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Author Topic: Waking often at night  (Read 3262 times)


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Waking often at night
« on: November 15, 2017, 02:08:04 PM »


I just wondered if any of you had managed to beat the wakefulness that seems to come with menopause. I thought HRT - mirena and estrogel - would cure it but it's back in full flare. I go to sleep easily, then wake once or twice for long stints. It's killing me.

I also take herbal tinctures, do acupuncture, don't do caffeine after early afternoon, don't drink.

I wondered whether increasing my estrogel would help. I'm currently on one pump at night because any more and my boobs become so painful and huge!


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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2017, 07:25:44 PM »

Are you waking with flushes or sweats or maybe over-heating? If the oestrogen has eliminated these then this can't be the reason for your waking. I can't really help as I have the opposite problem - I am too sleepy and sleep too deeply nowadays and find it difficult to wake.  Also often tired in the day. Can I swap some of what you've got?! Can you take more exercise so you are physically tired? - not a good idea late in the evening though, but early evening or in the day depending on work commitments?

Is it bladder irritation that is waking you maybe?

Sorry I can't help any further....

Hurdity x


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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2017, 08:22:40 PM »

Hi Hurdity!

Yes, let's do a swap...that sounds perfect!

I've never flushed and I don't have any sweats at the moment. I do hardcore HITT exercise 3 x a week at 6.30am, and run short speed runs 1, 2 times a week plus walk the dog. I don't think I could do much more exercise, to be honest. I'm already doing it while feeling so tired. No, I don't get up to wee. I just WAKE. It's so weird. It's apparently a common meno problem..



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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2017, 08:35:39 PM »

Just a thought, but have you tried applying the Oestrogel in the morning instead of at night? I use 2 pumps in the morning and have no trouble sleeping.

JP x


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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2017, 04:35:44 PM »

Hello Noheroicsplease.

I had this problem at the start of meno and it was so strange.  I was suddenly awake for no reason I could fathom, it was a bit like jet lag when your body decides it's time to wake up even though it's the middle of the night. I wasn't on HRT at the time and as I recall that particular symptom just faded away. Let's hope it's the same for you!

Sorry I can't be of more help. Take care.



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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2017, 06:21:35 PM »

I'm having awful problems with sleep at the moment and not because I'm sweating or anything, I just wake and can't get back off to sleep. The longer I'm awake the more my anxiety kicks in, which then keeps me awake, it's a never ending cycle 😭


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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2017, 08:45:05 PM »

...... and breeeeaaathh ........... I wake in the night for a pee, several trips across the landing to the bathroom.  Sometimes I drop straight off, other nights I lay awake for ages  >:( but I survive!


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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2017, 10:23:47 PM »

Thanks all.

Not sure I quite understand the 'and breathe...' or 'I survive' tip. Of course we all survive, I'm just looking for possible solutions. I have a young child, a demanding job and I want to feel less tired.


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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2017, 11:44:19 PM »

Hi, This happens to me a lot.  I just wake and have on occasion read a whole book in a night sometimes as  I'm awake so long. Hence I'm often posting on this site in the middle of the night!

The only thing I sometimes think is it becomes a habit........when I've really had enough I take something like night nurse, or similar, for a few nights. Sometimes that's enough to get me back into a better sleep pattern for a while.
It always happens again (I've been like this a few years) but just getting a few better nights makes it easier to manage in the day.

Might be worth a try. X



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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2017, 07:34:41 AM »

I am exactly the same.  I have tried relaxation & now I take camomile tea before bed & that does actually help a little. I hate waking up numerous times as you don't feel you have had a good sleep. I also have a 9 year old & have to be up early for him.


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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2017, 07:49:36 AM »

I'm the same Noheroicsplease, last night before bed I put lavender on my pillow, applied Sleepy Balm from Lush, took Vogels Night Time Essence and awake nearly all night. Just when I'm going to drift off a wave of wakefulness comes again which in turn makes me anxious and then I have to pay a visit to the loo (bowels)!?!?  Usually after a couple of nights like this I do sleep but I would like to sleep every night! 🙇🏼‍♀️


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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2017, 11:00:26 AM »

HI noheroicsplease I too am in exactly the same boat. I have a 9 year old and a 13 year old and recently its just being really hard taking care of them due to the endless lack of sleepless nights and having to get up at 7am the next morning and doing it all over again. :'( Im just not a pleasant person to be around and my poor husband is getting the brunt of it all. Im exasperated! I have booked an appointment with my gp to discuss my Fematab 2mg dose as I too have a mirena. The main symptom when all of the perimenopause started two years ago was the insomnia. I did have a d&C, cystoscopy at that time and my gynae was terrific. It just seems to have returned with a vengeance since the start of September. Have you had any joy with the GP with regards the oestrogen dose? I completely understand your situation. I have a great life and would just love to be less tired so I can enjoy it.


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Re: Waking often at night
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2017, 07:26:04 PM »

Hi Noheroicsplease,

this is a really horrible symptom & has been one of the hardest for me, from the start of peri through to 5 years post-meno where I am now, both with & without HRT.  I do wake with night sweats & have a chronic pain condition that disrupts sleep, but also wake for no apparent reason as you describe & then seem to be too alert to get back to sleep.  This can mean lying awake for several hours, usually after about 3:30 am, which seems to be the time my body can't reliably sleep beyond.  Kathleen's jet lag analogy is spot on.  I have enough books on insomnia to stock a small library but I'm sorry to say have yet to find the answer! 

That said, there may well be something that could help if you read around, assuming you haven't yet had time/energy to do this.  If you haven't tried progressive muscle relaxation, some people find this helps them get back to sleep.  Starting at the feet or head, concentrate on relaxing each muscle group as you progress up or down the body. 

Focusing on breathing, as described in meditation programmes, also helps some people - probably because it's so boring!!  Meditation itself, when practised regularly is said to promote restful sleep, but I imagine with a busy life and young child, finding time for this might be very difficult.  There are audio relaxation exercises & meditations specifically for insomnia that you could listen to on an MP3 player when you wake, without disturbing anyone else. 

Some people also find that a balanced calcium-magnesium supplement, the sort you take for bone health, can be very helpful, if this is not contraindicated for you.  There was a TV programme a few months ago in which Michael Moseley also conducted an experiment in which he found regularly taking Bimuno before bed (GOS powder sold as a prebiotic for gut health) really helped his sleep.

I agree with the suggestion to try switching your oestrogen to early morning & the mention of lavender is another helpful one.  I do hope you find a solution & please let us know if you do - I imagine many of us would be very interested!