldn't remember the word for 'printer cartridges' today.
Recently I saw a Rag Doll cat where I wasn't expecting it: now I can't remember which lane in the village it was.

3 months ago we went to see our GP but I can't remember why.  Recently I ordered meds twice, because I had forgotten that I had taken my repeat script into the Pharmacy.  It goes on ...... but I can't remember what's been bothering me.  It springs to mind that I ought to make an appt with the GP but if he/she did sums tests it wouldn't show anything because I've never been able to add up etc..

Our neighbours go away every 6 weeks, staying in the same Hotel and I can't remember where to  :-\

« Last Edit: April 15, 2024, 03:35:46 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #71 on: April 24, 2024, 01:55:43 PM »

Last night's issues left me distressed until I woke properly.  This week I've been sorting through stuff which has probably triggered as well as seeing a film about Malham Cove which brought back sad memories  :'(

Dorothy Gale

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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #72 on: April 24, 2024, 05:00:53 PM »

Glad I'm not the only one!

Last night I was Ant n' Dec's interior designer!



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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #73 on: April 24, 2024, 06:10:18 PM »

Oh Lucky you!   ;D


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Re: Weird dreams!
« Reply #74 on: May 24, 2024, 08:39:11 AM »

My dreams are getting more and more weird and busy  :-\

Many++ years ago I went to Ikea - never again.  Last night DH and I had parked on a huge area with other vehicles, then followed a long queue towards a derelict set of buildings.  Inside which were stacks of items [as at Costco] as well as small stall holders [like an indoor market mall].  Lots of old brick walls with long corridors of brick pathways.  He kept rushing ahead leaving me with a large carrier bag - a member of staff gave me a huge plastic bag in which to put my bag so that I wouldn't be accused of stealing items.

We walked for miles.  He didn't seem to realise that I was getting left behind in the crowds, so eventually I stood with my back to a tall wall until he returned.  We didn't seem to buy anything  :-\.  At one point I was given a dog which was looking for a new home  :-\  :-\ .  She was very good ........ didn't seem fazzed by the crowds or with different people handling her.  Then she was taken by someone else.

Then we found a huge open patch of sun scorched grass, which led to yet more brick walls  - a bit like walking through Pompeii which is probably where that sprung from.  We walked on and on and ......... then the alarm rang at 7.30 thank goodness.  It's still in my head and I feel knackered. 
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